That's it, I was ridin' with Biden but now I'm on the Trump Train

That's it, I was ridin' with Biden but now I'm on the Trump Train.

Attached: Biden wants to outlaw 4chan.png (627x445, 57.89K)


im still voting for biden, He's only saying that to appeal to the far left
a lot of politicians are more bark then bite

Kek is he implying cencorship of the chan?

There is not a single chance in hell, that Biden knows about Yas Forums.

Attached: 1583902794803.png (960x534, 276.23K)

figured the whole, attack on freedom of speech would have made americans super mad

There are only two reasons to try and prevent people from saying what they will: 1) either you arrogantly believe that you and only you are smart enough to recognize that what is being said is wrong or 2) you secretly believe there is an unwanted truth to what is being said

so he's banning the first and second amendments?

Attached: 1468470180178.jpg (951x710, 754.98K)

There's probably some Jews whispering in his ear.

I'll just go somewhere else to shitpost

Are you going to get treatment for this?

I guess he's never heard of the First Amendment. That alone should disqualify him from being president.

Imagine being this cucked


You guys know that his is fake, right?

Vote jill stein

>some people are retarded enough to believe that a boomer like Biden actually knows wtf is Yas Forums

fake tweets used to try harder

Internet Research Agency longing for good old days in Soviet Onion when 10 hr bread lines were wild and crazy fun. "Take these propaganda Yankee peeg". For Putin, mother Russia and a bowl of cold borsht.

Nobody believes in the slightest way, that he can beat Trump. Or any faggot dem for that matter.

>still believing the russian meme

Still being a fucking traitor coz Trump triggers libtards

I don't care what you actual brainwashed traitors do.But I'm not allowing your masters to flood this country with illegals. Which is their only true platform.

Attached: 1584141546277.jpg (768x1024, 103.32K)

Bro the (((ADL))) has been trying to get Yas Forums shutdown for years.

If a too big part of freedom of speech is taken away it may be time for a modern time revolution.

Attached: 1432862860_KUNG FURY - HACKERMAN.png (1920x1080, 1.31M)

This is from August of 2019. Why are people posting it all of a sudden?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm reeeaally makes ya think.

Up your shill game, Trumpcuck.

I've read the entire bibliography of Freud, Jung, Adler, Laing, Horney, Reich, and Fromm. How about you, Sunny Jim? I've read my way through Kant, Schopenhauer, Heidegger, and as much as I could absorb of Husserl. This informs my knowledge and understanding of male and female as archetypal qualities. Against that you put, what... YouTube videos by Sargon? What you half-heard from a Fox News interview with some idiot evangelical while playing Fortnite? This is why I stopped coming to Yas Forums. Nothing but slope-headed cretins, actual neo-Nazis, and subnormal middle school edgelords as far as the eye can see. I estimate that I've read between 12,000 and 15,000 books during my lifespan. But you got all that from owning an iPhone with Google on it, right Zoomer? You kids are as stupid as you are predictable. I am well aware of the rabid anti-intellectualism among you Zoomer imbeciles which not only makes you dismiss actual expertise, but causes you to hold expertise itself in contempt. Frankly, at this point I'm glad you kids are getting a dying world full of authoritarianism and misery. It's what you deserve. I'm middle aged, professionally trained in psychology, and the "weird field" you're talking about was being written about 50 years ago by people like Carl Jung and Wilhelm Reich. But I know, you kids know better because you some some right-wing YouTube pundit make a video about it. Ah, Dunning-Kruger.

Poor lazy fat white boy, terrified of all the brown people who actually work hard doing jobs he thinks his sister fucking ass is too good to do

They can work hard in their own countries.

I hope you're not white.

Attached: soy wojak immigration.jpg (600x796, 45.9K)

Kek only 15 000 books

He's 100% white.

>Biden will delete Yas Forums

you're saying he has no conviction then huh? what a loser i'd never vote for biden

Sure. Now you get your redneck lazy ass out in the fields and do stoop labour for 12 hrs a day in the hot sun pickin my veggies

It's just kinda sad that our race is so cucked.

go die in a gas chamber you fucking jew

Good thing Russians who aren't US citizens can't vote.

Sleepy Joe aint winning shit

so you're saying theres no russian collusion huh? wow democrats really wasted our time huh?

hey man i've been on Yas Forums since it's inception. i grew up on this site, like, literally. he's right. like i'm going to be bummed when this site gets shut down inevitably but also some sites are vectors for disease and this is one of them.

I know this is pasta, but you're dumb if you think the alt-right watched Fox.

