What is with all of the white supremacist threads today? Feeling insecure, whitey?

What is with all of the white supremacist threads today? Feeling insecure, whitey?

ITT: Post contributions made by Black people for our world today.

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This is going to be a very empty thread.

They make very good slave labour.

So we literally built our world. Good good.

The most useless part of a nigger, is it's head. The second most useless, is it's hands.

Lol that's not even true.

They invented the slam dunk.

Excellent. Where would our culture be without that?

>tumbleweed rolls by


>15-20 nigger threads a day
>1 white thread
>ThAt'S rAcIsT

fuck off nog

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ignorant white folks don't know half of these important black personalities, lol

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>Googles "important black people"
>doesn't even say what they did
>just posts results

Get a job, Tenda

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Blacks didn't do shit, never will.

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>t. Not even 1 world strongman title.
From all the World Strong man competitions no black man has won a single time. They hardly ever even qualify for them. WTF!? Explain it to me Turk- I mean black boi.

I'm still amazed that they can drive cars.

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Indeed, but not many do, they're a little challenged like that, white "people".

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Hang the nigger, hang the nigger

As a black man I hate shit like this. And not for the obvious reasons. Theres a very small percentage of blacks in Africa this complexion most "africans" are brown, olive or lighter skinned

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you can post as many stock photos as you want no one cares

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So you wouldn't mind doing as you please with a sissified white boi?

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OP cares, it was requested. I don't give a shit about you though. Go be an hero.

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are you not being racist as well with the whole "whitey" narrative. This is a super weird and lame time on Yas Forums where I cant tell if people do it for the meme of it or if there are truly this many secret racists in the world. So many threads of a big black dick next to a small white dick or a big white dick next to a small black dick. How can noone connect the dots that some people regardless of race have big dicks and others regardless of race have small dicks. Do you guys not feel sick to your stomach contemplating all the wasted time spent spewing this trash on an anonymous website where what you said wont even exist in an hour. Sad delusional fucks.

Inb4 cuck, libtard or any other cringey buzzword you assholes use

Nigger must be lost

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taftaj is so pretty

>white bois are so pretty
fixed that for you

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He said post contributions. but all i see are a bunch of nobodies who in all likelihood did nothing of importance or are literally just stock photo models

there are lots of alt righters on this website. I think a lot of the black ones are to trigger white people since I see less people making actual arguments for these things, there are only bait posts

well I was talking about a girl....

These guys are not even black, just Turkish and Albanian posters.
T. I was in discord server with people who used to do it.

Whats the deal with turks anyways?

Check this and my dubs.

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You have convinced me, user. I shall abandon this site forthwith and with great speed!


Be quiet libtard Cuck

There's no such thing as the "alt-right", that's just MSM boogeymen stuff. It's population division for the sake of ratings and democrat votes.

op is a skinny bigger who gets beat up by white guys, cause black people cannot fight a one on one fight, they need a tribe of nigs to take down a 70 year old white women.

No one cares about your nigger faggot cuck fantasies you weaken humanity just by existing

I'm pretty sure these threads are made by Israelis

>implying posting pictures of rolemodels is "nothing"
>be so ignorant as to claim these are "nobodies"

here, I posted a picture of you user

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>ITT:post what niggers managed to achieve with the knowledge whites gave them

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STFU Nigger

what? there are literally people who claim to be alt right. im talking about pol fags and other similar people. they can themselves "white identitarians" or "American nationalists" like nick fuentes fans do