COVID19 (coronavirus) Stories

COVID19 (coronavirus) Stories

No Rubbing Alcohol
No Hand Sanitizer
No Clorox® Wipes

I just got hamburger buns because the whole bread shelf was blown out.

Luckily I got a bottle of Jack.

Not worried about toilet paper. I can wash my ass.

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that's not really a story OP

thats a fucking awesome story OP


>*goes to any store right now*
>*water isle literally looks like OP's pic*
>*looks over at sparkling water water isle*
>*it's fucking full*

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Fucking lol

My private practice all but died. They think I have the plague or something. The number of cases is rising steadily but people fancy themselves in that Contagion movie.

Developing stories to look out for:
1. Trump might be covid19 positive.
2. Tom hanks is posting updates here and there. watching him recover.
3. Screaming at the wall and asking" where is the fucking vacinne...i want this to be over.

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gook spotted

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And now Americans are dying because of what they do without America’s consent. Haha.

good think this has the gooks dying like the war again
can finally stack you slant eyes as tall as sandbags

He forgot to label everything on the plate.

Here in L.A. the panic buying started. The thing is, you can tell how desperate (or not) people are:

1. Bread and pasta are all sold out, except for the gluten free ones. Plenty of those around.
2. Plenty of produce, but no fucking onions.
3. TP was gone long ago, now Kleenex and Paper towels are being hoarded. Going to be lots of rich plumbers soon.
4. No soup, except for cream of mushroom or asparagus.
5. Flour, salt, and sugar are gone.
6. No bottled water. WTF do people need to hoard bottled water? It's not a fucking earthquake, if half the city is dead from Captain Trips, the taps will still fucking work.

I got 45 fucking miles away from home before I gave up on getting toilet paper. If I witness someone panic buying I'm not sure I won't summarily execute them.

I took this picture in Sydney Australia at Woolworths 2 days ago.


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Conspiritards have the edge on these things. They see Doom around every corner. 2 weeks ago, they saw/caused the run on a lot of this stuff. I grabbed a 24 pack for me and another for my folks. Also grabbed a lot of the other non-perishables that are now gone. Those paranoid fuckers finally did more than entertain me.

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Calm down Mr Eastwood

I work in retail, and up until now, I didn't realize how dense people could be.
Also, people attempting to justify their actions is repulsive.
Some guy bought every last drop of hand soap on our shelves and simply said "The wife."
I can't tell you all how many times people have "embarrassingly" looked at me and said something along the lines of "Guess I'm giving into the hysteria." with multiple packs of shit paper in their carts.
Then you have degenerates who haven't washed their hands in years, and will continue to go without, but bought as much hand sanitizer as they could, because they didn't want to be the only ones without it.
I'm not even necessarily in an area with any confirmed infections. I never realized how pathetic the general American population was.

sacramento here
pasta aisles are all fucked but the pizza making kits (crust, sauce, etc) in the middle of said aisle are all untouched
no TP for miles though
cant imagine why people think the water is going to be shut off

update, apparently in Detroit the gov't is actually turning water back ON for poor folks who couldnt afford it
take that as you will

time for purge

Sweet. More leaded water for the trash who live there.

That and all of the more expensive high ph water. I got 6 cases of it last night

Supplies aren't a problem if you have ammunition tbh

If I survive this bullshit anyhow. Pretty sure I've caught the devils handjob here.

>I'm not even necessarily in an area with any confirmed infections.
Well, that shows how stupid you are, and you think everybody else is an idiot, too. Moron.

Looks more like during a restock. But on the real them showing people panic buying starts the vicious cycle.
>some people start loading up
>news shows long lines
>morons see it and think “fuck I need to go stock up
And repeat

This, the virus isn't the epidemic, dumb fuck people are

Vegas just said they won’t be shutting off power and water for those getting fucked by it either

It really won’t be any type of virus or catastrophe that takes us out. It’ll be the panic.
For sure showed me that I need to just keep some shit stocked in case of another incident like this. I’ve been meaning to for a long. Time but this really drove it home. Soon as this chills out I’m gonna build up a 6 month supply of essentials

san fernando valley here
disgusting fat beaner women were tearing open a pallet AS the walmart stooge rolled it onto the floor, dug into all of it, tearing open boxes and filling their carts full of clorox wipes
walmart niggers did nothing about it, just stood there watching
these fat beaners are just going to sell it later
let this be a lesson, when the heard gets spooked, it's every man for himself
locked and loaded with plenty of ammo here, if this keeps up for another couple weeks, i wouldn't put it past all the subhumans to start home invasions and looting

shut up faggot nobody is breaking into your shit hole to steal your beef jerky. you going to shoot the virus in the face? silly American apes

Panic buying. Has ramped up for guns and ammo too. Don’t forget to always stay stocked on ammo

clearly you've never lived near a place where gangs are prevalent. im not worried about the virus at all. i do worry about desperate and stupid people.

>you going to shoot the virus in the face?
Flights are so cheap right now I almost want to head over to you, and with the most retarded look and voice I can muster, say that back to you. That’s how fucking stupid you sound.
Bullets are for when shit hits the fan and people chimp out to the max. Don’t worry, if it ever happens I’m sure you’ll be able to protect yourself with a set of safety scissors


I'm in australia. I just went to get tested because I've got a fever and messed up throat. They refused to test me because I haven't been overseas or in contact with any confirmed cases even though I take the train to and from work every fucking day.

tfw I get my water from a water company anyway
get fucked normies

good on them
no reason to waste a test. even if you do have the virus, you're probably fine
most people have mild symptoms and recover from it in like two weeks
now what you SHOULD do is self quarantine, because you could be contagious
i bet you won't, though

So what you be saying is... Cunt's fucked?

im actually surprised there's still woolworths in the world

Honestly think I might have already had this shit last month. The only thing I didn’t have was the dry cough. Like I was for sure hacking shit up but fuck did my lungs burn.
Went to a quick care and they didn’t mention shit about it, just swabbed next for the flu, said it was negative but “here’s some shit for it anyway sometimes the tests are negative”
Easily a solid week of feeling like hot ass but I got over it pretty quick

I will anyway because I'm sick, why the fuck would I go out and socialize when I'm too sick to move? I'll play vidya for a few weeks. But the people I've been in contact with, people at my office etc who I might have infected will keep visiting older relatives and shit because I'm not confirmed and don't realize it's most infectious in the five or so days before symptoms show.

Like you could kill anybody, guns are for pussies we all know that

Here in Spain

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I've heard heaps of people saying the same thing. Apparently theyre low on tests because our wise government buys all our medical supplies from fucking china

you a coleschad?

it climbs up your ass all the way to your lungs

I've heard differently, from "credible sources"
they say you get contagious about two days after the onset of symptoms
so i just don't know wtf to believe anymore
but good on ya m8 for not bein a knob

I Blame Obama

Kek, this needs to go viral.

Are you retarded? Quarantine and testing isn't to protect young healthy people, its to protect the elderly, the sick, the pregnant women and the fat losers who live on cheetos and never exercise. The coronaviris is highly contagious BEFORE you feel it, so it spreads because of retarded attitudes like yours.

I bought a 1.75 of Jack, a 1.75 of Jack Honey, 750 of Jack Cinnamon, and a 750 of Woodford Reserve.

i like the hat. really pulls the whole suit together.

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Seriously, shelves were a bit more bare than usual, but there was still plenty of stuff.

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Nah I've been reaseaching the shit out of it since I can't do much else. There's a lot of conflicting info, but most legit sources say the days before symptoms show are when it's most contagious.