Why must real life be so dull?

Why must real life be so dull?

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why not do something different to spice it up

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Like what? I will never fight dragons, I will never be a pirate, or a space explorer. I pretty much live my life in fantasy

its not. you are.

How am I dull? Because I don't get fucked up drugs and alcohol like the supposed fun people?

Nibba you living under a rock?

you literally could be a pirate or space explorer
As for fighting dragons, why don't you 1v1 a bear first, without firearms?

Idk, read Malazan

i'm straight edge and I love life.

then live the dream user you don't need to chase dragons or be a thief to live a satisfying life do you and do what makes you happy

Because your philosophy is fucked.

Where do you find other straight edge types to hang out with?

I can't think of anything that makes me happy. And indulgences like cookies are not happiness.

I don't want to be a somalian pirate and no space exploration is not a thing right now. I will never visit some alien planet. And on fighting the bear, it's pointless. What did the bear ever do to me? Now, a dragon, is perhaps defending a princess that I need to save or a pot of gold. And I have to embark upon an arduous journey just to make it there.

Dress up like a knight and go here

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>What did the bear ever do to me?

>Now, a dragon, is perhaps defending a princess that I need to save or a pot of gold.

why wouldn't a bear be doing that? for that matter, why would a dragon do that? what'd the dragon do? maybe he earned all that gold legitimately? go be a thieving nigger somewhere else.

So, you don't need any of those things, what you need is a mission. I feel you man, I'm always hunting that spark of giving a fuck.

What works for me is weightlifting. 3 times a week, I'm fucking amped, I've got a goal and I'm ready to destroy anything in my path. I wouldn't say I'm unhappy or even particularly discontent, but the rest of the time I'm a borderline NPC. Those lifts make me player 1.

If you don't want to take risks, try to take up weightlifting, rock climbing, or a combat sport and challenge yourself to get better.

If you're willing to take a risk, buy a ticket to a city 500 miles away. Bring a couple days of food, water and clothes, no money and no cell phone. See if you can get back.

And if you're really up for the task, not just fucking around you really want a quest. Go kill a pedophile. Come back with proof, and there will be a reward of 500 gold for you.

Bears don't do it because bears are fucking boring and there's no princess to save. That's all. Life is just one long, boring battle to hold it together against the chaos. The physics is clear on the matter.

I don't like going to the gym but I might do some rock climbing. I've been thinking about it for a while. Thanks

you wouldn't think life was boring if you were fighting a bear

That's the thing, modern society is just dull, meaningless hedonism. 5,000 years ago humans had to fight bears to survive. They likely had a blast. But they didn't live very long, so that's a downside.

>ITT: babbys first existential crisis

thanks to kung flu you might just get your excitement, user.

>The myth, the legend, the man

The world is your shell and all that bullcrap. If you feel your life is dull is because you are a faggot.

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That nigger is gonna be sad when he catches the virus from one of his grocery items in the comfort of his own bunker.

I've been having an existential crisis since I was 12 years old. It hasn't gone away.

try 8, as they cart your mothers lifeless body out of her room uncovered on a stretcher in front of you.

What does that have to do with having an EXISTENTIAL crisis?

He doesn't know what that means...

We're possibly living on top of dead titans and you're bored? Smh

Mud fossil university on YouTube bitch

This picture proves life can be fun

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Yeah but how do you get it on and off?

>life hasn't been fun for over 200 years

Just because somebody died doesn't mean you're going to get an existential crisis

how does one rock climb? is it a feeling induced by something else, I don't know..I feel like i'm here in this potion because of the encouragement and who knows how many years of autism. Need to find that inspiration user and start with that I guess..

>TFW you will never be a drunk bloke fighting black bears on a ring

Why even live?

