This fucking idiot. How anyone can listen to him speak, digest it, and come away saying "hell yeah" is beyond me

This fucking idiot. How anyone can listen to him speak, digest it, and come away saying "hell yeah" is beyond me.

Attached: trump_corona.png (1167x656, 1.09M)

He’s a complete fucking moron and a global disgrace.

>This fucking idiot
lost 125k on thursday
make most of it back from this orange freak today
>shut up whore

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School closing sure brought summer here early

Anyone spamming politics here should be shot,

Are you one of them, nigger lovers?

hell yeah trump 2020

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I love Trump

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It's because they're just as fucking retarded as he is


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How does Trump's asshole taste?

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Got 'em!

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this gross fucker should be in jail for what he did

it is not ok to rub shit on people

Christ, if you are going to try to insult someone with a picture, get something that doesn’t look like it was drawn by a 2nd grader with Down’s syndrome.

Not nearly as bad as your echo chamber.

That wasn't drawn, it's a real-life picture of a typical progressive democrat.

How does cleaning up after your gf's boyfriend taste?

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I don't like him, so I don't listen to him. You people who obsessively hate him are far less avoidable, so I hate you more.

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Mocking the electorate seems like a good strategy for getting votes on your side.

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Imagine being such a obsessed retard that you bring this political shit to Yas Forums.

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My wife’s boyfriend went through my phone and found a bunch of log memes, pic related

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giving the cercmstances he's doing alright, going through a bunch of spins coofs then getting talked over I'll give him a 10 for composure

i don't bother listening to him, like nails on a chalk board.

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No wonder he’s going to lose to Bernie in November.

Let the games begin!
Let the illiterate pansies fight each other and the insults fly! Ding a ring ring! This is, if this dumb fight pit of a thread actually gets enough bumps and posts!

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How anyone can listen to him speak, digest it, and come away saying "hell yeah" is beyond me.

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Everyone agrees he’s the worst president in American history.

Let's see a picture of you.

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Can anyone defend trump without trying to compare him to the democrats? As in, say something he did that was good.

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They can't. Trump can't be defended on his own merits. So it's either what-about-ism, or liberal tears.

Yang is the only one I can listen to.

As an outside observer I am absolutely baffeled by how this man can be taken seriously, and have any say at all in how the US is run. Let alone be president.

It's insanity.

Attached: Trump-Derangement-Syndrome.jpg (800x525, 61.56K)

>They can't. Trump can't be defended on his own merits. So it's either what-about-ism, or liberal tears.

See what I mean?

We have a right wing media group that selectively doesn’t report on any of the dumb shit he does and says, and a bunch of people who are convinced that that is the only true source of news. It’s a big problem.

Trump ran on a campaign of trolling and incompetence. Unless the south really is that stupid, in which case holy fuck this country is doomed

Because they recognize their native tongue of Egotisticaldumbfuckese

Boy, if insulting someone means you’re triggered then Trump must be the king of the triggered, huh dumbfuck?

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It's completely insane. Fox News started as a right-wing tabloid-type news entertainment show. It has since become the primary news source for the electorate on the right.

Imagine if the National Enquirer were taken seriously. That's what we're dealing with.


It’s also really difficult to tell when your parents are turning senile.
“Pelosi is stealing my pillows” could be dad going south or a news report he saw earlier.

Economic policy is great, tax cuts, booming economy, new trade deals are great, military fully funded and strongerthan ever.

Dumocrats are hoping to see the coronavirus tank Trump's economy. They are cancer.

Trump get angry every time anyone says something remotely negative about him. He’s the most triggered man on the planet.

The craziest thing is, thats kind of why I voted for him in the first place. It was all just too easy, he was the perfect troll. He came in at the perfect time to shut down that SWJ cancer bullshit. Then he actually won and ran the entire country into the ground.

He appeals to retards, which is why he won the south. He appeals to retards, which is why he won the boomers. He appealed to trolls like me, which is why he won the retards.

Yet all the policies are exactly right.