Post shotas getting their asses fucked

Post shotas getting their asses fucked

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sauce pls?

bump bros

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Yas Forums needs more shota threads

Faggot scum

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Gohan, Trunks, and Goten might as well have been designed for lewds.

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Someone has Life is Strange 2 Stuff?
Sean x Daniel?
It's so rare

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thats all i have from lis2

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What’s worse being a fag or a child molester? Or both at the same time?

Having consentual sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation

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Any anons have experiences involving group sex with their buddies back when they had just started puberty?

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I fucking wish

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lovely butts

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>had a tomboy fri6 who really liked shotacon and try to make shotavoices
>never replied back again
What happened




Life is Strange 2, but not original content of course


I'm not gay, just a paedophile


Just sharing an OC shota bros =3=

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Definitely something younger me did.

nothing makes me more sad than fat children, abused by their guardians, being raised into a cage where they must decide between losing 100+lbs or dealing with intense social and self hatred, both of which can take years to mend.

Fat children should be considered abuse imo

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Based. Imagine the smell of that gym

Being mad at cartoons.

Don't forget Gotenks and GT Goku

Chiaotzu, Kid Buu, Dende and the Cell Juniors could use more shota lewds.

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Yes, shota Goku is my favorite

South Park shota is the fucking best

Chubby boys are so cute