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If you've got a problem that keeps you from getting a job there's opportunities aggressively marketed towards you
If you've got a problem that keeps you alone there's nothing; it's seen as your own fault and what you deserve and it's entirely on you to fix it yourself without help.

People who've never really been socially abnormal will say shit like "just put yourself out there sweetie ;)" falsely assuming there's some opportunity there that we just need to say yes to. Someone who used to be "just a little shy" or whatever can never help someone with actual social deficits or communication problems

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This is absolute, objective truth

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Quit blaming the world. Suck it up, and do it. I don't like going outside, ever, but it has to be done, unless you wanna live off mommy and daddy and never get a girl (or guy).

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Communication and socialization is one of the hardest challenges we face in modern society despite our many methods of doing so. For many people it takes years of practice, but I believe the most important way to improve social skills is to simply do it, and analyze the behavior of others and yourself without overdoing it and losing interest in the person you're talking to otherwise you may miss things they say. Recognizing key elements like body language and choice of words in others, and your own thoughts and behavior is the best way to do it. You have to be aware of how people respond, and what you respond with it, but most importantly, breathe and relax and just let it happen. It isn't easy, but I've never been especially good at being empathetic or interested in other's daily lives. It's something you have to just do and be aware of so you can learn how others do it. I just have generalized anxiety about everything, so I tend to overthink everything too. Communication skills come naturally once you do it enough.

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>Never improve! Dont even try! It's hopeless!
This is good advice, except Im autistic, so often times I legitimately dont know whether a given social interaction went well or not. This makes it nearly impossible to learn from my mistakes, successes, or failures. I simply dont know when they occur. And yes, Ive tried learning about how people behave, it just doesnt compute for me. But the point in making is this, if I can have all these roadblocks and still try, can at least do the same, whiny faggot.

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I think you can learn from everything, but you simply don't know how as you don't have a solid foundation of what is right or wrong. These are things you have to deeply introspect to find the answer to, by reading and really thinking about what makes people, people. My long time friend, since I was a child, has asperger's, but he learned how to overcome it as a teenager as he put himself out there and was just himself, as cliché as it sounds. Although I'm no psychologist I do have an interest in it, and I think learning about how the majority of people behave and react is the best way to fit in and feel normal. Learn to be yourself by learning how to be like other people.

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Nah, already tried that. The problem is, I just cant interpreting people's signals. I know what signs mean a person is interested or not, but I can never actually tell when those signals are being given. Im glad for your friend, but one of the symptoms of autism is simply not being able to perceive social cues. Sometimes if a person makes it very obvious that they like me, I can tell, but 99.9% of the time, they're too ambiguous for that. The idea of just being myself is an interesting one, but I would still have no way of verifying that it works. I know it works on guys, because Ive gotten guy friends in the past, but girls seem to react differently and thats who Im really struggling to get with rn.

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Well I wish I could help you more, but I'm not one to know a whole lot about girls and how they react because I avoided most of them growing up for that particular reason. Men and women are fundamentally different, and usually behave entirely different than one another. I'm awkward in person because I think a lot about what I say and don't say much, and the internet makes it easier to do so, but I don't think most people care as much as you think they do. That's why you shouldn't care as much either, and just be yourself. Improve what you can and don't make a big deal out of things you can't because it will only drive you crazy trying to figure out how to act a certain way.

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>This is good advice, except Im autistic, so often times I legitimately dont know whether a given social interaction went well or not. This makes it nearly impossible to learn from my mistakes, successes, or failures. I simply dont know when they occur.

The amount of times I've seen people not having the balls to directly tell an autistic person they are not interested in a topic and end up sitting there for half an hour listening, only to afterwards then go to their friend group and shit talk.

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Because people don't want to be an asshole to someone? It's called showing some respect and compassion for someone who can't help their condition and listen out of pity. I'm pretty sure you've never said that either because if you did then people would tell you you're a cunt and you wouldn't do it again.

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And I thought the Twitter furries were bad.

