post your favorite celeb cumshots
Post your favorite celeb cumshots
Always the best when it's messy.
Trash photoshoppers out there putting a drop on her face like it's anything valuable, one tiny little wad.
imagine if there was like a celebrity gangbang contest everyone can cum where ever they want the one who fucks or commed on wins
the winner turn out to be emma stone and taylor swift
Miley would be the winner IRL to be fair
Say, these are quite swell!
Keep em' comin'!
post best Emma
This is already better than any regular celeb thread in the past 4 months.
fake cum is fake
tributes are retarded, faggot
When did this happen? Source?
anyone got any cum png, so I can try to make some of my own
Brie Larson pls !
this is a shit way to make facials, look for a facial pic and a celeb pic with a similar skin tone
gotcha, I'll try that then
Not sure if it's a more pathetic statement on one's life that they took the extensive amount of time to make some FAKE embellishment on an image of some FAKE pretender overhyped attention whore shell of person they are somehow obsessed with after seeing them on tv . . .
. . . or the absolutely pathetic no-life human being who actually saves and collects the fake work of the loser that wasted all that time to begin with.
How sad your lives must be. That you are here actually posting and gawking at your collection of a monument to your lack of living and degeneracy, implicitly touting it as a worthwhile endeavor says a lot about you. Not sure there is a bigger loser on the planet than idiots that make "celeb" threads, whether or not they are embellished (they all are as their pr teams photoshop the crap out of everything before the press releases of images).
any of you making these/taking requests?
cry forever to dad's dick, noob
if you want a good one, it takes at least an our if I find the right materials fast. so no
Maybe next time. Who do you want?
i love these
it becomes a hobby, and the better you get the more options are going to open up.
it's way better then watching porn, you are actually creating porn.
you can make anyone fuck with anyone.
but you stick with binchwatching netflix series because that is something that really adds quality to your life i suppose.
this would be my request, any interest?
if so, thank you!
who the heck is this?