How much heroin does it take to kill a person?

How much heroin does it take to kill a person?
I"ve used it about 3 or 4 times before, but that was a while ago. Do I still have a tolerance? Being around the drug, I've heard that a gram for first time users will generally kill them, but I don't really believe that. Is there a way to know how much heroin will kill a person weighing about 170 pounds and is 5'10"?

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stop doing drugs faggot

Don't do heroin or any other hard drugs if you have no self control it'll ruin your life if you do have self control it can still ruin your life

I'm hoping to kill myself

If you’re still convinced to do heroin, just understand the product of dope, that it makes you happy. Ask yourself; why do you want to be happy, and how else can you be happy?

I will never be happy. People have told me to kill myself on here and they would if they were me because I have a facial deformity. I'm looking for the most painless method. Hanging myself sounds very painful, like the neck would snap and I"m just not for that. Was thinking about jumping in front of the Amtrak train in town but I don't want to traumatize people. Just want to do it in peace.

Do you want to kill someone and make it look like an overdose?

nope. I want to kill myself, bro.

Just do it all and get it over with

How much money do you currently possess, OP?

You have a facial deformity. So? I suspect that most of us are incel new fags, hence why the other depressed flock tell the other sheep to jump. Go fucking see the land, or learn something. I learned guitar over 2 years and am planning on taking a 1 way plane trip to UK just to talk to Scottish and Irish ppl every night.
Out of a million doors, there are 100 good ones, and many bad ones. Just think about it dude. Don’t immediately assume that all the doors are bad.

0. I could sell my laptop for 200 or 300, and I could sell my phone which would probably be 40-60. I could also sell my furniture, like dressers and a mirror and shit for around eh 100 or 200 combined.

Heroin to OD is like $500.. listen, just fucking be a man. Unless you’re a chick, then be mature enough to get through this shit.

You don't understand how sad life is with fucked up eyes.
Everyone treats me differently than most people. Most people assume I'm retarded and talk to me like I'm a child or a baby.
I've been super traumatized all of my life.
Let alone getting a boyfriend, that would actually care about me. That's the part that makes me tear up.

at least 3 so when they take u to hospital it wont help.

I could probably do it then. I don't know how to boot it but I could probably manage to cook it in the syringe and snort it up my nose, pretty easily.

ur saying like 3 grams? so like 300 dollars?

Here’s the thing, OP. I have a cool way to commit suicide that would cost around $700. I would do it my way if I ever needed to kill myself.

BUT, I’ll say this. I don’t know your situation, but just let me explain. I’ve had my own shit. Really unfortunate awful shit happen. But I’m still able to make my life worth living. There’s always something. There’s a job you can work. You can make money. Have a dog who would love you for whoever you are. Play video games after work. Read cool shit. Dude, there’s so much stuff in the world. On the internet alone. There’s always a way.

Life IS NOT that long. You’ll live an average of 75 years or so. Be strong and make it to the finish line. Don’t tap out. It’s not worth it. If life doesn’t have meaning, which I believe it does not, then that’s a great thing! You can go out and do what you want. Live your life like a video game. Fuck other people who are asshats to you. People who are jerks to innocent people are ALWAYS projecting their own insecurities.

if you get crumb is big difference you might only need 1 shot.

>fucked up eyes
I’m pretty sure that if you had a decent looking body some dude would love to have you. If you’re fat and don’t wanna put in work, oh well.

you would kill yourself if you were me.
it's worth it.
just tell me the "cool" way to kill myself

I'm on the fatter side of healthy weight, 170 pounds. The most I've ever been. In my 22 years of life there really hasn't been anyone that wanted to be with me, I'm generally alone a lot. I don't even have friends because nobody wants to be friends with a deformed girl. People avoid taking pictures of me and with me, even family, because they are embarrassed to be seen with me.
i'm guessing crumb is like shitty shit. or fent. I'm imagining it will be pretty shitty because I live in Michigan.

I’ll agree to tell you the way to go if you post a picture of your eyes.

How tall are you? I’m 175 but I’m a 6’1” dude. I imagine 170 is a bit much for a shorter female.

the heroin you do must be absolute dogshit. a gram should kill a junkie.
just hang yourself you attentionfag

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There. Do you see why I want to die, yet.

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yeah, I'm 5'10". a few inches shorter than you.
hanging myself should involve snapping my neck, which i'm not really down for.

Wow, I don’t even see anything wrong. You’re crazy and maybe you should consider offing yourself.
>get a passport
>fly to any country
>must book a hotel with an open-air balcony on 20th+ floor

right, i know i'm crazy but that's because people treat me differently and badly because i look terrible and have a deformity on my face, don't really have a lot of social experience because people distance me so much and don't want to talk to me.
definitely will kill myself in the next three months or so. just have to prepare.

my last attempt was like 4 months ago, swallowed two bottles of pills and drank. just woke up vomiting blood and had like an adrenaline rush to go in the shower to cool off and get oxygen.

Two Things,
Timestamp. Also, you do not look that bad from my point of view. All you need is one good friend and that'll help set up life for you.

Idk how easy it is to do a gram of Heroin.
I'd recommend taking like 10-20 ML of GHB, put that on top of any Benzodiazepines you can get. Valium, Xanax, Ativan, etc. take as much of them as you can. Then shoot up the heroin, that'll prolly kill you quick.

what pills?..

