cuts global health security unit

> cuts global health security unit
> cuts 80% of CDC funding to fight pandemics
> discontinued program tasked with predicting animal-born viruses (like nCoV)
> nothing in place to stop spread of virus, no testing kits
Top tier autism

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Other urls found in this thread:

well it is obama's economy, right?

last week didn't he say the pandemic was a democrat hoax lol

>still going to be president for 4 more years
Stay mad cuck, those salty tears are ambrosia.

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Ain't gonna be president for long if he catches covid-19, just sayin

Yep, and not it's a state of emergency. Kek.

when you elected a retarded conman you cannot expect anything else than this

I've read the entire bibliography of Freud, Jung, Adler, Laing, Horney, Reich, and Fromm. How about you, Sunny Jim?

I've read my way through Kant, Schopenhauer, Heidegger, and as much as I could absorb of Husserl.

This informs my knowledge and understanding of male and female as archetypal qualities.

Against that you put, what... YouTube videos by Sargon? What you half-heard from a Fox News interview with some idiot evangelical while playing Fortnite?

This is why I stopped coming to Yas Forums. Nothing but slope-headed cretins, actual neo-Nazis, and subnormal middle school edgelords as far as the eye can see.

I estimate that I've read between 12,000 and 15,000 books during my lifespan.
But you got all that from owning an iPhone with Google on it, right Zoomer?

You kids are as stupid as you are predictable. I am well aware of the rabid anti-intellectualism among you Zoomer imbeciles which not only makes you dismiss actual expertise, but causes you to hold expertise itself in contempt.

Frankly, at this point I'm glad you kids are getting a dying world full of authoritarianism and misery.

It's what you deserve.

I'm middle aged, professionally trained in psychology, and the "weird field" you're talking about was being written about 50 years ago by people like Carl Jung and Wilhelm Reich.

But I know, you kids know better because you some some right-wing YouTube pundit make a video about it.

Ah, Dunning-Kruger.

I'm not a trump fan, but pointing out the "cuts global health security unit" thing was snoped. He did actually nuke the obama pandemic task force though.

Boomer Remover just gonna fix whatever on the way through.

RIP my fucking stocks though, god damn

>he thinks the virus is real

> Mentally handicapped president does retarded thing

Did the TV tell you this?

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No I don't watch TV it's for dementia patients. If you want me to link sources I can.

ok boomer

>Everyone needs to come together to understand that we all...
>wait why did i stop did you stop?
>Bernie fails to understand that under the constitution we are all equal under.. that thing.. you know the thing?
>Back in the 70's i rode in a golf cart with nelson mandela and we together ended apartheid and we helped ubumbweigh gonsola to end the whole thing, look it up!
>you dog eating handburger merchant, i bet you've ever even been to the Chinese DMZ

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Stocks are on sale Yas Forumsro. Hold what you've got now and buy some more. It'll come back up.

the sad part is,republicans still support him.and still wont demand things be done to combat the coronavirus when their president is probably more concerned about the golfing conditions at mar a lago

Go be a nigger somewhere else shareblue. Cunts like you need to be taken behind the chemical shed and executed like a rabid dog.

we probably paid more in taxes to fund his little golf trips than to protect ourselves from the virus

You're absolutely right with that, just figuring out where to pull the reinvest funds out of my ass haha

That has got to be the weakest Biden slam that I have ever seen.

i hope it keeps going down,you morons need to suffer for the consequences of electing a failure like donald trump

you are so cool and badass

That's literally all 100% false

go shill somewhere else faggot

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I keep forgetting coronavirus closed all these damn schools, then I see posts like this.

what up coronafag

meanwhile,republicans were outraged over barack obama.but have they said a word about trump and his golf trips? nope

they've closed more then the schools,and thanks to orange man,things are only going to get worse.lets hope republicans quit their loyalty to this turd and demand some action be done soon

if not,i hope 2020 is lost in terms of republicans.ill stay the fuck home

fake and gay

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Lots of assumptions there. I didn't elect anyone. And stocks are a global game faggot

Anarchy 2020 Yas Forumsrother

can you explain why it's false?

>Trump speaks
>Economy instantly crashes

>Republitards: "It's Obama's economy"

whatever kid,lets care about local.literally every country in the world effected by coronavirus has been better at dealing with it then america

time to quit your ignorant patriotism and realize how shit your president is

>actual baby boomer

Your 15,000 books will be used for kindling by the true cretins as the world is enveloped by human genocide. The pencil necked psychologists, nestled deeply in delusions of being hermetically sealed high up in their ivory towers, will be among the first to be torn limb-from-limb by the have-nots to whom they have "dedicated their lives" to serving. It will be protracted, it will be ugly, it will be glorious.

A glass of water with a "D" written on it could beat bernie. Simply because most americans are NOT revolutionaries.

So your glass of water is biden. I honestly think that the biggest threat to trump is him going in too hard on biden. Some dementia redden OAP unable to make compelling arguments in any conversation lasting longer than 20 seconds. Trump will lose favour if he bullies vulnerable biden too much.

