8values go

8values go


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Communist swine

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It says ultra capitalist lol, so no, not at all fascist. Go jerk off to Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren porn ya government lover

cool guys


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>government lover

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Equality means heavy government intervention in financial matters and government control of markets. Try harder jackass

The workers must seize the means of production.

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It says fuckin socialism in his outcome lol, try reading


Libertarian socialism,[1] also referred to as anarcho-socialism,[2][3] anarchist socialism,[4] free socialism,[5] stateless socialism,[6] socialist anarchism[7] and socialist libertarianism

>WAAAAH, everything I know about politics is from Yas Forums and my alcoholic dad, MOOOM, they're MEAN THEY USE WORDS I DONT UNDERSTAND

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scam. dont click

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OP here, I appreciate you calling me a cool guy

Mine is mixed up.

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Cyka Blyat, comrade. Seems we are in good company.

> Inb4 am raging neolib

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Someone explain

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Better Red than dead.

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You’re a pretty standard liberalSame with this user
This guys a full fledged commie faggot

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It saddens me so many liberal commie reddit fags are on Yas Forums now. Only one user here so far who isn’t a liberal commie fag

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Always good to have the centrists around, not being a smartass. I mean it

You're 17, you don't know shit about "commies".

I'm not taking the test again, too many questions and I already did it. According to it I am a centrist who's closest value is liberalism. Which is true I suppose

Im a filthy centrist. Im from sweden so leftist values are norm here and i'm guessing this is a american test but im right in sweden.

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I’m 28

Yeah that’s very centrist by Scandinavian standards

kiss my balls :)

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I hate these things but here we go

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I think I love you user

uh oh

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lol gay

What a fuckin faggot


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Feels accurate!
Government should provide basic services that shouldn't provide a lucky few with billions in profits based of others suffering.

Such as healthcare, water, electricity, roads etc.

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We must stay strong in these difficult times.

Faggot commies

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Not a fag

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Ok commie

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you are gay and commies are too

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fuck yeah

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I don't really think of myself as being left, though that might be because I live in scotland.

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Not 100% capitalist?

dubs confirm i am great