In Finland we take coronavirus very serioursly

In Finland we take coronavirus very serioursly.

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"This dude probably knows something that the rest of us won't. Should I equip my basement for the nuclear fallout"

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sure thing buddy.

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Finland rules

the corona fly is seeks out retards in moon suits

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fear and panic spread faster than the flu

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Why are finn girls so attracted to muslims?

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I'm guessing the toll was paid.

They are brain washed by the media. That girl got her head cut off my that muslim scum.

I feel like I'm as bad as him for being glad she is dead but she got what was coming to her. It would have been just as well if she got cervical cancer and wasn't able to produce any dune coon half breeds

But blacks and arabs are ugly as fuck, they aren't manly either they are just manchildren ready to throw a temper tantrum when something doesn't go their way webm related a turk. I think this user is on the money .

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do you guys even need toilet paper?

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of course

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post whatever you've got, finns just crack me up

God fucking damnit, the Germans losing WW2 was truly the end of Europe.

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Niggers are so obsessed with and insecure about their stupid fucking hair. It's retarded.

the fuck was that?

I've only seen that hair in movies, I don't have much contact with blacks but women straighten it and men keep it short. Can you imagine a whole bunch of people being so self conscious about themselves all the time?

Why are there blacks in Finland to begin with? If they find fins racist, why don't they leave?

Is a powerful POC checking those evil white people’s privilege

>the end of Europe
I think you mean the end of the West

I wonder if they need vitamin D supplements to not off themselves.

Because Africa doesn’t have an expansive welfare state like the EU cucks do, or reliable electricity for that matter.

some swedish shieet

>A2P3 filter
a simple P3 would be much cheaper tho, why ?

True, the end of Europe started with the defeat of the Germans in WW1.

Sweden Yes!

Maybe he just wanted to show off his ebin suit bro. Just larping it up a little to have a laugh.

Someone should sabotage vitamin d manufacturing somehow
Ah so it's for da gibs. Too bad they'll never admit that. Maybe the better question is (((how))) they got there to begin with.

I have this same suite at home with a newer modle of gas mask, working at Chemical factory so i get that shit for free!

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Probably the same way as everyone else. They just can pretend they're some kind of poor refugee running for their lives and shit.

Das Merkel Reich probably imported them ‘cause that famous German guilt.

Germans are lovely people by the way, and don’t deserve to have their history from over two generations ago held against them, and their culture destroyed out of guilt. They got shit upon hard in WW2 and dont mention it because they’re guilted into thinking they were all complicit in the holocaust which is complete bull shit.

There sure are some germans who are cunts, but the ones I know and have met and spent time with have basically adopted me into their families.

There is no bread in stores anymore

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And no meat either

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Vegan dream.

lmao nobody wants vegan or pineapple pizzas

How is that... Capitalism... working out for ya?

This happens in finnish army when there is a vegan day in kitchen.

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we always have mcdonalds to feed us.

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bretty gud. the shelves are stocked again. how 'bout you?

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(((why))) indeed?

men mostly work, Muslim men mostly groom themselves so ofc they have more time with woman.

Lidl is even in fucking Finland :DDD

i hat amenrikans thye r dumb n gye

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In Italy shelves got restocked within 24 hours from hoarding

my ass got restocked with nigger cocks

Everywhere restocked every 24 hours
Most stores had crazy panic, then refilled the shelves.

fuck u say to me ikea boi???
we wuz diskmaskin and shieeeet



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Na bruv am finnish, I love me some swedish meatballs tho

In Italy...
>common greeting is hug and kiss(both cheeks)
How corona spread so bad here?

and black cocks?

Felt cute might delete later uwu
Rate me, am I a cute trap?

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spurdo splärä ap on fagotti d:D

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>unusually high demand means capitalism isn't working
How's retardation treating you?

Ofc not, I'm not into beastiality. But if a fellow man needs some DICK, I'm always willing to help

Dumb angry CAPman
You fail at every chance

No shekels for you Herchel

infidel scum!!! aziz, our best combat fighter will rape ur women

Ignore that retard
He thinks people should have s3x with monkeys
What a sick fuck

black pusy

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Fucking valio propaganda

Yes sir, I'd never have the sthreex with any niggers, I'm a pure, christian boyo


How many generations of bleaching would it take to produce something like this?

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