It took me 17 years of my life to figure out how to talk to boys, and that was when I was interacting with them all the time every day. 4 years later and I think it's going to be impossible for me to do that with girls, especially since I interact with maybe 2 a day max. And same with me, I tend to be self conscious about what I say to new people. Alcohol helps, which is why nearly all of my most recent friends, i've met at bars. Thing is, though, we're not all that compatible. Ive been trying to "fix" my personality and "train" myself to read people for the past 2 years with limited success, but it has worn on me a great deal. That's why Im gonna try online dating - to expedite the "meeting girls" process and use the law of large numbers to my advantage - but I've got some bad self-conscienceness about making a profile.

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And here you are, contributing absolutely nothing while pretending you're better than others. The irony.

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But I am better. I actually got a career, have been with the opposite sex romantically, and don't live with my parents. I think I'm pretty up there.

But if it makes you happy, I'll contribute.

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You think it's impossible because you haven't done it yet, but you will in time. Don't worry about it and just let things happen, it won't wear on you if you don't try too hard. Good luck with the dating, and forgive yourself and others when you make a mistake or it doesn't work out, but don't give up, most importantly.

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>have been with
Sounds like you're upset that you aren't anymore. You're not better than anyone because saying you are only has the opposite effect of only making people dislike you. Maybe that's why you're alone?

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Funny thing is, being autistic myself, Ive never found a fellow autist rambling about something for a long time to be all that boring. Ive been bored by neurotypicals doing that, but strangely not when autists do it. Maybe it's empathy or maybe we're just on the same wavelength, but I tend to like hanging out with my malfunctioning brethren. Also, normies are cruel. Probably one of the reasons I dont get women - theyre all turbo-normies.

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Or maybe it's the internet and we don't have to be here to please others. And I'm not alone. I have family and friends (in real life, unlike you) and to be looked up as the man who rebuilds their cars, PCs, and houses, it makes me happy. I just come here to see the usual Dash cri or maybe get some more art to add to my folders. I don't talk to anyone here really because it's either Dash, the bun dude, or some other odd furfag.

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I believe the part he was calling out was the bitching about it to their friends. It'd be like helping a blind man cross the street, then complaining about "having" to have done it, later.

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If you aren't alone then who do you live with and visit? Because it sounds like "nobody" to me. You're a weak little pussy who pretends to be someone he's not because you think it makes you tough on the internet, or makes people like you or think you're cool when you're nobody yourself. Just another ignorant, delusional loser.

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Oh, you're talking about alone in general, yeah, I live alone, it's nice when you can afford to not have roommates. And I visit my grandma, my friends, and my local bowling alley and usually blow $100+ a day at the bowling alley. I have plans when I get back to finish building my gaming PC and maybe party with a buddy who I haven't seen in a few months.

>All your mad projection

This. This is why I come back. Your bitterness tastes so good on the sweetness of my life, it's a perfect balance.

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>don't give up, most importantly
That's definitely the hardest part. Getting rejected feels fucking awful, especially when youre flying blind.

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lmao at the invalids

And literally nobody cares. Ever notice how not a single person replies to any of your posts, like the ones talking about Gorsha? You know, that Russian who blocked you on multiple platforms because you're a crazy stalker? I'm only replying out of pity because it doesn't sound like you have many friends to talk to if you come here to be an annoying cunt, at least not here.

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Man, you truly are a salty bitch today lmao, at this rate, I'll need a doctor because there's so much salt, I might die lol

That's called mental illness, seek help
you're literally crazy

I choose to avoid people, they don't avoid me. I have enough shit to deal with, so I don't care to involve myself with other people.

Keep believing that bud, you could die tomorrow and not a single person here would give a fuck. How's that relationship of yours going?

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No one's replying because he's not calling them out, hes calling you out and you're replying. You're actually that crazy that you'll be arguing with someone in like a room and then say "how come no one else is coming into our conversation to support you huh?" like, retard, you two are having a conversation.

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It is a mental illness. It's called asperger's syndrome - and there's no cure or practical treatment for it.

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People would actually care, because I don't mooch off my parent's success and pretend I'm some edgy dude when in reality, you're just someone leeching off your parents. How's school going? Still getting picked on by some black kids? You're pathetic. When you die, I'm pretty sure your family will just collect the life insurance and finally live happy knowing their confused son is dead and no longer leeching their money.

