What makes these types of body types so attractive?

What makes these types of body types so attractive?

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They are cute

Nobue is cute and lewd.

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Lack of secondary sex characteristics.

A Pedophile

I wish Matsuri was my stay at home wife and cooked meals for me. After dinner we could study and watch anime or have some fluffy time

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Don't forget to help her with her homework.

Get gangrene.

>fluffy time
Explain further.

theyre not fat

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Purity, untouched by the evils of the world

They make your dick look bigger.

kys freak

fertility, the younger you start the more kids you can have

is this the cute and funny thread


>What makes these types of body types so attractive?

Your mental illness

Yes, post cute and funny characters.

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But I'm not mentally ill, so that means that everyone not interesting in cute girls are the mentally ill ones.

God I want to bury my face in all that

All what?

No way an infant have these curves

More specially, her tummy, chest, armpits and her crotch

And then?

In goes the penis.

snuggle to sleep

And POP goes the cherry.

She's a mature young woman.

Wild and silly is superior to cute and funny

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I trust loli artists more than you.


the fact that you're a pathetic incel with no social skills or redeeming features, which is why you are attracted and pray off innocent, easily manipulable creatures like children,

Homo and/or old hag plz go.

Shotacons and lolicons are natural allies

No, fuck off with your degenerate twisted faggot shit. Lolis are pure.

Every time I see a loli doujin with excellent art and then notice the "shota" tag, I feel nothing but a desire to castrate both the little shit and the artist.


It’s better when the boy is as small, smooth and cute as the girl

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fucking kek

No. Tell that little faggot to go play fortnite and let me have some alone time with the loli

Fucking yes

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Why are they so kissable?

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Well, they're kids, so... yeah, that's not happening.

They’re fucking little girls.

What's not happening?

Where? I want to go.


>fucking little girls.

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Where? I want to do it too.

Who are "they" and how do I join those guys?

Kissing. You can't kiss a kid. You'd be breaking their trust, also it's highly illegal and immoral.This example pic should clear up your misunderstanding. It's wrong and disgusting, as you can see.

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And in case this wasn't clear, take a look at this. The difference in power makes this wrong on all kinds of levels. It's immoral and he is taking advantage of the innocence of a small child, possibly traumatizing her forever.

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What if she's your daughter? Can you kiss her then?

I hate Mashimaro Ichigo threads.

He’s not taking advantage of her he’s making sure she will have a secure future and be a mother, if anything it’s her taking advantage of him.

No it's even more wrong because she trusts you and you would be betraying her love.


btw i like lolicon as much as anyone, primarily because the girls are very erotic. irl girls are not like this.

No he is tricking a small and innocent kid into his sick and twisted desires. It's wrong and disgusting.

I’m starting to think you guys want to have sex with little girls.

How do you know this to be fact?
How do you know he doesn’t want to protect and care for her for the rest of their lives?
>irl girls are not like this
Imagine believing this.

I only want to consummate my passions with 2d lolis

What made you think that?

>you guys
Ah, those guys?

>I'm a pedo but I'm not a pedo
Sure thing, pal. Whatever you say.

Wonder what gave you the impression?

2D =/= 3D

Those guys? They're with me.

It's okay user you're among friends

I'm not, I don't look upon little girls with lust. I lust for lolis.

You can't be a pedophile with cartoons. That's like saying enjoying violent content in manga means I actually want to see or commit real violence. I don't.

Wow, guess I better stop kissing my wife. I thought I was showing her love and affection, but I guess I was just hurting her... somehow.

Why would you think that?

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Fuck off back to rеddit immediately, ironic lolicon.

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No, this is the ironic lolicon thread. The true lolicon thread is .

Imagine being such a sperg you only associate with unironic lolicons

real kids are gross, this isn't a reddit sentiment, this is fact.

Remember it's okay to be a ペドファイル as long as you write it in katakana.

don't give him (you)'s

JS aren’t lolis though

>latest LO has lolis playing with scissors for 8 pages
That was a lot cuter than I expected.

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Liking 3Dshit is being an ironic lolicon, go back to Yas Forums

You don't belong among true lolicons. Go make FBI memes on reddit.
Kill yourself.

No you kys retard

Imagine gatekeeping cartoon little girls.

Little girls scissoring?

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Cute everything

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If you don't know who this is, you're not a lolicon.

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There’s two types of ironic lolicons: haglovers and 3Dfags. Yes, that includes you, LRD.

Your pedophilia.

>still giving it (you)'s
just report and ignore.

