Al/ck/ thread?

Al/ck/ thread?
al/ck/ thread, cause /ck/ jannies are fucking gay.
What are you sippin tonight?
For you fellow al/ck/'s, why do you drink?
Me? My life is shit right now, so kinda just filling in a void, i start to get better and stop drinking then start feeling depressed again and relapse. Cycle i wish could stop, but feelings always win

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If drinking makes you less productive, than stop drinking.

Don't drink everyday

only on special occasions like every second weekend or monthly.

its not that it makes me unproductive, just cant get much of anywhere right now, got laid off from my job cause of the corona bullshit, ive learned to limit myself to weekends now and not do it everyday, but honestly its the only thing i look forward to doing, dont got any friends, have a gf but between work and having to take care of her disabled mother she barely makes time for me, unhealthy, i know, just want a lot of things to change right now that i dont seem to have enough power to control


Can't drink right now. I get breathalyzed 3 times a day.

But hey I went cold turkey and didn't get the shakes. I like cheap vodka and Vidya. Living by yourself is the best.

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Whatd you do? i get it once randomly a week cause out on signature bond for 2nd dui

Beer lots of it, 'cause that's what i do, every 2 days. I dont even know how it started.

dont go too deep, i went to hardcore alcoholic by switching from beer to liquor cause its more cost effective, and once youre in, its one bitch to get out



I was drinking everyday this week OP. Don't feel bad man. I only drink beer but it's caught up to me. I'm taking a break tonight and getting my drink on tomorrow. Got the whole fridge stocked up with various different kinds of craft beer, IPAs, Stouts. I'm all ready.

pic not my fridge.

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I am vodka man

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that your actual fridge? or just your beer cooler? lol, but nice selection

DWI charge, of course.

1st? 2nd? 3rd? what state? Im in wisco, i was 5 times over the limit but im hoping following bond, showing im going to aa etc i wont do time with a lawyer

new amsterdamn gin and tonic

How'd you get your license back? Also, that really sucks bro. A 2nd DUI. Get ready for them sob story drug classes and shit. I got one DUI 7 years ago and still waiting on my lawyer to get back to me on reinstating my license. Sucks ass when you try to do that stuff on your own.

still going through the court process, im in wisco so im kinda lucky. but right now i had to wait 45 days after my licensed was suspended when the blood tests came back and now i have my occupational so i can go to the grocery, apptointments wand work etc until my case is concluded. If i have to do time i can huber and then 45 days after conviction date ill need to do a driver saftey plan and can apply for an occupational again, just with an ignition interlock this time
Plus side is each month while the trial is going on i have my occupational, is a month taken off my revocation.
Talk to the dmv, if it happened 7 years ago theres no reason you can get it back unless your missing a requirement the court ordered for you
what state you in?

how is gin? never tried it, im more of vodka man like


hello brother, are you a new alcoholic?

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Earlier I swallowed a trans prostitute semen I met off skipthegames. But now I'm home drinking crown and coke.

Miss Marmalade. Orange sour. Made by Martin House (Ft. Worth).

Damn! Ol' E. Good times, good times. Haven't sipped that shit since the 90's.

>Earlier I swallowed a trans prostitute semen I met off skipthegames. But now I'm home drinking crown and coke.
Good thinking, the alcohol will kill the Aids.

nope, starting to better than i have the past 2 years, past 2 years i was sipping about 750mL every night, now ive managed to keep it to weekends

this is a post from a non alcoholic, they don't know about the boredom that sets in from being sober after 3 months

good, that's an accomplishment man, I am proud of you, not joking not every alcoholic can do that

Nah she clean.

happens to all of us, or most of us, or some of us. hang in there. I used to be super bad, then met the wife, and now wish I could re/Alch again without losing half my shit. Count your blessing my dude

I'm in Illinois. When they drew my blood and urine I didn't have any 'intoxicating compounds' of any kind in my system. What fucked me over was telling the officer I drank a couple beers before I drove. I was only 20 at the time and I totaled my brand new Ford Fusion into a tree. I was also too honest with the drug councilor who raised my risk level for the state. I also didn't get a lawyer afterwards to help me get my license reinstated so when I did the paperwork for the state they kept denying me because of one or two questions on the sobriety shit that weren't 100% correct. It's what has delayed my ability to get it back.

That's awesome man. It's good to show you have that occupational stuff and are attending aa etc. That will really help your case up there.

Finally a year in half ago I hired a lawyer to help me get it reinstated. But because I had tried to go to DMV on my own before it has made things tricky for him. I'm kind of just waiting right now for response from the state. If I get denied again, I swear I'll probably be a raging alchy at that point lol.

addiction is like the adhd of life, we get bored easy and the fastest fix is to take that walk, 40 ounces to freedom

dude, thats me, but im
longest i made it was a bout 3 weeks and couldnt take it cause of boredom, shitty feelings, like i said, it just fills a void and makes me content with everything

thanks, not gonna lie, i want to still during the week, especially if its stressful. but as much bullshit as it sounds aa has actually been starting to help me, the big book describes us alcoholics to a t, hasnt change since it was written almost a century ago and they know what were like, and our mind set

ya its coping man, I been on this ride for a decade, when I swear I am gonna quit, it just comes back worse

yeah, ive heard a lot of shitty things about illinois.. especially their traffic courts. i hope things go well soon man, if it makes you feel any better im on my 2nd dui and im only 24. and i swear it will be my last, tired of how much alcohol has fucked my life over

your best right is to remain silent, ya its gonna be a little harder in the short term but it will help, as my lawyer said, I can help you until you start talking, you don't know the rules to the game you got tossed into.