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There's pills, therapy, and forcing yourself to converse until you normalize. I cured my OCD by just fighting myself to not chase my quirks, and after years I came into full control of it. it's not easy, you have it hard compared to almost everyone when it comes to even basic human interaction, but you can't just give up like dash Fight. Fight hard.

This is what I imagine would happen to
me at a furcon, but with the sexualities reversed.

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How little you know, user

>mooch off my parent's success
That's funny because I have over $1000 saved working for them, and once I buy I car I will be going to school. It must suck living alone and going home with nobody to tell you they love you, doesn't it? What about your alcoholic dad who beat you all the time? I bet he doesn't give a fuck about you and that's why you act like a child on the internet. Because you're sad and alone and you are the one who projects everything and come here just to be a cunt because you're a little pussy who thinks he's cool. I actually have a family who loves me and supports me and will help me succeed, something you obviously know nothing about.

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c'mon guys...

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I have eyes, I see what's happening.

I don't cum on guys, that would be gay.

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>He thinks $1k saved is a lot
You can't make this shit up at how stupid he is! This is gold, I gotta screen cap this for future threads, this is amazingly stupid!

I don't have an abusive dad, are you trying to project your bad childhood on me?

I highly doubt living off your parents dick and saving up pennies a month is really going to do anything. As per usual, you'll Dash it up and say "I wanna die" in like 3 days, forget about your goals, cry in threads, someone will tell you to shut up, then it's 2 days of seething, and then rinse and repeat.

If they loved you, they would have gotten you medical help instead of letting you be gay online with strangers who don't know they're flirting with Rocky Dentist.

I believe Dash wants to be a woman. Don't call him a man, or he'll cry and threaten suicide if he can't get his dick chopped off.

Alright, fine. I'm sick of dealing with that man child anyway.

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No, you're actually wrong. There are some proposed experimental treatments, but they are all impractical and don't actually cure it. Asperger's and autism are also not stress disorders which you can train away. They are literally genetic disorders which cause the structure of the brain to develop differently. Due to this genetic defect, I am missing oxytocin receptors in my body which prevents me from perceiving many social cues. You might as well tell a blind man to learn how to see. Stfu, dumbass, you dont know anything about my condition.

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You could give up the degenerate porn, that's a start.

>Rocky Dentist.
I guess you're deaf and illiterate because you don't even know his last name, and didn't even use Google. You can't make this shit up at how stupid you are! Have fun being alone because you aren't worth my time, I'm trying to watch a god damn movie and would like to hurry up so I can go to sleep and get paid tomorrow.

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Then if you're genuinely defective, why live?
Just kill yourself. Seriously.
Living to suffer 24/7, even if you have a kid you pass down the negative gene... no way.

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Sure, get paid your pennies, slave, if you mess up the websites, your mommy and daddy will beat you, maybe they didn't do it enough, because you're quite the idiot. Or maybe they did too much and that's why you're retarded.

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>why live
Brilliant. I had ever thought of that before. Brb, kms now.

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>If they loved you, they would have gotten you medical help instead of letting you be gay online with strangers who don't know they're flirting with Rocky Dentist.
Holy fuck dude relax, this is a killing blow right here nigga
I've never seen such utter destruction before

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Seriously though, you don't deserve to suffer constantly.

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Oh, and also, despite being a genetic defect, autism and asperger's is actually non-heritable. We dont know the reason why, so dont ask, but it is a fairly important detail.

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Not really. I actually give zero fucks.

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I want to hug her

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Damn son, look at this hard ass nigga
accepts his parents think he's trash and just goes along life jerkin to fur

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I wish Loona would sit on my face

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I think I'm a-okay my man, or I wouldn't be living with family and helping them make $350k/y now would I?

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But I did do that. The furry stuff was the lesser of two evils...

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You say that like A) 350k is a lot for a family of 4 in 2020
B) you aren't the child they put in the disappointments room

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How about giving up both evils then?

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>disappointments room
>what did he mean by this?

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By all means go look it up, the phrase is so steeped in harsh truth they made a movie with the same title

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Impossible. My dick would not allow it.

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