I know who that is, I also know you’re an ironic lolicon for being a 3D pig lover from Yas Forums

No true lolicon is a fallacy, dude, look it up.

They're with me.

That thread is shitty though


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If you use “ironic lolicon” you’re automatically wrong and brain dead, congrats user you’re a moron.

>No, I can't post my 666-year-old oppai lolibabas in it. That means it's shit!

Go back

There's two types of ironic lolicons: haglovers and Colorsfags (You).

I was using that phrase ironically, genius

Didn’t even post Colors, piglover

JSfags are the most retarded people on earth and hate cunny, obviously it’s going to be a shit thread

Why do all the retarded shitposters hate Colors so much?

I can recognize Colorsfags thanks to their blatant ironic lolicon-ness. Bet you can't wait 'til Juju comes back like the haglover that you are.

>over 100 posts
>only 20 images
guess I shall evade these threads now

>haglover LRD
Still don’t believe they’re the same user?

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Because it’s one falseflagging faggot

Actually, JSfags only like cunnies. Lolibabafags and JCfags like you like hairy hag cunts.

There’s nothing ironic about wanting to fuck the Colors, dumb piglover

You don't want to fuck the Colors or any other loli. You just pretend that so you can keep the threads for your flop show alive, which only exist to bait Juju, your true love and the only girl you truly want to fuck.

No, JSfags are all shitposters, see how once they started posting in this thread it got worse, they’re all retarded. You don’t see anyone in that thread shitposting and starting arguments about jc this and lolibaba that. And if you knew anything about lolis is that there cunnies are always cute and bald, but you don’t because you’re a shitposter


JCfaggotmaggot is the worst shit that has ever hit these threads.

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Ironic lolicons BTFO.

I want to fuck the Colors, the Mashimaros, the Ramunes, any JS-aged girl, and Juju is a retarded fatherfucking hag who only exists to ruin threads like (You) do

>LRD using the same juju=Colors meme as the JCfag
So you were the biggest ironic lolicon after all

I don't mind it this time, we don't need two forced loli threads made by that shitposting ban evader at once anyway.
Here's your reward.

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Literally every Colors thread is about fucking them, I don’t know what your hate boner for them is about but you’re a retard

>LRD shows up in thread
>nobody cares so nothing but happy cunnyposting happens for hours
>JCniggershit shows up in thread
>shitposting suddenly skyrockets and thread suddenly on the mods' radar
I wonder if...

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Well at least now we can safely call ourselves pedophiles and post cunny

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>juju hates colors
>LRD hates colors
>haglover hates colors
Gee, I wonder what they have in common

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>I don't want to fuck Juju, believe me even though I post WIJJ in the exact same way I post IFTC
No one believes you, haglover. Stop making threads for flop shows so you can orbit some hag.
>why does no one like my flop show that sold less than 1000 BDs?!

So Yas Forums mods don't allow SFW loli anymore, damn...

The thread is in a place where we can be honest now. Are you going to make full use of that since you claim to be a lolicon or do you enjoy whining and shitposting more than posting lolis?

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>666 KB
Oh no

>in front of that nigger
try fucking harder
I've got banned two times for posting cunnies after bump limit in front of lrd, fuck you

Literally the only person who does this is the hagloving Sagirifag/Ginkofag that we also hate, dumbass

Remember to write your congressman to legalize performing consensual oral sex on children

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It's simple: Yas Forums genuinely loves the Colors.
>shitposter hates the colors
>shitposter hates the colors
>shitposter hates the colors
>salesfag (who's also a shitposter) hates the colors
It makes perfect sense.

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Reminder that Colorsfags are the ones who got Juju to fuck off in the first place

Stop replying to yourself, Colorsfag.

That sure is an accurate description of the thread LRD. You totally aren't a blatant liar.

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And I'm honestly complaining that what's happening is obvious but it seems to be ignored.
You should be more honest yourself and just say "we're on Yas Forums, pls post porn"

>muh lrd
There it is. I should have posted my prediction in this thread.

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that wasn't a loli thread that was a shitshow. no loliposting, no discussion of lolis, just a few niggers who took the bait of another reappearing nigger. and this is fucking happening ever since the lrd showed up. the only safespace for cunnies are boat threads and sometimes fgo threads


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You know who the real fake lolicons are? The ones who just like lolis getting fucked. Sex is a shitty adult thing, real pedophiles like kids best when they're doing kid things.

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You’ve literally just projected your hatred for juju, who everybody hates especially Colorsfags for how much she targeted those threads