I dare you to find a better trilogy

I dare you to find a better trilogy.

protip: You cant

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Die Hard Trilogy

Fuck it just post movie wallpapers.

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Close but no. Loses in originality.

Pleb tier

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I love these movies. I watched them whenever I was home sick in school, and I'm probably going to watch them if my job gets shut down for a bit because of the virus.

That being said, the third one isnt that great. It's good they stopped there, there wasn't anything left to give from that franchise

Indiana jones

I'll give that second, the original three Star Wars are, and will always be the best trilogy.

The cool thing is that the sequels were filmed together.

But part 3 is great too. The train scene is fantastic. But it gets looked down, just because it comes down after the FUCKING MASTERPIECE that is Part 2.


Star Wars and Indiana Jones are close, but they have not aged well. BTTF looks fresh as fuck.

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The train scene, and the foreshadowing of the gunfight in the 2nd movie when Biff is in the hot tub are awesome. I just got frustrated with some of the side plots

We always put Star wars, this series and Indiana Jones together. And I always wonder what could have been if they had actually tried harder on making good Jurassic Park sequels

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Never even heard of it. Disqualified.

Okay, stay uncultivated

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>never heard of oldboy
fuck off newfag, don't trash my kino

this is my boomstick
hail to the king, baby
shop smart, shop s-mart
gimme some sugar, baby

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Fistful of Dollars, A Few Dollars More and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

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from I am legend.

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Ehhh. Like most trilogies it kid of fell on its face in the 3rd one.

Also cmon Die Hard 2 wasn’t that good and “spiritual trilogies” like the vengeance trilogy don’t count (and the 3rd one of that wasn’t great either)

I’d agree that original first 3 Indiana Jones and Star Wars are still the best


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Hey, is that Duke Nukem i hear?

Briliant first 2, but third one fell flat probably because Heath passed away.

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Name a better trilogy

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Uncharted? although technically the fourth one concludes it so it was more of a quad anyway

HL shits all over that console piss

Have you played the Gears of war triology? (post gears 3 doesnt count they're shit)

Mom, Dad... please stop fighting...

Faggot, your parents got a divorce years ago, bitch please...


except you never did get that trilogy user, based kek

>lord Gaben would like to know your location

>I dare you to find a better trilogy.
>protip: You cant

die hard isnt a trilogy

not a trilogy

Yes it is, Halo 3 was bungies final game on masterchief. 346 or whatever dont count.

Half Life 3 confirmed

reach is till made by them

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Arkham trilogy obviously


When you’re 12 and haven’t figured out you can like more than one thing at the same time.

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Reach is not a continuation of Halo 3, it does not even have masterchief in it apart from one really tiny easter egg. It's like saying pulp fiction is the sequel to kill bill because they have the same director. Yeah granted Halo Reach is in the same universe but Reach is not apart of the Halo trilogy

All of them worth watching while living through the end times.

For fucks sake, I cant believe I have to list the reasons. Ok, here I go:

- 1.44 Gigawatts
- Hoverboards
- Flying Delorean time machine with kitchen appliance to substitute plutonium
- Johnny B Goode scene
- Great Scott
- This is heavy
- Train scene
- Fucking part 2, from beginning to end
- Biff's alternate present
- Clock tower scene
- His mother wants to nail him
- Time wizardry
- Fucking SMART



Batman Begins is pretty meh.

I like the books. I fucking hate the movies.

lol ikr

That term is trademarked. I don't want to get sued.

Portal 2

It's a trilogy of trilogies

Sure the first 2 are amazing. 3 was weak though.

Part 3 is fine. It just looks weak because it gets inevitably compared to part 2. It actually ties the knot quite well.

Back to the Future was complete trash, beginning to end.

Both are amazing imo.

They're just asset flips. Gabe even said he wanted an Epsodic series to save time instead of making a new game. HL1-HL2 and no HL3

I don't like how, in the movies, they made everyone (except Gimli) act like a gay candle

Name the most frustrating triologies.

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Star wars, ep 1-3

watched it 3 times back to back, that counts right?

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This movie was brilliant but sequels would have ruined the point of the movie sadly :(

>this, but unironically

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Y'all bitches need to catch up.

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I’ve watched the first two several times.

Just realised I’ve only seen the third once when it came out in the cinemas. 8 years ago.

Agreed. Could barely sit through the prequel by the same name.
Dork souls trilogy.

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Paul Blart

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Plin Plin Plon. Plin Plin Plin, Plin Plon.

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see I mean, seriously, fuck DK2, that shit was awful