Welp, Ian is a cuck

Welp, Ian is a cuck.

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Lucky white boy, gets to kiss her feet while based nigger stretches her and makes her squeal

he is a god among men

Is a niggerfaggot.

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Story ?

Ian become a cuck, that's all

Does the sauce shirt mean anything?

How do we know ? Vid leak ?

His gf set up an onlyfans account

His GF make OnlyFan page.

If you think paying money just see lewds of his gf is "cucking him", you guys are retarded.

Post onlyfans pic and vid

I wish she had nudes before she got those awful fake tits.

use the outfit where she looks like shes wearing blacked attire

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I'm split.
On one hand people are paying to watch the girl you're railing.
On the other hand she's showing off the goods like a whore.

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If she's a whore, that makes Ian the pimp.
Pimps aren't cucks

>spending your time with a woman who thinks letting literally anyone see her naked body is OK
Yeah, doesn't sound cucked at all.

pimps aren't in relationships with their whores you fucking retard


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yes they are. they're nigger cucks.

You either die a gay retard or live long enough to see yourself become a nigger faggot.

>pimps aren't in relationships with their whores

its often a buisness relationship
they kinda do pretend to be in a relationship, which is all every relationship ever is

>blacked attire
This moron doesnt understand how advertising works.
The people who make blacked use intentionally common underwear types, hence the Calvin Kleins.
Calvin Kleins are notoriously popular.
How in your mind a whole brand became related to your personal fetish, do you think?


that's why she's wearing it.

>its often a buisness relationship
not at all the same thing, stop trying to move the goalposts.
>they kinda do pretend to be in a relationship, which is all every relationship ever is
wrong. just stop my guy, it's embarrassing.

He fell for the BLACKED meme.
Now his coombrain spends every wake hour searching for more BBC Cuck porn.
Time for rehab.

Soy sauce=soy boy

shut the fuck up stupid nigger

haha funy meem

Why do so many give a shit? Threads here and in other shitposting groups/discords etc.

Ian is a 3rd rate youtuber, he hasn't made decent content in years. His chick is a nobody.

They need the money, and the idiots who are willing to pay money to see pictures of tits are much more pathetic.


>be on 4chin
>why anons are meanies and make fun of people?
>unironic-ironic reddit spacing
you have to go back

Spoken like a true beta male.

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ian is a very relatable and creative youtuber
seeing him fall like this is truly mind blowing
after all of these years fighting stupidity and non sense look what happened to him

dude, im just attacking the fault in your statement (and trying to be funny).
expand your mind a little and dont nail everything down on one little definition you heared.
of course relationships are just people pretending to be in a relationship. its non-materialistic. it does not exist if we dont say / pretend it exists.
not wanting to reform anyone on philosophy, but do you want to be dull and act like everything has just one meaning and spinning ideas further is a defect?

is meant for
wrong reply, sry

I'm just tired of seeing shit about it, people can shit on iDubbbz all day long, doesn't mean it isn't annoying.

i assume that reply was for me
>im just attacking the fault in your statement
there's no fault in the statement that pimps aren't in committed relationships with their whores, stop acting dumber than you are.
>of course relationships are just people pretending to be in a relationship. its non-materialistic. it does not exist if we dont say / pretend it exists.
read that back to yourself, slowly.

I'm just trying to expand my dick here asshole

>Technically speaking hes not a real cuck because his whore gf blah blah blah blah
Who the fuck cares? cuck, beta, soy boy etc are used to describe a weak male who cant even dump his gold-digging whore gf.
that being said, he is truly a cuck

>of course relationships are just people pretending to be in a relationship

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He was of course more likeable back in the days of Frances of the Filth and the Australian Cold Ones boys. The dude hasn't made a content cop in 3 years.

Just let him fall out of relevancy like Ethan and Hila have.

This is your brain on subjectivism
Stay away from atheism, kids

>people can shit on iDubbbz all day long, doesn't mean it isn't annoying.
there are 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 threads about nigger loving every single day the last years user but you chose to come here
now you really should go back

>like, man, relationships can be whatever you want, dude.

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why the fuck would you pay to see her white trash half fat deformed old body? you know who's the cuckold in this whole deal? you fuckers who pay for this absolute garbage tier shit

Found the college freshman

I'm afraid you're right

you have just added the word "committed", you retrospectively changed the statment of your point, because youre lost otherwise (slow clap).

>read that back to yourself, slowly.
i would love to read it out loud to you, because you apparently dont understand it.
could you at least point out what is wrong with my statement without using generic phrases?

>you have just added the word "committed"
because ian and his girlfriend are in a committed relationship, as opposed to a pimp and his whores, you troglodyte.
again, stop acting dumber than you actually are.

I dislike those threads as well, big fuckin deal.

>Just let him fall out of relevancy like Ethan and Hila have.
no user. you now how much i love you baby boy, but somewhat famous losers should be made fun of constantly when they fuck up until we find some other somewhat famous loser

Congratulations, you're actually retarded.

nice user
are you a cute femboy btw?

dude looks like that old dillan the hacker faggot who claimed to own Yas Forums

Faggots who care about faggots.
Im not suprised

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using cringy faggots to shit on cringy faggots just makes you a cringy fag

My wife is better looking than she is, if i were to nake a porn with me and my wife, and than post it online, does that make ME a cuck? I know coomers would watch it. She's like 98lbs, and has a nice body, while i weigh almost 100 more pounds than she does. Surely some beta coomers would watch. Oh, and she's light mocha color(black), and I'm white.

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some of them surely are, (generalization much)?
then they are not in a cuck relationship as well, would they?
if you speak only about committed realtionships, then there is no point in this discussion.

another non-content phrase. ty