People are blowing this way out of proportion and I’m sick of it

People are blowing this way out of proportion and I’m sick of it

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ITT: OP doesn't understand exponential growth

dead meme pick again

stfu and just post nudes
this is Yas Forums

You mean sick from it?

Agree. the media trying to make Trump lose the election. Do a research on the 2009 - 2010 pandemic of the H1N! Virus, better known as the Swine Flu. The case numbers and deaths were far worse than current cases and deaths. Yet I can't remember NBA, NHL, NCAA cancelling their season/playoffs. Also schools remained open, no public ban on events with 1000 or more people in 2009. My view point is media has overblown this pandemic. We got through the Swine Flu Pandemic and we'll get through the CoVid-19 pandemic.

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Yas Forums had me ready for this shit, I'm comfy and ready to neet my way out of this one

People are stupid and many have this strange need to exaggerate everything. Humans are actually pretty fucking primitive.

Why doesn't Corona (the beer) sue China for copyright infringement?

Don't try to reason with these fucktards. These are people who jerk off to rekt threads and tranny porn.

Ok swine flu infected millions of people with about 12000 deaths we corona virus has had around 135000 cases and 4000 the math which one has the higher death rate?

>3-5x more contagious than the flu
>100x more deadly

thank god there aren't mentally deficient idiots like you running the government.

hopefully OP gets it. the gene pool obviously needs bleach. borders should have been shut down and everything canceled a month ago.

The reason why is because have to be in a lot of contact with birds to get h1n1, Corona virus infects through human contact and by coughing fucktard

first post nails it

carry on licking door knobs OP. dont let this stop you.

All right, my stupid friend. H1N1 had a .2% mortality rate during the 2009 outbreak. COVID-19 has a mortality rate of 1%. I know you'll have trouble with basic analysis, so I'll just tell you that means those who contract coronavirus are five times more likely to die than if they have contracted H1N1. Next, while other outbreaks have had a higher mortality rate, they were not as contagious and/or more easily contained. The SARS outbreak had a mortality rate ever almost 10% a little over 8,000 confirmed cases. COVID-19 already has around 115,000. The spread mixed with a mortality rate means a serious, deadly outbreak. I know you're too stupid to ever admit you're wrong, but you're wrong. Worse, you lack basic curiosity to learn and apparently zero analytical skills. it doesn't mean we all have to freak out. It just means that stupid people like you are dangerous to rational, practical action. I know you'll just call me a faggot and ignore the truth. Look, no one cares about you. But do us a favor and go ahead and blow your head off before you spread it to people who actually deserve to live.

Keep calm and carry on.

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The mortality rate is high for a respiratory illness that travels easily. The problem is how many people could possibly get it and become vectors.
Not everyone is healthy and without underlying health conditions.

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You are a fucking idiot.


>Muh Trump

You can't say shit about a mortality rate when no one has any clue how numerous the mild cases are. Your whole family might have it right now but so mild that no one even noticed.

That's true. And that's been considered. The mortality rate is based on the thousands of daily tests being run in other countries, not just the US' slow ass bullshit response. Based on those mass tests where the virus has been around longer, it is at least 1%.

I woke up with a sore throat!i

Trump did shut down the border for travelers from china a month ago.

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Give this man a gold!
>copyright infringement in china
fucking retard

what annoys me most is how financial algorithms are making an already delicate situation much worse, what's more they seem so keen on fucking over public/private access encryption despite all the past data breaches, but these fuckers dont understand how/why markets take a shit when even the slightest notion of something bad on the global financial markets because 70% of US trading is done by algorithms

let's not forget if this fucker mutates into something far worse which is completely possible

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Facts? Preferably something not published by the media?

Johns hopkins says of confirmed cases about 6% are fatal. We *think* but don't know if theres a lot more cases that have yet to be confirmed. 1% is a low ball guess.

click the map for current numbers

Sick huh?

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>makes it seem like Trump losing in '20 would be a bad thing
>makes it seem like Trump doesn't deserve to lose in '20
>makes it seem like, if Trump loses in '20, it's because of anything and everything EXCEPT Trump

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Same could be said for swing flu

holy shit here i go: fucking retarded mongoloid dicksauce gargling faggot
you wanted it

This is nothing but a conspiracy to get more "vaccinations" into us and you're all falling for it. Fucking sheep.

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if u dont take the vaccine and u notice other people around u dying from not taking it,would u maybe consider?