>trump is going to lose 2020
to who, you need a candidate you dumb fuck LMFAO i love you guys, so entertaining.

it's fake because you don't agree?

because those are all lies

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this guy jacks off to biden

it's fake, because it's gay and also lies

>Trump speaks
>Economy instantly crashes
It's so fucking sad but true. I'm going to have to wait eight months before my portfolio is back where it was two weeks ago.

>> Kid

Lmao, I'm nearly 40 you edgy fuckwit. I guarantee I make a lot more money than you do too. Nice typing palsy though.

wow great argument dipshit. hopefully soon you'll realize how dumb you sound.


Trumptards everywhere

>nearly 40

no,you actually arent.but considering your maturity level if you are,you clearly voted for donald trump

hope you'll be happy when you cry about hillary and obama on your deathbed from coronavirus.not a suprise the party that believes in their bibles isnt doing something worth a shit to get rid of it

please give any evidence for what you're saying

haha,you think im a trumptard

i only hate trump even more with his response to the coronavirus

Says the guy who makes less than 100k a year lmao

trump is so goddamn retarded

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Falseflag; China attacked themselves, shipped corona-chan world wide, flexing their dictatorship as they are getting crushed in economics by chad Trump.

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> no testing kits
i mean do i really have to find source for this being fake?

his supporters are just as retarded,if they wernt.they would of already gotten rid of him and replaced him with somebody who was worth a shit in terms of response to coronavirus

that guy really pissed you off, huh?

Keep guessing my dude

>say a bunch of made up shit
me: thats not true
>hurrr durr thats a shit argument reeee

The POTUS literally does not have the power to do any of that. Go cry to your Congresswoman.

Your man said it himself

I really wish in my heart of hearts a gay man would tackle him and smear normal color foundation all over his face.

but yet, he still did...

This thread is comedy gold just for the libfags calling people, that either aren't in the country, or aren't trump supporters 'trump supporters'

You all don't even know who the fuck you're actually mad at lmao

>Two issues have led to the slow process in testing for COVID-19
>slow process
I'm sorry, is that NO process?

This didnt come from animals. The Chinese made this. But silly cucks like tou blame trump. Obama fucked up this country.

>gosh I'm so taken up with my own busy pife posting on the internet I completely forgot I am smarter than everyone, my my

Faggot levels off the charts

you are still unable to point out how's it's "made up" open your eyes man


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>the truth conflicts with my internal narrative so I'm just going to make up my own version of the truth and call you all retards for believing in the truth

Faggot retard the virus came from china

>well uh, you're still dumb!

aced it

Even if the Chinese made this he still cut the programs they would save American lives.

Yeah, without hesitation I'm smarter than most of you fuckwits. Rage more faggot

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>the chinese made this

literally every other foreign country has dealt with coronavirus better then america has

go back to your front porch with your moonshine bottle.trump voter

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I’m not a financial advisor. I’m just some dude on the Internet. But my personal advice is that you’d better watch your financial exposure or you will likely get burned.

Terry Crews is a beautiful woman, you take that back you monster

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Am I wrong or didn’t trump try to ban travel from China right when this happened??
Can’t find it because he just banned eu travel so that’s taking up my google feed.

Also looks like we had tests available and the cdc wouldn’t allow them to be used because they had to manufacture their own (which took a while)

none of it is true moron

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more shitposting haha more!

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banning things doesnt fix the problem,gun violence is the proof

there's 2 things that would make coronavirus in america alot less of an issue

1.quarantine people right

2.hurry the cdc up in terms of developing a vaccine for it

until this happens,america is just going to see more and more cases of this shit every week

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Yeah you're right he did ban travel to China which was good, part that be messed up was cutting all the resources we had in case it got to america, which it did

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>comparing banning travel to banning an item

braincells here! free braincells!

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>only 40 dead in US in country of 360 million
>over 1,000 dead in single Euro country of 60 million (Italy)
Yea, Trump's doing it wrong, Euroland is doing it right.

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Yeah, that’s why Europe has it so under control, huh? If they’d controlled their borders and quarantined the Chinese right away like the US did they’d be in much better shape. The US will come out of this better than any other country, and other countries will beg the US for their support. Watch and learn, boy, it’s always like this.

Idk, banning travel seems like it would have helped. It’s not like gun control. If we ban people from getting on planes they probably won’t get on, or at least less people would.

Also, maybe instead of relying on the cdc for testing kits, we probably should have used the ones we have available. Pretty sure they weren’t allowed to do testing on a state by state basis, only through the cdc

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>Trump speaks
>Stock market has biggest gain in history today

yes please continue to post retarded boomer memes

ITT american is quarantine wrong!

>no explanation what is right quarantine

genius tactics

Lol that’s a good point but did he actually ban travel from china? I thought I remembered that it didn’t go through

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we're about 2 weeks behind Italy but the rates are looking the same

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The Right can't meme

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be even more gay, please

Numbers are looking the same, not rates. US has six times the population, so Italy is seeing 6 times the per-capita rate of deaths.

Yeah, after he paraded ceos this time. wernt we supposed to get money out of politics or not? make up your mind.