Is weed really a gate way drug?

Is weed really a gate way drug?

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its as much of a gateway drug as the internet
so yeah kind of if you're retarded about it

yea it kinda is.

at some point smoking weed just isn't enough and you will go down that dark road. very few come back

was literally about to say the same thing

depends, are you smoking with friends or alone? if it's the latter then it's more than likely you will end up trying harder shit


In my experience, it was. I did all kinds of shit after I started smoking weed with friends. Only ever really got hooked on oxies for a stretch of six months, but I got off that shit, and have only smoked weed and drank since then.
I'm sure there's people out there who don't experiment with harder stuff eventually, but I'd guess the majority try something harder like coke, or mushrooms after they get burned out on weed.

Just hanging out with friends sometimes after work


don't be an excuse making faggot. People do other shit because they want to do other shit. I've smoked flower for 16 years and I have no desire to fuck with anything else. I still get ripped just fine thanks.

everyone starts like that
>smokes first time with friends
>has a little extra and smokes solo
>likes it, does it more and more
>prefers smoking solo
>becomes anti social
>gets depressed
>does harder drugs to handle depression
>the end

Gateway bullshit so beloved by narcs

Been stuck in the gate for over fifty years.

no, but people that tend to stray towards drugs are more addictive

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almost spot on
>smokes first time with friends
>has a little extra and smokes solo
>likes it, does it more and more
>prefers smoking solo
>becomes anti social
>gets depressed
>does harder drugs to handle depression
>stops doing harder drugs to handle depression
>just deal with depression while having a giant tolerance to weed causing me to smoke 3-4 bowls of very nice bud in a row to get even buzzed
>waiting for the end

>smoke 3-4 bowls
take a tolerance break once in a while, jesus christ

they dont do anything anymore user

Its alcohol that does the gateway bs. Wanna get someone to try coke? Get them drunk.

well looks like back to the hard stuff again.

nah, I'm in my 30s and never once tried coke and have had the opportunity more than a handful of times

it was for me, smoking weed lead me to being diagnosed with ADHD and getting pescribed amphetamine which i abused and became addicted to, consequently my tobacco and weed consumption would rise with my stimulant use.

all psychoactive drugs are bad including weed and prescription medications they all downregulate different receptors making life boring and painful without having your drug of choice. THC downregulates CB1 and CB2 receptors and the endogenous lignand for these is Anandamide which is the molecule responsible for runners high

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most of those are just poor choices my guy like why did u choose to have adhd lol

I only ever took the medication because I was addicted to porn, amphetamine killed the post-nut fatigue.
porn free = no ADHD


When you start smoking weed it puts you in the same social circles as degenerates who do other drugs. It can also make you more curious for other experiences once you realize that there are other ways than alcohol to get fucked up.

I'd say like 40% of people who smoke weed just stick to that and never move on to harder drugs, about 40% will experiment from time to time with other things and 20% go way the fuck down the rabbit hole.

Id say 40-40-10-10

10% say nah weed isn't for me and don't do it after HS.

>that's me

depends on how much more there is to do where you live. if there's nothing much to do and weed is your only fun, you eventually try something stronger, and then stronger, and stronger.

grew up in a dead-end city where drugs were cheap and there wasnt anything else to do. saw lots of potheads from school turn into meth-heads as adults. some made it back out, some are still junkies, some are dead.

when life doesn't give you much, you take what you can get and try to settle for it.

Besides smoking weed I've only ever done acid and acid used to be a every other weekend type of thing. Now I never do acid and I MAYBE take a hit off my dab pen once/twice a day. As long as the people you hang out with aren't complete degenerates I doubt you'll do anything super crazy.

Out of the general population probably only 50% of people enjoy weed at all. So many people will try it and get fucked up/paranoid and never do it again.

I do know a few people who hate weed but will do MDMA and shit though.

