What will his legacy be?

What will his legacy be?

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being the person who spreads the virus the most among the population

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poor handling of coronavirus and the stock market crashing

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Bunch of trailer trash blaming the next guy for all the war Trump is going to leave us with on his way out and acting like he was some amazing messiah even though nothing will have actually changed for anyone. Same old shit. Just another turn of the election cycle.


He did it.
Motherfucker did it.

did what? collapse the economy and failed with natural disasters,because thats what he's did

>acting like he was some amazing messiah

have you had your head up your ass for the past 4 years? trump supporters have been treating him like a messiah

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Too bad those are filthy French people.

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Putin's bottom bitch and America's shitstain

You should vote Democrat. No corruption. Always smart. Woke af.

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people will criticize bernie's stock market but not trump.the guy who is actually the president

LOL,i cant wait until people declare america be the worst at handling coronavirus

Niggers, dropouts, whores. The Democrat base.

black people are not smart

Vile, narcissistic charlatan who caused enormous damage to our country and our national moral principles

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Yyyyyeah you do realize that democrats in the general population have a lot more college graduates than you hillbilly republicans don't you?

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meanwhile,who do you have to replace trump that wont run the country the exact same?

he's been the biggest left wing pile of garbage that ever got shit out of the republican party.yet the left are the ones screaming the loudest about him

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the guy is a joke,he's as far away from conservative values as possible.i doubt this retard even goes to church

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Nah, successful man who's name lined the skies that won in almost everything that life had to offer, then became POTUS and was reelected against massive opposition of increasingly delusional left and then lives to 150 attaining yet another record under his belt. Then you'll see a long column of accomplishments and records along a smaller column of failures. On his memorial it will simply say: Donald John Trump, winner of life. Stay Mad.

Yep, that sounds about right. Wait who are you? Oh no one. Never mind.

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Being the last boomer neocon president before the revolution.

both sides are the same now,they wernt with george w bush.now they are,donald trump has ran the country and gave democrats what they've wanted while his supporters do nothing about it

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He saved us from this headline

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> imagine voting for this retard lol

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Covid-19 death

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Not sure Democrats can afford to bring up Dementia at this point...

we should rub this tweet in his face now that coronavirus is an epidemic and doesnt have a vaccine

dont even compare george w bush to donald trump.bush was a real republican,donald trump is a useless left wing failure

id be more concerned about coronavirus right now.what good is the economy going to be when your dead

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Is he even really a neo-con in any sense of the word?

Like Nero's or Caligula's legacy, without the classy art.

not sure why republicans can defend an argument about intelligence when they elected donald trump

there is nothing conservative about donald trump,he's a liberal who knew how to take advantage of the dumbest members of the republican party

>tax cuts

>from a guy who avoided paying his taxes

I seem to remember a choice between narcissistic buffoonery and actual evil

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His weakness led to the corona virus attack.

you cant remember shit,your just another idiot trump supporter.well,im glad you have spent 4 years of your miserable life complaining about a female who would of ran the country exactly like donald trump

people call the republican party old,angry and white.what they dont mention is how much they obviously dislike women

It's like 911 times 1000!


eh ? trump loves women

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Naw Trump has had better court picks, and got rid of Obamacare/ blocked the worst of Democratic "ideas".


>trump loves women

his dick got made fun of by a pornstar of all people.how come the republican party has only gotten worse since donald trump?

>better court picks

nope,he's trying to hard to appease his fake conservative fanbase by stacking the courts with bible thumpers

also,he didnt get rid of obamacare.and his ideas are no better then democrat ideas,maybe its because he's been one the majority of his life

> if you see one of them during the purge you know what to do.

Do it for your Country!

God bless you all!

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no u

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the president that made all the lefties and media cry like babies.

i guess pornstars are used to bigger dicks

shitposted and complained, got a scam tax bill through at the last minute while his party had full power.

Over and out

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> fired the pandemic response team before an pandemic outbreak

>maybe its because he's been one the majority of his life
Imagine taking a good look at Trump and thinking he has any strong principles for anything

President for life
Elections cancelled

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>cry like babies

meanwhile,who are the ones who have cried about mexicans,muslims and the media for 4 years? it isnt the lefties

ill be glad when the stock market and the coronavirus causes donald trump to lose.because i hope republicans grow a brain and clean their party up.because why bother voting republican when the trumptrash have ruined the party

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>waaah,somebody said mean thing about trump!

ill be happy when coronavirus is done and the people who got sick and died the most are people who voted for trump.since the republican party is to lazy and stupid to kick you morons out

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The memes bro

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fat and dumb