>Being white but not supporting White Pride
Explain yourself
Being white but not supporting White Pride
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what waste of 5 5's
nigga checked
Wasn't raised in a trailer park
Yeah cucked whites are cringe. Strange how black, Latino,Asian, etc pride is ok but OMG YOU'RE WHITE AND PROUD? YOU'RE AN EXTREMIST NAZI. Jews and Marxism really fucked us.
>>Being white but not supporting White Pride
>Explain yourself
I'm whiter that white people.
My parents loved me and I know how to read.
I have empathy for others
If you can't take pride in being white, then you are weak and don't deserve it in the first place. Not everyone is born with blue eyes, I was and women love it. Better to be born white than a nigger, sandnigger, wetback, or chink. God made whites to rule over the earth, which will happen after corona wipes out the inferior races.
>being so desperate for meaning in your life that you take pride in something that you literally had no control over
Pathetic. Do something with your life and be proud of that
Digits of truth
Quints of truth
Africa has the lowest covid rates.
I don't take pride in anyone else's accomplishments.
You had 5 5’s and you wasted it to post this faggot shit? What a fucktard
White guy here. I 100% support white pride.
You like when people call you a Nazi though. They don't like when you call them a nigger.
White people are so generic. You're the fucking base nords from Skyrim.
Imagine taking pride in something you had no control over LMAO
imagine taking pride in other people's accomplishments
But do those others have empathy for you? IS the question you should ask yourself.
Your parents loved you too much. That much is clear. Never had a real problem in your life have you?
Of course you had, your ancestors had, that is your spirit, the common spirit of white people. That they are trying to decimate.
Its not "someone else" for a united people. Its your family, your spirit, yourself. Not that npc-s like you understand such things.
Black cocks are bigger
I'm not a deeply mediocre white guy
Why join a group when I am a strong white man on my own?
so my spirit decided I was going to be white? There was me thinking it was cos my white parents fucked. That's some retarded pseudo-science bullshit you're peddling right there.
Fortunately, You can get therapy fairly cheaply under Obamacare
I'm not inbred, fucking my sister or retarded.
Oh yeah. Nazi 5's. Kek.
I only take pride on things I have actually accomplished myself.
Being proud of something you have no control over is fuckin odd regardless what it is. You should be proud of achievements and shit like that.
Kek. Gr8 b8 m8.
I prefer mother's pride, it's lovely bread.
Death to white supremacists
Also the lowest testing rate and lowest healthcare system
guess this thread didn't work out like you planned...
my parents beat the shit out of me you fucking retard. I have empathy because I dislike seeing others in emotional or physical pain the way I was as a child.
Africa is definitely renowned for its healthcare and infrastructure. Of course they're prepared for anything that comes their way. Haven't you seen black panther?
OP guaranteed to be a no-chin neckbeard
Because us whites are just as retarded as every other race. All skin colors are 99% retarded.
usually you take pride in something that you accomplished
if you have to find pride in being born a certain color, it's because you literally have nothing you worked for to be proud of lol
im not ashamed of being white, but im certainly not 'proud', i just feel lucky
This. Most people are cunts, regardless of colour.
Holy shit nigggggga! Pentuplet Fives!!! The truth is clear, I’m a storm fag now.
Thats called being proud of your history, of your ancestors. Since civilisation and science are already created, you can only maintain and improve them. Nigger.
what the fuck is wihte pride anyway? i'm supposed to be proud of being white? why? i'm proud of my accomplishments, not my race. if none of you have anythig else to be proud then i feel sorry for you, and the truth is other white people look down on you for this kind of shit.
Other races are encouraged to love their racial heritage and to hate white people.
Why can't a white person just be proud of where they came from? Doesn't mean they necessarily hate other races.
I hung out with your type when I was an edgy teen. Yall talk big about them boogaloos and ethnic cleansing but never do shit, fat fucks who only bitch and moan about how tough white men have it, and you think you are better than niggers in that regard lmao
Because I believe that us as a human race are stronger working together than arguing about something as arbitrary as the color of ones skin. Dumb cock suckers like you are why we are all held back.
What are you some sorta elf lover?
Because I enjoy my white privilege. Its fucking great.
You know the best way to keep your white privilege?
By not rocking the boat and making everyone hate you. A small vocal minority will always hate everything. Those people dont matter and dont make a difference.
But when you put a big target on your back by acting like a buffoon and pretending that being a mutt makes you superior to everyone else?
Thats when the silent majority could turn on you.
Its shooting yourself in the foot but you retards are too stupid to see it.
I'm white and I resent my "white privilege".
OTOH, whenever I get to know a minority to the point that I can talk seriously about social issues with them, I own that it exists and express my sincere wish that it didn't.
Granted, it may be just because I'm a nice fuckin' guy who treats people like decent human beings (until they demonstrate that they're not deserving of that). But since I started owning white privilege to the people around me & denouncing it as the racist bullshit that it is, I've never had to worry about any of my coworkers or passersby stabbing me in the back or fucking me over somehow. They know I'm on their side, and for them, having a white person who empathizes with them and stands with them in the face of injustice is a very powerful thing.
If you're a racist of any sort, you need to pic related.
I do I just keep it to myself
Get the fuck back to r3ddit you fucking nigger piece of shit and choke on a bag of nigger cock
some yes, but does that mean that white people can't have their own nations?, whites pulled out of Africa after doing some bad shit (that literally every other civilisation has done) and modernising the continent, leaving railways, roads, municipal water & irrigation systems and other infrastructure.
Whites owe the world nothing, no more guilt.
change to European Pride.
Get lost milk drinker
You really need to go back
Because White Pride is bullshit.
Bunch of inbred, stupid, neckbeards who have ZERO fucking understanding of the real struggle.
This isn't about white, black, asian, whatever. This isn't a race war you fucking morons. This is a culture war.
I don't care what color your skin is. I care about your culture. European culture is the greatest culture in the world because it TOOK WHAT IT WANTED from all the other cultures.
Colonization was our manifest destiny. We took the best aspects of every land we conquered. We pulled the world kicking and screaming out of the dark ages.
Work hard, take care of your family, emphasis on personal development (mental, physical, spiritual), and the strength of your community. Protestant work ethic and the spirit of capitalism. That is our culture. You embody that, I will embrace you as a brother, no matter what your skin color.
Act like a fucking animal, behave like an animal, debase yourself with excessive behavior (abuse of drugs, alcohol, etc.), deny science and logic, etc. and I will shun you like the parasitic scum that you are.
>I resent my "white privilege".
> I own that it exists and express my sincere wish that it didn't.
"White Privilege" is just common decency and common courtesy. Its not something you should be ashamed of or something you should have to apologize for.
Its something you should simply push and strive for all people to have and enjoy.
Is it a shame that not everyone gets it and prejudice exists?
Yes it sucks.
But in an ironic way, white privilege is the best of humans.
Treating people very well with all good intentions and not questioning their every move?
Those are the best human traits we have. We should NOT be telling people those traits are bad to have.
They just need to extend those to other people.
Making a boogeyman out of those traits is not a good thing.
White is right. The rest of the teeming hords of genetic filth can fuck off.