The Hunger Games Commandments;

The Hunger Games Commandments;

>No Dupes
>No Groups
>The previous host may be afforded a spot if they don't make roster
>First 24 are in
>Hold any swaps till Roster Check

All are welcome to the Lord's Games.

Attached: nobody.png (553x453, 44.2K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Papa franku

Attached: 1582280873041.png (529x518, 413.61K)


Attached: Rigs.png (84x110, 6.61K)


Attached: Vex.png (962x846, 39.72K)

Tohru Adachi

Attached: Adachi.Tohru.full.1178627.jpg (676x730, 71.05K)


Attached: Espeon.png (484x469, 48.47K)

Corrupted Hank Hill

Attached: Corrupted Hank Hill.jpg (540x720, 1.32M)

Princess bubblegum

Attached: 1566185785375.png (700x800, 154.04K)


Attached: 1553496946.galloviking_magnolia_commision_5.jpg (1280x853, 221.87K)


Attached: spoopy_boy_2.png (1088x1080, 27.75K)

Kizuna AI

Attached: DabN5ocVwAEs7wp.jpg (726x1024, 184.97K)

Factorio engineer

Attached: 6kp51zd0j4c41.jpg (640x1120, 72.01K)

Jack Noir

Attached: Jack_Noir_Plain.png (130x275, 1.11K)

The Universe

Attached: ....jpg (1280x1182, 277.91K)

Ease up on the samefagging, plox.

Bender The Offender

Attached: The_Bender.jpg (1000x1200, 111.64K)

Milker Mary

Attached: christ(1).jpg (898x1200, 137.07K)


Attached: Eddie Richtofen.jpg (1024x576, 47.43K)


Attached: op.png (553x453, 44.2K)

The Arbiter

Attached: engel.png (822x462, 832.29K)

There's no fag option for sex. You wanna be male or female?


Attached: 1526742714970.jpg (1024x576, 56.93K)


Attached: xeqzfxobq5u21.jpg (750x1143, 63.17K)

Divine Cat

Attached: 173.png (384x293, 169.36K)

fag is not a gender, just go with your irl biogender

Attached: danger.png (446x621, 282.95K)

A wounded kitten

Attached: 1582431007860.jpg (1063x889, 269.38K)

Oh yeah, please make this pic a tribute by the name of Ralph Wiggum

Chester A Arthur

Attached: Chester_Alan_Arthur_by_George_Peter_Alexander_Healy.png (433x540, 164.5K)


Attached: 0f323c126dc3860cfb982c021bdafb5a.jpg (1280x1590, 460.25K)

Check it.

5 minutes for swaps.

Attached: Reaping.jpg (670x867, 211.58K)


Attached: Charlotte.jpg (1026x1426, 99.11K)


Attached: adachitakescoatoff.gif (366x420, 213.85K)

I'm rooting for district 11, which seems to be populated by cats.

Fuck it. Cut off. Starting soonish.

>I probably won't get swapped in, but that's fine.

Attached: 1102d7f26317ae6087391f71a04c5e9f.jpg (603x800, 395.74K)

District 12 has the best hair!

Lets roll

Missed it by that much

Attached: racingrig.jpg (512x512, 98.88K)

If you don't get in, you can have pizza with me while we watch Chet Arthur get killed

Attached: RawlingsPizza.jpg (675x900, 179.35K)


Mom is not a fan of anime.
That Magnolia event...
Guys leave the camels alone.

Sorry, hun.

Attached: 02.png (670x2376, 380.52K)

I'll be rooting for you guys.

Attached: Dla_am11_majime3.png (392x447, 211.01K)

It's fine, JC

Attached: 77f68c6ddaa3d0fc5e93f9828cdc963f.jpg (850x850, 452.26K)

>Magnolia event

Fuck, Mag...

Welp, there goes the family. What happened to friendly fire?
Divine cat gets into a stare down with an Irish deity.

I kno rite?

Attached: 03.png (670x1788, 315.81K)

Fuck you nigga I've been hosting like a Cat

Attached: buymymixtape.jpg (512x503, 109.44K)

Rigs is a big ol teddy bear and loves furries.
Y'all trust Nazis?
Hank is building his power level well over 9000.
Since when do cats wear duds? This code is shit.

Tell it.

