ITT: we poorly describe video games, other anons guess which games we're describing

ITT: we poorly describe video games, other anons guess which games we're describing

first off
>collect shinies and baby animals on the way to defeat evil witch
>be hindered by greedy Jew bear who is supposedly "on your side"

Attached: ID-10090060.jpg (265x400, 61.13K)


> you're supposed to help a family live their best life, but you're more likely to ruin them

ok so it is a big world like earth and you can shoot, well I think you can but I'm not 100% sure.

slightly newer than B&K
your clue is The Sims



>You can't get these fucking numbers out of your head

Renegade USSR Regiment invades small islands. NATO Retaliates. Brink of ww3.

toy story 3?

hit ugly animals with a hammer until they leave


see image


Attached: 555-come-on-now-come-on-now-63549548.png (500x515, 128.4K)

>toy story 3


Dave depopulates an island with the help of a ninja named Frank

>wait I was just the medic the whole time?

metal gear solid V

i don't wanna go home

>possess bodies of living beings
>use physical bodies to escape area

This is the first Spyro.

> a band of plucky heroes must survive a sea of perilous letters to build a successful town

right franchise, wrong game

Oh yeah. Year of the Dragon's where you fight the sorceress.

Ok how about
>space jew forces you to work with lesbians to save your friends


Operation Flashpoint (AKA Arma Cold War Assault)
>too easy brah

>god dammit if this town doesn't have a ransom broker I'm gonna shoot up a fucking school

Spyro 3, surely?

Correct, and don't call me Shirley.

I got another one:
>You can read minds, your son wants your body

... I swear it;s not a gay porn game

>you spend 2 hours editing a character you never look at


I'll be really impressed if people actually get this one

Mount & Blade? That's the answer to mine.


>that guy from Jackass makes his vidya debut
>he's barely distinguishable from the other player characters

One of the 400 Tony Hawk franchise games?

yeah, p. easy. which one tho? there are only 15 btw

American Wasteland

close, it was the one before that (Underground 2)

Damn. So close.

Rise from your grave!

>the head of the company running this thing is the final boss! who knew???

half-life 2


>two armies are fighting some war for control over a desert
>one thinks they're spreading democracy
>one likes to rape and murder civilians and set towns on fire
>most of the locals hate both of them

Prince of Persia

Doom 2?

what do they mean

any bethesda game


Arrange the falling blocks correctly or die.




You get called into your work to help find the guys that didnt show up for their shifts

Advanced warfare

>Rooty tooty point and shooty
>wasted potential: The mission (I'm still mad)
>...oh fuck, we need a third act
>OK here's a plot macguffin, go die being glorified couriers


the original game's name is also the name of its very popular engine

Paint a world map different colours for 400 years rinse repeat

one of the unreal tournament games?