Trump supporter here

Trump supporter here.

I just want everyone to know I agree Trump is fucking up this Coronavirus response but I'm still voting for him in November. Keep crying libtards.

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Other urls found in this thread:

trump is doing fine. Saving our freedome from this libtard fluhoax.

dont believe their lies

Trump is being punished by God for raping his own kids and selling his daughter to the Jews

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>I agree Trump is fucking up
>but I'm still voting for him
Conservatives never learn, we didn't expect any more from you bud


lol your are dumb

>Keep crying libtards.

The tears are from laughing so hard.

>inb4 you just mad cause she lost
Pick another talking point faggot. I'm glad Hillary lost but that doesn't absolve trump of being an absolute turd. There were better options then and now. Jeb Bush should have won in 2016 and you fucking know it. Trumps ONLY good quality is his meme potential, that's it, that was always it.

It was an obvious troll...

keep crying libtard

oh the irony

Non-Trump supporter here.

I just want everyone to know I agree Trump is fucking up this Coronavirus response I'm not voting for him in November. Keep crying repubtards.

Repubtard? lol wtf is that? the left can't meme and this is why they LOSE LOSE LOSE

Ahhh, the old repeat the same thing and they'll eventually get mad tactic

I've been trollinf these boards since 2004 son, you gotta get clever

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>lol wtf is that?
It's (you)

But I admit, the proper term is Republicuck

>endorsing pedophiles
Keep feeling good about yourself

I think we have barely touched the surface of what the infection numbers truly are. 10x-100x more people infected than currently reported.

that's great! that means the mortality rate is far less than it is with current reported numbers.

op here, swear on my life I've been here since 2004 too. first learned of Yas Forums on IRC anime chats

What policies of his do you support if his? What policy has he enacted since taking office do you find the most effective and why?

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his policy of making your cry like a bitch, libtard

I forgive you user

Nah, think of all the deaths that are just attributed to the flu and pneumonia but aren't tested for corona

this kills the anti-trump fag
>6 million new jobs created.
>3.8 million people off welfare.
>5.8 million people off food stamps.
>GDP growth rate doubled.
>Average wages increased by 6% over the past two years.
>Lowest unemployment rate since 1969.
>Lowest Black unemployment rate in history.
>Lowest Hispanic unemployment rate in history.
>Lowest Asian unemployment rate in history.
>Lowest female unemployment rate in history.
>Jobs created in construction manufacturing oil coal and natural for the first time in over a decade.
>Largest middle class tax cut in 35 years.
>Largest criminal justice reform bill in 40 years predominantly benefitting Blacks and Hispanics.
>Largest land conservation grant in US history.
>EU, Canada and Mexico have all lowered their tarrifs on American products.
>Inflation is at 1.6%, lower than the 2.1% under Obama.
>Over 80 new record highs of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
>North Korea and South Korea are negotiating for peace for the first time in 65 years.
>USA decreased CO2 emissions by twice as much as the next 10 countries COMBINED, despite the USA having left the Paris Accord.
>NATO countries have agreed to increase their military spending to decrease the US military burden.
>ISIS eliminated as a regional threat.
>Exports of oil, coal and natural gas to Europe and Asia have doubled.
>USA is now the largest producer of oil in the world, and demand is still increasing.
>The economy currently has more job openings than available labor for the first time since WWII.
>Trump has eliminated over 500 unnecessary regulations, thus decreasing the costs to small businesses and increasing the amount of capital available in the economy.

2/10 made me reply

Who said I was a liberal? I’m just asking what policies do you support of his?

Do you have none you support?

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Nice deflection
You literally cannot run a nation on that, there needs to actually be something behind the curtain

lol you kids are never satisfied unless it's literally the end of the world
you want so desperately a happening that you'll just say whatever in order to make your desires work in your head

What actions/policies has Trump put in place to promote this economic activity?

HAHAHA keep voting for an actual nigger

And how did you divine that from what I said? We aren't testing for it and the symptoms are just like severe flu if you show more than mild symptoms.

People have it, aren't getting tested, and are spreading it. Is it the end of the world or something? Obviously not, but it is about 10x deadlier than the flu and that sucks enough to take notice

Asking questions means you're the enemy, haven't you gotten the memo?

>10x deadlier than the flu
>not everyone who has it reported or known
>far less deaths than the flu
ok kid

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So then why aren’t the reported mortality rates the same?

Leave the country, racist.

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You keep being smug, walking around big dick swingin style, and calling people kid etc etc and you wonder why everyone thinks you're a faggot

Every fucking time, just look at the history of religion

God we are so stupid to be such intelligent creatures

Why would you not choose a different republican who could handle the crisis better?

everybody big and bad in this thread until this guy comes along with his facts..

Was it though? Cause I see shit like that in every trump thread, and it seems like they are serious to me

Name one who'd win.

i hope you die

He didn’t answer my questions though. Is this economic activity attributed just to typical market growth or are they attributed to policies put in place by the Trump administration? If so which policies of said administration had this effect?

Would you care to answer?

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Maybe, but I can tell you that a lot of pro-trump stuff on here is merely trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls to the max.

I constantly start pro-trump and anti-trump threads just to have a laugh at the tards that take it too seriously on either side. And plus I'm still mad that Ron Paul lost in 2012

Mitt Romney, if the rebulicans hadn’t thrown him under a bus for daring to say we should take a quick double look at the crook in charge

Keep fucking that chicken!

You know shit's bad when Mitt Romney has the strongest spine out of them all


>still mad that Ron Paul lost in 2012

Goddamn it, why did you have to open the wound again like that?

trump fags are the dumbest people on this planet.

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Claim to be the diverse party, then use homophobic insults.

>assuming that everyone who insults Trumptards are Dems
Fuck the DNC. They are the idiots who allow you morons to continue.
I don't blame the child who drove the car off the cliff as much as I blame the adult who gave him the keys and told him to floor it.

Lost already non existing credibility

just cause I don't support trump means im a lib? Get fucked, any real conservative FUCKING hates trump, all you cucks sucking his dick are sheep. Check out the US deficit and tell me again how your a "Fiscal Conservative".

"Trump reportedly rejected aggressive coronavirus testing in hopes it would help his re-election"

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Can't agree with you more. The problem is that Identity Politics have them absolitely by the balls and they either can't see or don't know/want a way out.

ignorant idiots

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cool, who asked / cares

He said Trump not Biden. Trips checked.

I’m really hoping he got the covid and if he dies, I’m watching the news on repeat for a couple of days.

I just want you all to know that if your a Democrat your mother should be shot for giving birth to such scum.

yeah thanks to obama not fucking shit up in the years before trump

Very Christian of you

do your own research nobody has time to sit around on a Friday morning and give some libcuck on /b trumps policies. this list user provided doesn't just happen by its self. maybe watch some non biased news to get an insight on what trumps done instead of your echo chamber media.
>inb4 "you cant even name his policies user!"


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