Where is the fucking cure?

Where is the fucking cure?

Attached: china-bat-eating-soup-01.jpg (1200x800, 162.28K)

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steeem cells


Nebulize h2o2
Take Sodium abscorbate

gatorade and ibuprofen
you're whalecum

For legal reasons, america isn't allowed to administer the 250kiloton cure directly to the point of origin.

You think this is funny? People are dying you sick piece of fucking shit

mnd fetus

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The point of origin is China, so what the fuck are you going on about?

yes, it's fucking hilarious

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Wuhan cemetery

The only thing that's hilarious, is your fucking life. So why do you refuse to end it?

Immunotherapy is supposed to effective so get your hands on it and some interferon

yeah unfortunately im not joking
that's the actual only treatment
(that and experimental drugs that don't really work)

there wont be a vaccine any time soon

hilarious != pointless
at least I make somebody smile :)
unlike you, you useless fucking piece of shit

Why are you making shit up?

We need the cure now, today. People are dying. We can't wait anymore.

here I am

Attached: the-cure-facts.jpg (642x350, 40.8K)


take this information however you want

vitamin c

Who did you make smile, your boyfriend after blowing him?

It started with bats, it ends with bats

So what are you saying? Do nothing?

Just like your life started as a mistake, it will end as a mistake

SJW - back to facebook, I hope you get this faggy virus and cancer, dipshit

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>People I don't like are liberals
Yeah no

You don't know how shit works here, do you newfag?

You really don't get this picture, aren't you? It barely makes sence talking to you, my brown friend, just stop breathing

Imagine being this guy

Who do you know that's died from it?

Doesn't matter, no one should be dying at all. We need the cure. There is no excuse for why it's taking this long.

Ivan, don't you get some kind of training before you start posting? It hurts my brain to read your shit and english isn't my mother tongue / first language

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Hes making a reference to nuclear war, dipshit.

We have plenty of time, kek

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He was trolling...google it.

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No, time has run out. We need the cure. There is no more waiting. Why are our best minds not on this?

I imagine you look like this

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Gaaaaay, why the rush? Poor people die in shitty countries, it's not like we lack people, right?

>There is no excuse for why it's taking this long.

Behold what dropping out in year 9 and not even paying attention in any science class sounds like.

There is no cure. All you sick bat eaters, monkey soup eaters gonna die.

I assume you are in the green area?

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>Aaaahhhhhh my anus hurts. No one should be dying. OMF! Ahhhhhhh! Reddit! 9gag! Facebook! The memes! Saveee meee haaaa!

It's how gay you sound, kid.

So only Africa is not shitty? That's the only place on Earth with no Corona virus

There is no excuse. We need the cure, now. We must accelerate the process. People are dying.

You assuming is right. There is a case in my city btw. 0 fucks given.

My friend, does the English language trigger you? You seem to have a hard time speaking it

the disease is the cure

Are you the case?

>the disease is the cure
Kys yourself

only adults are dying.
this will cure cancer.

I am assuming you are trolling, but the answer is no. Still, i dont give a shit at all. There is a plent of people i know personally that needs to die. I dont see a problem here.

>My friend
Either you are Aussie or Europoor.
No. English is not a problem and you still gay friendo.

Not at all, I suspect you have corona virus given what you have stated so far. Confirmed.

I have a good laugh here.

>administer the 250kiloton cure directly to the point of origin
how to identify the retarded racist in the crowd

Why are you still here? You have corona virus. You need medical.

>Sodium abscorbate
Best band ever

Death by Bat-soup

Dumb ass

Speak english language and i can stay here all day long except that i have a real life outside this hellhole. Came here just for a good laugh and i get it. Enjoy your destruction.


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im reporting you to the mods for nazi-talk, you piece of shit homophobes can enjoy your ban

Begone faggot

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life isn't like your cell phone, you won't get anything you want when you want it, quit acting like a petulant spoiled brat child

lol you even type autistic

You need medical. You have virus. Go.

How angry should we all be at china for being responsible for this?
I think they need sanctions from every country affected, maybe that would teach those mongol rape babies to clean up their act.

If you see him this weekend, please give your father a hug and tell him we - every single user of this shitty website - feels sorry for him. It must be a huge burden to know that he bought the biggest faggot in existence to our society, but please let him know that it isn't his fault. He could have been so proud to have you as a son, how could he have know that you turn out this way? I am seriuos, please let him know we side with him, faglord

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where you live, i go fuck ur mom then you

Just wow

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In Croatia

>Where is the fucking cure?
Youth and being healthy.