Enough heroine to make you want to do it again is all it takes to be lethal rest in pieces faggot

Well, if you want to, go ahead. I’d seriously recommend staying alive. If you don’t care about life, then keep living it. The whole mentality gives you more freedom. If you’re adamant though, get a passport. Will be about $120 I believe if you don’t already have one. Pick any city in the world you’d like to visit. A one-way ticket should be no more than $500. Pretty much any country will grant you visa-free entry with a US passport. Choose a hotel in the city you picked after researching. You can do this in Booking or any other digital hotel reservation service. You can request a room on the 20th+ floor and since you’re American, odds are they’ll accommodate you. Then go get there and jump if you want to. I’d seriously advise against this. And maybe the travel would be good for you and you’d change your mind. Just make sure you don’t hit anybody or damage anything. And also write a note saying sorry to the people who will have to clean you up.

you would have to know the right people and have the money to acquire these things, i do not.
how the fuck do i need a timestamp if i'm so ugly? literally no one would pretend to be me.
it was a mood stabilizer and some vallium, but a lot of it
i don't have the money because i am on SSI/disability for having a genetic syndrome. people will not hire me because i look bad for their company, especially in customer service plus they think i'm retarded.
also, i think most of the countries do not let in people with physical deformities in fear that they will breed with their people or give their people diseases

oh and ambien. but it was just 6 or 7 pills of ambien.

There is no reward for "making it to the finish line." You're dead at the end.

Nobody gives you a pat on the back. You die in a nursing home, probably smelling your own piss because you can no longer make it to the toilet. You die and there is nobody to say "wow, good job, you lasted seventy-five years."

Just keep doing heroin. Eventually you will overdose like every other junkie out there. That being said, how retarded are you? Buy as much as you can then just do it. You really need a specific amount? You've also "tried" killing yourself before. If you're too stupid to succeed then there is no hope for you. You sound like an attention seeking faggot and not like someone that is actually trying to kill themselves. People that want to kill themselves just do it. They don't fail and then seek attention. Fuck you.

I don't do heroin. I tried it a few years ago, but I haven't touched it in a few years.

I will just kill myself then

… mocking another’s suffering is unforgivable.

Anton Chekhov (1860-1904), from “The Shooting Party”

(the original Russian title is “Drama na ohote“ (“Дpaмa нa oхoтe”), which translates as “The Hunting drama”), translated from the Russian by Ronald Wilks
“… издeвaтeльcтвo нaд чyжими cтpaдaниями нe дoлжнo быть пpoщaeмo.”

What's the genetic syndrome?

oh god I hope it kills you soon.
anyone who is stupid enough to use heroin deserves to die
how can you legit be that dumb???

Yeah, there is no reward. So there’s nothing you have to pressure yourself with working towards. Grow some balls and get through life.

Genetic Shit Family Awful Diet Self Pity No Exercise Syndrome

So there's nothing you have to pressure yourself with having to endure.

You keep saying "through life" like there's something on the other side. There isn't. You don't get through life, it just stops happening.

I'm not mocking your suffering. I just don't believe you. It's not really difficult to die. There are a million ways to do it. Be honest with me (and yourself), have you really, truly tried to die? I'm suffering as well but I'm not going to take the coward's way out. Why don't you instead put effort into seeking help? There are free/low income clinics that will easily offer you anti-depressants and therapy for free or within your budget. You clearly want help if you're still alive and seeking attention. Instead of asking Yas Forums how to kill yourself (again, such a ridiculous thing to ask) go see a doctor and get the help you need.

if you wanna od the best way is this
>do h on the regular
>get a tolerance built up
>try and quit for a minute
>slam a rig with the amount you were used to doing
>nite nite 4evar

BPES type I

yes i have tried to kill myself before
you're right, i'm just wasting time not doing it
i guess there is just hope that someone will want to be my friend or something will get better for me, but it will never happen

I actually said go get help. If you're going to ignore that and continue to self loathe then good luck. May you go quick and painlessly.

It is surprisingly hard to kill yourself in a manner that:

1) Does not traumatize people witnessing it
2) Is very reliable (high mortality)
3) Not slow
4) Not painful and miserable as a way to go

Most of the methods for that kind of thing were slowly removed from the market. The UK stopped using "coal gas" (a mixture with carbon monoxide that led to people like Sylvia Plath putting her head in the oven), everyone stopped making barbiturates (they are quite easy to die with), and so forth.

i've had psychiaric "help" since i was around 14... things just got worse for me. i think it changes your brain chemistry and literally makes suicide or premature death (before 60 years old) more probable or almost certain, it doesn't help anyone at all, it's just a ploy for people to make money and test on people "ethically,"; it 100% doesn't help people, only hurts them

if someone wants to die so bad, why not let them? at least provide a less painful way for people to commit suicide. it should be legal for consensual adults to commit suicide after 18 years old, instead of letting people suffer. it's kind of like this in some countries in europe and oregon in the US but i'm pretty sure you have to be terminally ill, diagnosed death within 6 months, which is honestly really brutal and inhumane

Make yourself look like this girl. You pass as Chinese.

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yes. which is why it is human for lethal injection not to be legal, especially with such a high world population.
more people = lower quality of life for every living soul.


no it doesn't, you watch too many movies. how do you think people hang themselves with shoe laces or belts? its painless and you slip away.. youll have an intense moment of regret before you do but.. you know that wont last very long.
fucking brainlet.

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This is wrong. Quite a lot of people who hang themselves are found having clawed away at their necks, thrashed around, and so forth.

The neck-snap is the preferable option. It's why "drop tables" were invented for executioners.

her eyebrows tho.
i still don't think she is very attractive at all

She looks good to me. Just do whatever OP. You’re wasting people’s time.

if this post is dead i'm just going to go to sleep. still don't have a really concrete answer. one person said 3 grams, another said 5 grams. i originally thought a gram would do it if a person has never done it before.

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