Where is the cure?

Where is the cure?

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Nuke China, they've caused too many pandemics.

Think last I heard it was about a month away..
I believe it is in the trail period for now..

Nuke is not an option. Next?

>Think last I heard it was about a month away
We need the cure now. That is not acceptable. People are dying.

Sad truth is there is no cure

I keep telling you guys scientists have found that urine can cleanse the corona virus cells from your system! I know it sounds stupid and no one believes it but it saved my life!

Viral Vaccines take years usually, Earliest i've heard is 18 months for Covid 19

Theres a vaccine done now by a canadian company that uses soil and plants to generate the protein needed for vaccines instead of culturing it in eggs, which means they can create more faster. Unfortunately due to having to have FDA approval and get through all the bureaucratic bs the earliest itll be available is supposedly november.

>People are dying

Fuck, people die everyday. That's nothing new. "People dying" has no effect on timeframes for discovery.

Vaccine only, viral illnesses are never "cured", just lived through. Also, about a year off, mainly vaccines require considerable safety trials. You can thank your local anti-vaxx facebook mom for the fact that any offer to skip or rush these safety trials will be flatly denied to prevent anti-vaxxers from gaining ammunition.

>People are dying

Remarkably few have actually died, the main source of trouble with this virus is 80%+ asymptomacy and a 30 day+ incubation, the historical phrase that will be associated with this virus will probably be "But I don't feel sick".

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does anyone even know anyone that is sick? I swear if people so much as have the flu they are considered infected with corona. it's bullshit as far as i can see.

Google'd it. The Cure is originally British.

cringes uncontrollably

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No user, we need the cure. People are dying. There is no excuse.

Please do not post that in this thread

Wear hazmat suits around zipperheads

Nice, robert and the boys.

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The reverse is also true. Here they’re claiming there are no cases of it in the state, but they haven’t actually tested anyone so who knows. They’re also setting up a fucking quarantine camp in the park at the same time just in case. Fun.

Where is the cure for influenza? Ebola? HIV? The common cold? There are very few cures for viruses.


The difference is none of those are shutting down society. Where is the cure? We need it.

Confirmed. This is OP and he’s a total trollfag.

Wishing will not change science. There is no cure and there will not likely be a cure. Stop trolling with this 6th grade nonsense.

yes and sadly it is found only to be effective when administered from Christina Ricci directly through her panties into the subjects mouth. I'm supposed to be first in line for human trials.

Why not? You're a con-man spreading panic, I've seen you, and this post, before.

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Dude no you can use anyone’s urine. Sounds like Christina is scamming you bro.

Yes, it is confirmed you possibly have corona virus. I can tell by your refusal to face reality.

We cannot change science, but we can accelerate it. We must, we need the cure.

Well you see, the issue here is that we need answers. We do not have the answers. Do you understand now or must I break it down again?

Yes, and we can do that because some 8th grader on Yas Forums makes a lot of threads. That's how science works.

Did you not see my thread?

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Why are you so upset? It is rather confusing. Are you angry because you have corona virus?


Man. You suck at this. Learn some subtlety or get a day job.

No one is upset. We're laughing at trolls like you like we laugh at trannys. The same ones who think "transphobia" is a thing. Now, go toddle off back to Le'Reddit

I say we move on and let the good god Darwin sort it out.

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Close to 1k new cases in the US today, still 2 hrs to go until Midnight PST.
Just the flu though guys.... honest guv.

The cure is the disease...let it do its job...

>We can accelerate it

No, not really. Once the vaccine is developed it needs to be tested on humans which involves a long observational period, the better part of a year. The outbreak will be over long before the vaccine arrives.

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Suck at what? Asking questions? Are questions not allowed in your life?

You are clearly upset. You have corona virus. Confirmed.

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We cannot wait that long. We need the cure now, today. We need our best minds on this, 24/7. There should be no breaks.

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What are you even trying to say here? Because it spreads it can’t be like the flu? How do you think the flu works? Are you retarded?

How many deaths today in the US today btw? I’m seeing zero...

Try harder faggot.

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Why are you posting this faggot shit?

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I don’t know why you’re still acting like anyone’s still falling for your act. Just stop, you’re embarrassing yourself.

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This is pretty much how I feel. We have people acting like it's a fucking zombie disease when it's not even that serious.

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Well, time to leave. Have fun getting blasted by this guys furry stuff haha

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There's no point in a cure, it's basically just the flu 2: electric boogaloo

He has corona virus. No need to worry.

according to Trump it will "arrive in the very next few....short period of time"

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But why haven't you electric your life?

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disingtegrate my prostate

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Well why aren't you faggots angry with China? You know, the place the virus came from. Or do you only get mad at orange man at your leaders' will?

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I thought the virus came from a lab in Canada?

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>goyim new super plague
>it'll kill your entire family like how the nazis killed the 6 gordillin jews
>that'll be 50 shekels for the vaccine

What state?

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Where did you hear that? It's from bat soup

Please don't

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OK, who's ready for another?

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Chloroquinine and zinc does a damn good job, google it. They may not even need any of the antivirals in trials.

If it isn't bad, then why did Trump declare an emergency for it?


It's because you, like him, thought it was a normal coronavirus which happens every year, but this is a novel coronavirus a mutated form with SARS this shit kills your lungs.

And the day isn't over yet in the US going on PST times.

Yesterday there was 1,553 cases right now there is 2,651 it just went over the 1k mark with another 138 cases announced 9 mins ago.

While you screech tryharder, which I am not even tryharding - seems you don't know what that means... your ignorance is making your country get infected quicker.

Enjoy your week coming and I hope you get it, so you can tell us all about how it is the flu when your lungs are killing you.

He has corona virus. Pray for him. He needs doctor.

The cure is be under 80 years old

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There is already a vaccine in human trials. statnews.com/2020/03/11/researchers-rush-to-start-moderna-coronavirus-vaccine-trial-without-usual-animal-testing/

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>none of those shut down society

>what is influenza in 1918

>inb4 "it was thew SPANISH Flu"

>was called "spanish" flu because only Spain reported it during WW1

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>human testing

>not animal testing

>human =/= animal

>top kek

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>If it isn't bad, then why did Trump declare an emergency for it?
Because If he didn't, you would complain

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Because Dems cried that he wasnt taking it seriously

If Trump does nothing they cry

If he does then they'll attack him some other way

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Wrong he did it because he has it from the Brazilian attache he had dinner with days ago.

If he didn't sit with that guy who 2 days later announced he had it (this can spread without symptoms showing) he wouldn't have called for an emergency and 50bn to be used from the relief fund.

Whether he announced it or not wouldn't have bothered me, I am not American anyway, which you will cry about because you can't take criticism, I am just going to enjoy watching you fagbois cry about it all next week.