We listen to white nationalists podcasts like those on The Right Stuff. Also we're not fundamentalist capitalists; most of us are literally NatSoc, as in socialist. Eric Striker on The Right Stuff is a NazBol.

Also you're retarded if you think Venezuela and Mexico are good countries to emulate in terms of ideology and population make-up.

>no Russian collusion
You clearly don't know what that means. Is it because of the language barrier, or are you just a fucking dumbass?

t. Jew

No one cares. Nothing that gets said by any of them happens

>people can't just say whatever they want on the internet!
Actually they can. Stupid boomer. Hope Corona gets him.

oh so now you're a nazi racist pedo, awesome go kys

>own property to rent, which I can raise
>pay immigrants to clean my apt, do maintenance, etc. on the cheap (also made money teaching them english)
>I live in the US so violent crime is nothing new or scary, because of that *other group of people*
>unmarried and fucked a few gorgeous latinas fresh off the boat
Being pro-immigration, in the US, is alpha. They're a new crop of laborers and servers, and the strongest will survive. Europoors fucked up by not immigrating here back in the 17th century.

Ohhhhh this is your country ? Ya sorry bud.. You invaded and concurred the US and so will they..

Yeah but San Fran leftoids want to give illegal spics the right to vote.

There was no Russian collusion you NPC. Even Marxists admit that. It's just you dumb neoliberals who buy that line because Stephen Colbert kept repeating it.

Attached: NPC programming update on war in Syria.png (600x784, 238.1K)

Speaking of lacks conviction let’s just look at “lock her up” Mexico will pay for the wall and all of the other blatant lies your spineless president has told..

>>own property to rent, which I can raise
LOL, Landlords 4 (((Bernie))), now that's Clown World. I guess a lot of ethnic Jews are landlords in NYC though.

>I live in the US so violent crime is nothing new or scary, because of that *other group of people*

See pic.

Attached: USA murder homicide rate committed by race, black, hispanic, white FBI records.jpg (960x675, 48.12K)

>Yeah but San Fran leftoids want to give illegal spics the right to vote
Good thing the vast majority of Dems don't sympathize.

>There was no Russian collusion you NPC
I never said there was. user responded to my comment about Russians not being able to vote with a stupid comment about Russian collusion because you stupid motherfuckers can't think outside of your talking points.
>Duuuh you think ther wus Russian colushun hahaha stupid libtard

>Ohhhhh this is your country ?

Attached: Yes white chad.png (525x593, 151.69K)

Biden is right.
Obama knew how to run this Country right, Drumph is a blubbering fool. our only HOPE was Bernie, now Biden is looking better everyday.

Attached: 2020-bernie-beats-trump-bigly[1].jpg (955x500, 36.55K)

>because you stupid motherfuckers can't think outside of your talking points

Says the guy who repeats MSNBC and Buzzfeed headlines.

Sleepy Joe. Wow what a great burn.

Which headlines are you referring to?

Says the Drump voter idiot.
Hows that working for you racist!!

I prefer Senile Pedo Joe.

Attached: Joe Pedo.jpg (1233x610, 112.03K)

The meme that Russia remotely influence US politics what-so-ever, and that anybody who doesn't love unlimited beaners is a Russian.

I'm gonna laugh my ass off when you faggots start shilling Biden with a straight face. Absolute cucks. Nice dubs, cumlord.

>The meme that Russia remotely influence US politics what-so-ever
To think they've had no influence whatsoever (btw you don't need the hyphens, Vlad) tells me you drank the magakool-aid.

I don't think they got Trump elected, but common sense should tell you that inundating social media with disinformation that favors a certain candidate is going to have some effect.

Your vote doesn't count during a presidential election, idiot

0.14% of Facebook traffic made Blumpft win the election am I right retard?

Attached: Biden drive-by hydraulics.gif (800x600, 1.7M)

That was the *other group* I was referring to. Got plenty of blacks and there's no getting rid of them (and we shouldn't; they may be monsters but they're OUR monsters).
I like Bernie because my health insurance doesn't cover specialists I want to see and I want them all to work for me now.

You're a fucking idiot if you think Yas Forums hasn't been used as a platform to spread right-wing propaganda.

That's the opposite of what I just said. Further proof that you morons can't think outside of your talking points.

It's worth noting that the .14% of Facebook's traffic is misleading. You need to consider the fact that people share things.

Yes, and?

Attached: yes white male humor.jpg (892x844, 88.43K)

Bro just keep being an NPC and thinking it's Russian agents making people disagree with you. I wouldn't want you to accurately judge our connections and motives so you could work against them.

Attached: Shapiro and Cenk manlets.jpg (1548x928, 222.86K)

That's it. There's no follow-up.