Rekt thread
Rekt thread
watch those nig nogs scatter when a dog comes out though..............
this is quite good advertisement for purging all niggers from this world
I would skin that bitch alive if that was my baby
Fucking niggers
Exterminate the niggers.
>sucker punch
>many against one
Every goddamn time
>the one nig that quickly pops in, steals a whole box of candy, then pops out
What happens here, what did he throw on the counter?
Typical nigger. Has to sucker punch. Can't fight fair. I fucking hate niggers.
nothing funnier than walking through the ghetto part of town with a dog kek
What was the reason?
The poorer one is, the better the fighter
>knocking out
>then going for the wallet
yeah niggers
when you don't pay taxes so you call your crack dealer when they send thugs to your home to collect the coin you owe to the federal gang
never relax
That's you and your culturally appropriated nigger loving liberal cuck baby get for hiring a fucking nigger.
i see them as wild life if not properly domesticated by white people.
>le epic mag dump
this is the main reason I'm racist. niggers are sadistic towards lesser creatures proving they are the product of incest as incest babies generally show sadistic traits if born without autism or something making them retarded. I get violence for your gang, family, for food out of desperation and so on. but imagine seeing a cute little animal wanting nothing but cuddles, and getting it over you that its worth your time to torture this animal. imagine finding torture without cause funny. it screams "I have never had any power in my life and need to vent it out by dominating this kitty" if you need to harm animals or people, in general, you're a huge loser with no dignity or honour to your name.
Never seen this one before.
Got a background story?
>"ay wassup whiteboi, im finna just grab some phones right quick OH SHI-"
All niggers cross the street when I walk though with my german shep.
dat ass doe
Kek, that nigger that have the impulse to steal
cool dog
Notice how every one just stands there and watches. It's this for this reason why I couldn't give a fuck about anyone and look out only for myself. People are the fucking worst.
I especially love the part where he mag dumps when the guys on the floor. Dumbass robber makes his own gun useless by turning his back. Justice served
People don't care unless it happens to them or someone they know. It's always shown in these type of videos.
yeah fuck nigge...
>all the additional shots to make sure nigger is dead for good
I approve.
That ass tho
Scruffy ratchet she-boon scum
This guy would have been easily saved in a country with a decent trauma system. Here they just gaze at him and he gazes back.
Finna Dinni do nuffin rong, he go to church
Proven fake.