try AA, its not that cult shit like people love to shill. they talk about god in the book but your "god" can be any sort of thing that you consider a power higher than yourself, such as the group of alcoholics at the meetings that recover, the stories are really inspiring man that ive heard from them and how they managed to get sober. its the general principles and spirituality that you have to give yourself into, think of it as a philosophy

I have been to AA I cant say In AA there is a difference, but I am not interested in quitting I love my life

I was there for some1 else not me

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al-user you mean? Alcoholics anonymous is usually full of people recovering from drug/alcohol abuse. al user is mainly for people who want to support a person with a problem

Thanks bro! That means a lot man. I feel your pain. And yeah, Illinois is truly a shitty state when it comes to DUI's and stuff. They make you jump through numerous bullshit hoops just to get it back and I had it revoked. Had to wait a whole year. Didn't have a shot at supervision or a work permit, BAIID all that stuff.

I wish you the best man. DUI's are no fun but you sound like you're on a REALLY good path. Stick to your lawyers advice and just play by their rules for awhile. You'll get it back man.

mfw I wake up for work at 0430 & if I drink, I fall asleep at a reasonable time/wake up feeling great. If I don't drink, i stay awake until 0100-0200 and wake up looking like a crack fiend

more power to you man, but if you say you swear you wanna quit you obviously at some point wanted to stop. but if you enjoy your life the way it is and see no problem than you do you, i was just offering an option

no my wife was upset with my lifestyle not me, so I went there for her

i hope so, i fucked up a lot in the last year and a half with daily drinking, i didnt think i would do it again after getting my first when i was 19 and drinking a liter a day for a year until it lead up to it, i should be more ahead than i am right now. had my own place when i was 21, was in school, and i just slowly crept up that path living right next to a liquor store, and aa made me realize like many other alcoholics, im just not some one who cant drink moderatley cause when i start i dont stop and thats how its always been with me. but yeah man, we'll both get through this, just keep pushing, hell, call up the lawyers office and ask to speak to your lawyers, thats what i do whenever i have questions. or go there in person, if youre their client they need to answer to you

gotcha, i feel it, i was that way with my girl ive been with for 9 years, she nearly left me this past year because of it. my mind set was what does it matter cause im holding a job and still productive, but in the end someone whos sober/clean cut doesnt want to be around someone who is under the influence all the time, i feel in my experience. cause in their eyes they arent getting the true you.

if youre a daily drinker, look up how much alcohol fucks your brain up man. especially sleep/rem sleep. it took me about a month to be able to sleep normal after stopping. the initial i stayed up for about 3 days straight then after that about 2-3 hours every night and it just continuously got better

Jesus, is this where al/ck/ resides now? Well, guess I found it.

The 'lism waxes and wanes, but my maintenance is now Miller 64s because even if I kill the entire case I'm still functional throughout the day.

Not him, but in WI my first time despite totaling the truck completely blackout and smashing telephone poles, it was a citation. Thank God for the tavern league.

What a shitty night, I didn't even drive there, and passed out in the passenger seat. Drunk me had other plans, though.

>corona extra

where else does it reside? /ck/ is shit now, fast food threads, deenz threads, fuckin meme threads all day long, but have a support group that many of us /ck/ooks have its flagged inappropriate
i hope all of the /ck/ jannies get aids and choke on a fat cock

beautiful thing about wisco, getting each dui you get is like earning a tiger stripe...

I mean, I remember when the mods became faggots and it shortly went to /adv/ and /trash/ which were also complete dogshit. It's nice to see it here, as I randomly boot up Yas Forums on a Friday night after I'm done drinking with the boys.

Rofl what a bunch of faggot pussies. I've been a hardcore alcoholic since I turned 22 and I'm 35 now. I've always held a full time job, been in management, had a girlfriend... I started my adult life as a high school drop out with a GED and a convicted felon and sex offender... I've worked my ass off and learned everything I could and forced myself to be more efficient every day... I'm 35 and my GF is 20... no one has any excuses IMO

The other good thing, is that in a year it will be 10 years old. If I get a second, it'll be legally treated as a first!

.08 is literally nothing, that's less than maintenance drinking for most alchies

I've been employed since I was 16, full time when not in education, with multiple rental properties and real estate endeavors. I'm still a retarded al/ck/ who feels that he never passed Go. What's your point?

hope you enjoy youre hepatitis, high bp, and plethora of health issues that youd know of if you were a true alcky that drank that long :^) go to bed ya fuckin kid

So who gave you a chance/opportunity. You didn't make that job or connections yourself. You had someone hand that to you

Man, chugged over 100 bucks worth of my client's gin/whiskey at work.

Apparently I played it cool enough to pass the blame.

I keep doing shit like this and not get caught. So I keep doing it.

I deserve to die.

/end journal entry

yeah.. my first when i was 19 was .26, at 23 1/2 it was .41...
so i feel im facing some sort of time either way. but as i previously posted, its my last, its done nothing but take dude, cant remember the last time something good has happened.

even a fish brain can tell thats bait


user, everything in life is chance, opportunity, and connections.

I work for a homebuilder that I originally got the job from through a family connection (started by doing cleaning and landscaping, now doing financials and construction management). Eventually I had enough money to buy lots for speculation real estate that the banks fund houses on. We've recently gone into assisted living because of the glut of Boomers retiring, and all of the government mess that entails to wiping their asses and make=ing sure they're fed and go to their day programs.

Blah blah, life story, and I have a hard time going two hours without a drink.