Attached: 04.png (670x1657, 269.84K)

Im Praying for God to spare him, cau'se I wont

Attached: Dont google HP lovecraft's cat.jpg (344x344, 56.12K)

>Another Robot downed by the minor-est of events relative to what they are
My next tribute is going to be a pane of fucking glass.

He came to eat Bubblegum and beat ass.

Yeah, I'm not feeling incredibly nice.

Attached: 05.png (670x1315, 225.18K)

You wanna know how I got these bandages?

Attached: rigsstanding.png (500x500, 130.03K)

This is an undignified way to exit these games

It grieves me that it also brings satisfaction to Mister Rawlings

Attached: CAA GTFO.jpg (1000x811, 616.23K)

Fuck you, Bender being first from the left made me think he killed based Richtofen, not vice versa.

to be fair, the simulator doesn't really take all of that into account.

>haha it was a cringe post by a former host. apologies.

Cats hate water. This code is dumb.
The fuck, AI?

Not particularly. But shoot anyway.

Ph Chet.

Attached: 06.png (670x1053, 191.75K)

I'm glad you learned to read that fast. GG.


Attached: 07.png (670x1184, 195.35K)

You got pwned by a fellow Texan with a boxcutter Chet.

That just made my night

Attached: 44.jpg (1280x720, 90.6K)

Wait! Mom said it was my turn!

Attached: Pickle_Rigs.png (371x979, 421.2K)

didn't you know i'm a huge fucking athiest? idk why i'm burning an upside down cross in his yard but if it freaks you out I've done something right.

Attached: artworks-000462706716-d097du-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 49.3K)

I know, its just anti-climactic.
>Green text

If you wanted to offend me burn the cross sideways next time

Attached: adachi2.jpg (300x300, 9.51K)

If you burn an upside-down cross in someone's yard, does that mean you don't like white people?

Attached: RawlingsWat2.jpg (763x807, 163.26K)

Mass extinction event!

Das rascist.

Feel free to write a code, bub. More the merrier.

Attached: 08.png (670x1347, 199.44K)

I remember that!

Speed peace

Attached: 09.png (670x449, 78.3K)

Hey, I like that band!

Attached: Orc killer.png (633x657, 303.09K)

real talk though. once i tried to find a song on youtube but i couldn't remember the name. i knew the first word was burning and the second word was religious so i tried burning cross... that wasn't it.

Attached: tumblr_p0nybeiIEa1vkqk3no2_400.png (366x358, 141.2K)

Final 2. Pick your pony.
>Mexican Robit
>lower court judge

Almost proud of you, AI.

Attached: 10.png (670x612, 85.44K)


Attached: Kick.gif (78x76, 6.87K)

Isn't the Factorio guy from Prague?

Have you tried searching for songs with burning in the title

Attached: adachifuck.jpg (184x184, 13.45K)

I give The Arbiter my full-throated endorsement!

Attached: a-presidential-conjuror-what-mr-arthur-must-be-to-satisfy-all-the-ER9AWT.jpg (1300x944, 297.68K)

oh i did find it later (it was called burning prayer) i just find it stupid and almost funny that i once youtubed "burning cross" and i was in highschool at the time so lucky my mom didn't walk in and look at the computer screen.

Attached: Kizuna.AI.full.2450621.jpg (1004x1417, 135.11K)

Scadoooooosh! Kelpie JOUST!

Attached: 11.png (670x302, 39.86K)

Your victor!


Attached: deadgineer.png (216x180, 74.08K)


Attached: 12.png (670x286, 28.33K)


Attached: 13.png (670x845, 338.8K)

Cool, I was thinking it was Blue Oyster Cult.

Attached: adachi444.jpg (365x429, 14.75K)

Stats for nerds.

Arbiter, if you have a png that'd be swell.

Attached: 14.png (670x859, 73.61K)

i've never heard of this band before*listens for a minute* it's okay. not really sure it's my thing but not bad.

Attached: tumblr_pfz4c7CFBR1ugbsi5_540.jpg (540x734, 129.63K)

Thanks for hosting
In was the first thing that came mind when you said burning

Attached: adachi clap.gif (183x183, 26.73K)

Thank you for hosting good sir

I believe I shall retire for the evening, I appreciate these rousing games of murder and depravity

Attached: ca-arthur-cartoon-1884-granger.jpg (900x689, 261.63K)
