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Self bump

I know you lazy faggots are lurking...POST

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Am not posting cause no pics but can bump

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anatomy fail

Was the shota
Good times

why you idiots should fuck off and die
watch a film on youtube called
les amitiés particulières
search for
les amitiés particulières english

So the feds can attach it to the front of file, duh.

every single solitary one of you needs to be reported to the FBI so they can inform the authorities in whatever shithole country you reside

I require the sauce brotha.... give it to me.

No not fat

Are you 32 YEARS old or older?

Always dishing the fats for no reason whatsoever.


What’s with all the deleted posts?

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But 2D is better

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Any anons lucky enough to have group sex on sleepovers, campouts, school trip hotel rooms etc with their buddies during early puberty?

Yeah but does it smell like a boy?

Jacked off a bunch together. Stole a ton of undies and socks. Only messed around with one other boy. Sucked each other’s cocks all through middle and high school usually before or after soccer practice/games.

well what is it


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It was on shotachan.

at last the closet paedos get it

don't contaminate the 2d shota thread ffs

anyone want to join a discord

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Who the fuck is going to join my new band Cum Quantity?

Obviously going to be grindcore/malljazz

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Shotas always have perfect smooth holes I wanna lick

guess no one is

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I'm depressed anons, can you cheer me up with NON LEWD cute boys being happy?

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Damnit, I thought that was going to be an /ss/ thread. Carry on.

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thats all ill post for now

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Not this fucker. This useless jerk nearly ruined the entire series just because he couldn't follow 1 simple rule.

but hes cute :

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Thanks for doing your best user. I'm still depressed, but a little less now that I know someone actually cared and tried!

I've read the entire bibliography of Freud, Jung, Adler, Laing, Horney, Reich, and Fromm. How about you, Sunny Jim? I've read my way through Kant, Schopenhauer, Heidegger, and as much as I could absorb of Husserl. This informs my knowledge and understanding of male and female as archetypal qualities. Against that you put, what... YouTube videos by Sargon? What you half-heard from a Fox News interview with some idiot evangelical while playing Fortnite? This is why I stopped coming to Yas Forums. Nothing but slope-headed cretins, actual neo-Nazis, and subnormal middle school edgelords as far as the eye can see. I estimate that I've read between 12,000 and 15,000 books during my lifespan. But you got all that from owning an iPhone with Google on it, right Zoomer? You kids are as stupid as you are predictable. I am well aware of the rabid anti-intellectualism among you Zoomer imbeciles which not only makes you dismiss actual expertise, but causes you to hold expertise itself in contempt. Frankly, at this point I'm glad you kids are getting a dying world full of authoritarianism and misery. It's what you deserve. I'm middle aged, professionally trained in psychology, and the "weird field" you're talking about was being written about 50 years ago by people like Carl Jung and Wilhelm Reich. But I know, you kids know better because you some some right-wing YouTube pundit make a video about it. Ah, Dunning-Kruger.

Hey look it's pasta, no one respond to it. Don't give it (You)s.

I would even lick the slightly hairy teen shota buttholes.

Checked, but... wrong thread???

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A bunch, my brother and I used to such each other's dick a lot when we were like 6, sucked other boys dicks when we were like 7-8 also had a field in 6th grade, we used to mess around during sleepovers, never older men though

ah, there you are..

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Anyone here not a pedo and just like teenage boys regular porn is ok but shota doesn't have imperfections and it's soo much hotter can anyone dump teens?

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they make shota dolls?

says the faggot shota buttfucking pedophile shitscum holy fuck