The only people who have died were those who did seek medical attention. Really makes you wonder huh

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tuberculosis kills 3000+ people a day
no ones freaking out about it
people are dying from this new virus because it triggers underlying conditions to go haywire, which is normal for viruses like this
look up event201 too by the way, what's really happening is no where near what the predicted, long after 3 weeks :)
relax kids, your happening isn't happening

Surprised trumptards aren’t more keen to quarantine considering its killing 90% of trumps voting base

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where the fuck you get that info from?

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It may get a lot worse, it may get deadly for a LOT of people.. but as of now, the real problem is the panickers, not the virus. Food and household basics are starting to get scarce.

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When someone finds a dead body that's been rotting away for days or weeks they don't run some battery of tests to tell if what happened. They send the body to corner, they then go spend 3 minutes looking at the body and go welp nothing weird like a gunshot wound or stabs, looks like they died of natural causes. case closed. Could have been AIDs, cornoa virus, the flu, pretty much anything.

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Yeah, it's more of a bell curve.

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And lets not forget those algorithms are designed by game-theorists. The actual value of a company is almost irrelevant when it comes to its market value


best testing ever

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>doesn't know what time frames are

i dont know if i should laugh or cry at our education system.

huurrrrrrr its not exponential daily so its not exponential durrrrrrrr

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i can tell you are well-informed about this via reddit, and have therefore lost the argument. i concede.

Pastafag here, i have the impression that in america informations are so politicized that is quite difficult to get them straight, so here's my 2 cent from what i see first hand.
first of all this is worse than a flu, not much in terms of mortality but in terms of complications, it's quite common (cannot give you a number) to develop acute interstitial pneumonia, even if you're young and healthy . although it's not deadly it's one hell of a thing, and requires intubation (two friends of mine who are about my age right now are intubated in hospital).
the main problem here is that covid-19 is very very contagious, so much that any health care system would be overwhelmed by the number of cases and couldn't provide a decent treatment to all, and when this happens the mortality rate goes up.
here we had 12k cases in less than three weeks, this is a huge spread rate, in some hospitals they had to take the decision to not intubate those aged over 65.
with that being said is good to remind everyone that this is not the black death, in the vast majority of cases it's identical to a bad flu, many had endured it without even realising in was covid19, but again if hospitals are overwhelmed then those who develop complications will face a much harder time.
when this happens measures must be taken, something that goes beyond "just avoid crammed places". in my opinion there's a good chance that america will have a harder time facing this than europe, at least in big cities, mainly because by not having a free health care and not issuing some kind of preventive measure on time there's gonna be a fairly big part of the population that will make an exellent vector for the spread of the desease.

President Trump: COVID-19 Coronavirus. U.S. cases 1,329. U.S. deaths 38. Panic level : MASS hysteria. President Obama: H1N1 virus. U.S. cases 60.8 million. U.S. deaths 12,469. Panic level: NO BIG DEAL. Do you all see how the MSM manipulates your life and pushes its liberal agenda and narrative?


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Absolutely. I hope it's not that high in the end. And I hope these idiots will start realizing that even 1% is ten times worse then influenza, despite what that dumbass Trump says.

You are would ignorant as you how things work, aren't you?

I started stocking up on shelf stable staple goods last month. Wife was pissed at the spending until she went to the grocery store for fresh food yesterday and saw the empty shelves.

I live in a small mountain community in the Rockies. Tourists are are bread and butter and up until day before yesterday shit was booming. Today it is a ghost town. Zero car traffic, zero foot traffic. The stores are all bare bones. Shit went from normal to insane within 48 hours. My state has a bunch of cases and now everyone has straight sucked up all the resources and disappeared, I am at work by now I would usually have $6-7 in sales, I am sitting at 0 without a soul walking around, all I can hear is wind chimes it is eerie as fuck

Soros will do anything

I'm stocked pretty well, to the point I'm mostly buying frozen stuff and standing pat on what's in the pantry.

Whatever you do, don't consider how long the H1N1 outbreak lasted to get to that body count. Don't think about exponential growth. Don't contrast the mortality rates and ease of transfer. The saddest thing is you will never be smarter than you are right now.

stay safe. i was going to head up skiing this weekend. probably copper or abasin. so much for that the next few weekends

What are the consequences for the noodlesuckers once all this shit will be over? Reminding you that ,these motherfuckers fucked up 1/2 of the economy and KILLED many people.

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