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yeah I agree with you, it's an exciting time to be alive

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we have spent the last 5000 years conquering every evil god had the power to throw at us.
we survived the monsters that hunted us in the night. Many no longer have kin to roam this world.
we captured the inferno in a bottle.
we killed the megafauna in their mighty masses.
we built mighty cities with walls that could not be walked in a weeks days
in turned we smashed them
we learned to claw metals from the earth, and used our flames to mold them into weapons and tools
we scryed patterns until we learned to tease apart the myth from the real, and built towers to hold our knowledge
we bottled lightning
we took flight, first to equal then far surpass our feathered cousins, leaving the air of our lungs to tread the spheres above
we have learned to split the fundamental particles of the universe themselves, and used it to destroy cities and heat our coffee in turn
if you think the world dull, it is because you allow yourself to live in the utopia our ancestors have provided
there are plenty of places left where hard work, great knowledge, power and love are commended.
if you are bored, it is because you are boring.
go suck the flora ancient and dead from the frozen wastes of the north that we can burn their liquid corpses
learn to tease apart the genetic particles that through infinite mystery lay the pattern of our very being
craft your flesh into a machine and find a sport that allows you to feel the heady rush of domination
find love, that most elusive flower, and find nothing dull so long as she is with you
or sit here and malign the sadness of your existence. if given this world that is all you dare, then it is certainly all you deserve.

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Find a rock. Climb on top.
Find a bigger rock. Climb on top.
Repeat ad infinitum.

>TL DR: Go fight a bear bearhanded

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most people can just learn to do a single wellformed pushup. it's harded than most here expect, and more than I expect most here can manage.

walk around a shopping mall with a pistol in your hand ...
life may get more interesting

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to make drugs more interesting

>Why must real life be so dull?
cuz ur gay now kys

Now, thinking a little more deeply, you could also eat a kilometric fuckton of magic mushrooms or something.

IF you are still a depressed faggot after that you have all the right in the world to kill yourself.

nigger thats a cheap ripoff from a mtg card

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Because we're the last generation of a universe on the very brink of heat death and whoever is in charge thought it best to put us in the "normal mode" simulation so we could experience a life before the end.

>it's an exciting time to be alive
Every time is an exciting time to be alive.

It's also a cheap trope, so no surprise it's commonly used
stupid nigger

That “dull life” is peace the military puts their lives on the line to protect what you take for granted. If that’s a problem, emigrate to another country.

most times are fairly boring to be dead.

you sound like a lackey that's never served.
it is an honor to serve. you don't tell someone to shove off because they're bored, kiddo.


How would you know?

Being poor and homeless and working 10 hours a day just for a floor to sleep on was probably the best times of my life. Humans feel more alive the more they struggle. People have become so bored and lazy and entitled that its fucking sickening. All of these fucking Instagram thots that come from rich families then become more famous because they're rich and can tour the world in bikinis.... it needs to fuckin stop

I don't recall any great excitement prior to being. I don't expect any after I cease.

Life is what you make it, user.
If you lack imagination it'll probably be an unimaginative life.
It's all about focus, best of luck.


Define dullness. Find causes of dullness. Define excitement. Find causes of excitement. Remove causes for dullness, add causes for excitement. That's the entirety of it. If you are asking us what causes your dullness then we can't answer. We're not you, and we don't have your life. We are taught in school to make generalised rules - if you have it dull, the life is dull. Some other user posted here saying he gets off on lifting weights, and he might be inclined to assume others also would get off on the same thing.

It's not the case. We can't give you a solution because there is no standardised solution for all human beings. One things is guaranteed to be true though:

If you do the same thing over and over, you will get the same results. If your life is dull now, then you need to change what you're doing. What you're doing now has a probability of 100% to be dull. Doing something else has

Consciousness is mysterious.

I have done different things. I have tried many things. Nothing has filled the void

indeed. i yearn to craft a mind.

It's not about simply trying new things. Any number of new things might be boring or dull. Any number of things might not. Without figuring out what makes something dull, you have very little chance to do something differently.

and it's a shame! if i were incharge I would let it contonue and crazy to think that even string can evolve and that we just "keep coming back" to the point something happens

It’s not, life is remarkably interesting. You’ve just been so bombarded with stimulants that you’re not able to appreciate the simple things.

I learned to play guitar last year. I taught myself how to use a recording program and started making stupid videos on youtube with my girlfriend and 2 of our friends . This year I went on tour with my band in Europe and got to see 30 countries while getting paid. We drank beer under 1000 year old churches, went urban exploring in abandoned castles and ate crazy food.

I learned guitar on Youtube for free. I practiced maybe 30 minutes a day, tops. If you're unhappy with your life, you could learn a skill and change shit.

Is the global pandemic not exciting enough for you? It's exciting enough for me. My school's going online-only the rest of the semester.

What band are you in?