I'm looking for an easy, preferably painless suicide method

I'm looking for an easy, preferably painless suicide method.

Chemical based options only please.

I'm 29F anyone who says life gets better can fuck off.

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get corona

Why did you post your gender? No one would care otherwise. Stop the bullshit and admit that you're just looking for attention like the whore you are. Sage.

Drink Bleach and do a flip faggot

at least donate your pussy to one of us virgins first

Yeah. 3% death rate is reliable.
Thanks dickhead.

Post tits then

Go visit China

>anyone who says life gets better can fuck off.
Agreed, but suicide is a first class ticket to hell in the afterlife.
Also tits or gtfo

That's my current plan.
Looking for something better


let me fill you up with cum bby

there is no god, heaven or hell. Why die? Not saying life gets better but you're just throwing away the lottery ticket you were handed. Why not just go out and try something else? Create the chemicals in your brain that make you feel good and maybe you won't throw your life away.

No you're not.

No you're not.

No, you fuck off. Also learn2google and nice Feggit spacing.

Don't do it! Thereis nothing after this, not even nothing. Not even blackness. Whatever you are going through, I'm sure there will be better days ahead. Talk to me what's going on. Is there anything us fags can do for you?

overdose on heroin
but hey life does get better if you work at it.

>do meth and don't throw your life away
great advice


I'm really sorry to hear that you're having a hard time. If you need a sympathetic ear, feel free to reach out to me :) [email protected]

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create the chemicals as in exercise and interact with people, not make meth retard, youll be very sad if you run out of meth.

Use the chemical reaction of Nitrocellulose with heat to propel a copper and lead conical body out of a tube and into your brain.

I tried opiumiod suicide. Fucking lived.
Now i don't have anything good to kms on.

At least post some nudes before you go. Do consider though, being someone's meathole would provide enough purpose to continue living.

Exercise sucks and people are shit. Try again.

Fucking hard to get a gun in Australia

there's your problem. Exercise MORE and interact with MORE people. Fucking idiots dude I swear it always boils down to these 2 things.


If I were to kill myself I would be glad to give pleasure to few men who really need it.

user you should do this

Dibs on the corpse

If you're going to kill yourself then drop your nudes before you go.

I mean there is always hanging.

everything sucks. Just endure some shitty stuff like a job and when you are alone you get to appreciate your own time.

Helium and a mask, your body thinks it’s oxygen and you just fall asleep

Only two things that matter are dubs, nigger.

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There is one thing that gives a human its will to live; dopamine. There are 3 things that reward the brain with dopamine. Exercise, Eating, and Interacting. There's no god or afterlife so why end the one ride you have early? Maximize your dopamine and watch how quickly your entire mindset shifts. you think you know everything being a 29 year old? You don't know shit. Figure it out before you throw it away. If you die there will be nothing. If you die there will be nothing. If you die there will be nothing. You will never live again.

Where are you from

No need for the F

Tits or gtfo whore

You choose to use the F

Nice roll faggot, check the trips.

You shouldn't kill yourself. You are in a unique situation, you don't give a fuck so go out and be a menaceto society lol. Go and fuck people's days up just for the fun of it. If you see someone eating a burger then slap that shit straight out there mouth.
Fuel your want to die by just being a cunt to everyone you come in contact with lol

You say I just need dopamine.
Well how mad many of you got over my gender has made some. K thanks.

Done that already

>You will never live again.
is this confirmed?

man I can't stop staring at that one mustache that is reaching your mirror shades

Yo life gets worse, take me with you

I hope it is.

lol hope this is bait
do a backflip

Probably from a cuck country

You know the rules femanon.
Tits or gtfo

Inject a large concoction of morphine and potash (KCl). Opiate will knock you out and halt your diaphragm, potassium salt will stop your heart. You could just use a potassium salt solution, but then you'd be conscious through the cardiac arrest.

What do you mean bait?

What is this reddit ?

>If you die there will be nothing.
Oh look we got our little atheist on the thread trying to make himself known

please dont do it user, you have so much to live for.

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Means we’ve been in this thread for who knows how long now and there’s still no tire or timestamp.

But no what he means is you’re using suicide as bait to get people to reply and it’s all fake. Lurk more.

what about your 2 dogs???? Dont you want to keep living for them? why do u wanna suicide

do u want have sex first bewox!#0286

Found the Christfag

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All I asked for. Is an easy chemical suicide. But that's to much effort for y'all?

>that's my current plan
Imagine being this idiot to think that drinking bleach is a painless and effective way of suicide.

it might not get better, but get a fuckin hobby, no one has to live your life but you. go learn to enojy yourself and you wont be lonely

Depends on how easy it is for you to work a camera and take your shirt off

Life gets better, stop being a weak basic bitch

Armyfag here.

I've done PT for the better part of 20 years. That's a lot of fuckin' exercise in ANYBODY'S language.

Never once got a hit of dopamine. As a result, I fucking hate PT and haven't been inside a gym since 2013. Fuck working out.

>eat healthy
>stay in shape
>die anyways


Life doesn't get any better, life has and always will be what you make of it. If you wanna go out on your knees begging for death like a little bitch, then that cowardice is entirely your choice. However, don't expect kind hearted people to aid your selfish decision, anyone telling you easy ways to kill yourself on here are sub-human degenerates and I'd honestly rather them kill themselves, at least that way it would seem more fair.

Word up soldier. Exercise makes you tired, eating makes you fat and tired, socializing makes you tired (if you’re introverted) and I haven’t had a spike in dopamine since ‘93. Other user confined faggot.


>I'm 29F anyone who says life gets better can fuck off.
At least post tits before you leave

Here's my tiny tits I hope you all are fucking happy.

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I am, thanks

>Create the chemicals in your Brain
>OP is so fucking retarded that she doesn't even know he's not talking about drugs.
OP you are such a faggot. Kys already

You're a female, therefore have life on easy mode. Yet you still can't hack it. Fuck off you soft cunt


>incel rage

OP you never answered my question:

Don't u even care? About ur 2 dogs.


You got a knife right? Just cut your veins in a bath tube with hot water. Get drunk before if you want.

Have you tried killing yourself with kindness?

>Agreed, but suicide is a first class ticket to hell in the afterlife.
For sure faggot

No one gives a shit you dumb degradation fetish having whore, live stream your suicide so I can jerk off to it

Easy mode is being raped at 11
Being raped at 17
Being raped at 24

Living with pdst.

Men on estrogen aren't females



Not my dogs idgaf

Cute. Seems like a waste.

Stop dressing like a slut lol!

I fucking love small tits tbh

Not trips, but almost. At least you got dubs. Not the best tho, you could have decided OP's way of suicide.