Full stop.
The evedeince is clear,
Does that mean 100% of pot users become pill poppers?
No retard.
And btw it might be 10 years down the line.
It’s impossible to explain to a 20 something what being a 30 year old pothead means.
Everyone knows drugs are bad for you except drug users.

It made me wanna try LSD but that’s really the only thing I wanted to try after I started Smoking

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more like
>smokes first time with friends
>some friend is a hardcore 420 just blaxe it faggot, also has shrooms or some other shit
>says hey try this as well this is awesome bla bla
>likes it, does more and other shit
>becomes anti social, starts watching youtube about awakeneing and other bullshit
>ends up depressed faggot that is high on something all day everyday

More like a GAY-WAY drug!

If YouTube was a thing when I was in my experimental faze in life things would be different I bet.

If you're asking this question in 2020 you should kill yourself

Smoking solo is superior though.

> No hogging faggots who some half your weed and never return the favor.
> Don't have to deal with other people while high
> Can listen to whatever music you want

Or just dont have shitty friends
I prefer smoking with others

It's not really a problem with friends, it's shitty friends of friends who always turn up when there is weed.

Yeah, getting high to pass the hours will have no long term Ill effects at all

/thread, except with proper grammar.

Only in as much as it can teach you how to interact with drug culture. The rest is on the individual. Nice pic OP

No. There are no gateway drugs. There are only junkies making up excuses.

hate to admit but he nailed it

>so yeah kind of if you're retarded about it

Not even remotely... weed being a gateway drug is Americuck BS.. No factual proof, zero evidence... And it is physically impossible to OD on pot/weed.. smarten up uneducated people.

Not the majority of pot heads..

I smoked a lot of weed before and now I always get anxiety because of it so I stopped smoking weed altogether. It was only after I quit weed for a long time did I try other things. Now I only smoke weed when im high on other stuff like molly or lucy.

Tobacco really is.

Wrong. People overuse pot and get anxious because of it

No, but there's the possibility that on your weed related journies that you meet somebody else who does do other drugs, and that's the real gateway effect.

I didn't start doing E, speed, coke because of weed. I started doing them because the guy I befriended smoking weed did.

>Smoked cigarettes first at 15
>Smoked pot at 16
>Smoked pot for 14 years
>Mostly alone, because work/life stuff
>With friends when we could all chill
>Never wanted to try anything harder
>Addicts will become addicts, not all pot smokers are addicts.

I was like that too for a while then I discovered I prefer sativa. It was indica that made me anxious and paranoid. Sativa was ahhh yeeeaaaahhhh

Actual medical citation required !! Or you’re just a retarded retard spreading absolute BULLSHITE !

I saw it as a gateway when I was younger. They tell me all drugs are bad, try weed. Hey this is not actually to bad still able to continue life with success. Try harder drugs some time after immediate downward spiral.

Yeah I've heard about that too but I don't want to go back to every day use to have an iota of productivity in my day

It was for me. As soon as I got board with weed. I started doing cocaine. Because weed wasn't all that bad so coke couldn't be so bad.

Coke isn't that bad unless you're an idiot who does it every weekend

What about everyday

Never did drugs till age 25
10yrs later
Do drugs daily

Life now. Plenty of money, enough to buy another house. Beautiful wife. 6ft1 at 209lb with 46 chest.

Life decade ago.
320lb, suicidal, 30k in debt

Amphetamines during the day and weed at night. Eat right, exercise, and force yourself to talk to one random person a day.

I still get depressed with past events in life, but future looks great.

Burn brightly my fellow user, live your best life now, for you will die before you know

yeah, a gateway to eating too much and feeling fat and bloated

The joke is that alcohol is the biggest gateway drug. I was a total square until I started drinking, then I got into pills (not junkie-tier, just love them a few times a year), later on I tried weed and I smoke a few times a week, and tried shrooms a few times too.

Alcohol is by far the most destructive thing I've put in my body

>Amphetamines during the day and weed at night

Like a fucking BOSS