Is it a simp/cuck move or an alpha/pimp move for iDubbbz to support his girlfriend in opening an OnlyFans account to...

Is it a simp/cuck move or an alpha/pimp move for iDubbbz to support his girlfriend in opening an OnlyFans account to send nudes to other men for money?

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Simp. There is no defending this.



Don’t care

I feel bad for the man. Maybe he's either thinking of the money. Maybe he feels like he can't really do much without ruining something. Either way I'd like to hear him speak and not someone else speak for him.

The only true answer

im subbed to her. there isnt any nudes..yet.

Idubbbz the Virgin can't say "No" to his woman.
Color me surprised.
At his age he should be having a family not supporting a whore.

Complete simp for allowing this degeneracy. It's only a matter of time until she's filming gangbangs with niggers for money and he's left sucking the cum out of her rotten and used cunt.

I'm sure he feels awful having his gf increasing their income by god knows how much just so she can tease lonely faggots that support e-thots.

And there won't be because you worthless losers have shown you're willing to pay for non nudes. We need to bring back bullying so you autists kill yourselves more often and sooner.

>thinking that allowing your GF to show her nudes to other men is alpha

Aaaayyy lmao small simp energy.

Bruh if I could get idiots to pay my gf for nudes, you bet i'd be cashing those checks. He's basically pimping her out without the physical issues along with it

Sweet thought process that can be extended to literally anything
>My girlfriends a prostitute?
>Hell yeah she's bringing in extra cash for some poor lonely fucks to have sex with her for like 30 minutes, fucking morons! Hell yeah cash!

>My girlfriends a drug dealer?
>Hell yeah! She's bringin in extra cash from these stupid fucks who are addicted to drugs, what morons!

It's only an alpha move if she shares the money with him. If she's just using it for her own personal "fun money," but still making him pay for things like rent and food, then it's a cuck move.


He literally paid for her boob job only for her to use that to become an e-thot.

He's a simp.


money >>> some made up purity standard

Lmao you're a simp too user

If my wife ever tried to pull this shit we would be divorced.

lol this is your mind on simp

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>he's okay with having his GF send nudes to other men

Why even have her as a GF? Get a fuck buddy lmao. Fucking simp.

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oh no!!! I have easy money and my wife is gone. What will I do???? ok simp

I make plenty of money without my wife being a whore.

>Hey we'd like to offer you a raise?
>"Oh no thanks! I make enough money."

If you're super insecure, just say so simp

>his wife will give him that money
lol simps are deluded

How are you trying to flip this on me. It is 100% a simp move to be okay with your SO being a whore for money. Of course I'd take a raise, just not for my wife to be a fucking whore. How are you such a cuck to not understand this?

lol what kind of reply is that supposed to be?

everyones a whore, its just a negotiation over price

>everyones a whore
t. icuckkkz

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>pretending you won't suck a dick for a billion dollars

I'll do it, buy your house from the bank and burn it down and piss on the ashes, simp

Yeah and most likely her price is low enough to make idubbz a simp. If my wife got offered a billion dollars I might be okay with it. Otherwise I'm not a fuckin simp.

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Everyone butthurt about this are the same cucks that pay basic bitches like that for shitty nudes when the internet is literally brimming with free porn.

alpha, he fucks her. she barely shows anything, no real nudes. The hype will get her easily 100k+ a year. Alpha

All these fucking threads and yet no leaks.

>yes my gf is a whore but guess what incel? she's coming home to me
This is cuck logic.

dude if she let, no *made* me lick her feet, I'd do whatever she wanted tbqh

It's alpha. When you're with your girl in public, guys are going to look no matter what, and that should make you proud to have a hot woman. It's even more alpha to make those guys pay money to see her without her even being nude. It's only a cuck move if he's letting other guys fuck his girlfriend

cuck cuck incel cope?
seethe simp my guy fam lol


The drug dealer part is fine

It would be a chad move if he needed money. He made fucking tons from Youtube back when it was not gay, he has no need for money, which means that it's a cuck move.

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Stop worshipping these internet youtube fags
Who cares

this. You kids are so fucking cringey.

where can i find the nudes for free

>selling pics on the internet to betas

ok buddy

your literally cringe

Idubbbz hasn't put out a single good video in what, two years? Now the 6/10 that he's dating is gonna show her tits to the internet.

Yeah total faggot cuckboy move.

Lmao, the guy I'm responding to is 100% making less than 40k/yr and spends what little money he has on weed

my my, summer has come early

Simp and the people defending this are omega simps

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Is simp the new word for beta or something? I've only seen an explosion of people saying it this year

I think it's a pimp move. Cucks don't get monetary benefits from having their girlfriends or wives fucked. This dude is leveraging his own internet celebrity to pimp his bitch and rake in cash from simps like y'all. You'll be sitting here raging and fapping in your mommy's basement while this dude will be getting his knob slobbed AND having all his bills paid by his prostitute gf.

Cuck if he loves her, alpha if she's nothing but a dumb cow only good for milking her for money

I mean I got some spare change around. I'll fuck your girl for tree fiddy if you say please.

You rn

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No I just don't get it. The old term beta was better and is what I prefer to use. Simp just sounds stupid and makes me think of the modding program for sims 2

She's not sending nudes ya twat

They’re not ready to have this conversation yet man. Let us return to the land of free porn and zero limitations.

I kinda like the airsfoftfatty documentary, I’m not even shitting you.

Of all the drugs to choose as an example of someone throwing their life away and you choose weed? I’m disappointed user.

It’s just these damn kids and their slang talk. Probably came from some nigger on tiktok

Probably. From what I saw it's sposed to be an acronym and that is straight up nigger