Just broke up with a my girlfriend that would do anything with for me and acted as my "sub" to give my 2x ex fiance a...

Just broke up with a my girlfriend that would do anything with for me and acted as my "sub" to give my 2x ex fiance a third chance. Ask my anything.

Also random porn to numb the guilt.

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Sorry about the bad grammar. Little tipsy. :)

On a scale from retard to retard, how retarded are you?

y tho

Actually pretty highly educated and doing really well for myself. Regularly top of the company I work for.

Just stupid in love.

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Spoke with my friends father who was telling me how if he could be my age he would have gone after the love of his life. What's there to lose? I've just broken more than one heart over it. K'now? Feeling very guilty.

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why are you drunk posting such a gay ass thread? something's obviously wrong. just cry yourself to sleep.

>"doing well"
well yes you are indeed a retard in love and should consider necking yourself.

If I went to bed how would I be able to hang out with awesome people like you?

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but is it the love of your life or just someone you can`t let go
big difference

Actually almost drove off the road on the way home. Almost. So... close. Bit disappointed in myself actually.

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wow, sorry dude but you are an actual retard. you deserve that 3x definitely

Do you think you’ll ever learn to stop being retarded?

The way I see it is every time I've said "I love you" and opened up to anyone I didn't mean it. Except for with her man. This has gone back and forth for 10+ years

You know. I don't think I'm retarded. Just a little narcissistic and obsessive. I appreciate the diagnosis attempt though.


Honestly the main reasons it didn't work was due to my Military Service. Extended separations don't do well. That's why it was so much easier to just find a sub and get accidentally too involved.

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You're not narcissistic. narcissists aren't pussy's like you.

fuck dude i hope it goes well and that it doesn`t end a third time but be cautious at least

I wonder..do you know what a pussy tastes like?

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If you really love your 2 times ex, post pics of the sub you just broke up with.

Thanks brother. This is the oddest feeling of extreme spiteful guilt and relief I've ever felt.

I'm scared.. but what is life if you don't take jumps, right?

Yep. Do you know what a non land whale pussy taste like?

I guess the obvious questions are what happened in tries 1 & 2 and why will this be any different?

Stay tuned. Give it a few months so I know I won't be responsible for her heroing herself.

true that

First time it was just a responsible adult conversation over me deploying to the Middle East.

After I came home we did really well again but she got a really good college acceptance and would have needed to move far from my duty station.

We agreed that we would...if we were meant to be... find each other again.

She lives out of State now but I have a huge bonus from work and now it's just a Coronavirus filled flight away. And if I die... I die

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The rain man of love

Tf you mean stay tuned? How would I be able to even find your future threads and better yet how would your former sub be able to see them? Just post it fgt or it means you still have feelings for her and your new thing with your ex wont work out. Do this for her so theres no going back

God damn you are convincing. I might just do it. Or I might just an hero.

He's retarded. He's emotional retard who's upset about breaking up with has fat sub. give him a break.

Listen just do it or your future won't succeed. This will put your past behind you. Just post it! Hesitating just means you don't believe in your course of action

Also none of my pics of her are high rez.

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Fake. That's Maria Rubyashinka

I never claimed it was real.

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I mean I know what black, asian, white, irish, polish, and thai pussy tastes like. Thank god the thai had one.

detective user does not fuck arround

I just don't know if I can deal with the guilt of breaking another heart over her. It's all I can do to drive back there and take back sub girl. you know? She was real hurt.

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she'll get over it. she's a girl. plus, you obviously aren't that great.

She's not the most mentally stable. That's my concern. The worst part about initiating a breakup is.. did I just kill this person? I don't not care about her.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.

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Absolutely. And love is insane isn't it?

Perhaps, but if not then you still are faggot

There is a psychological theory in which love is merely the body's addiction to the neurochemicals involved.

I've actually researched this before for a paper. It's the weirdest thing that love can be broken down...at it's smallest form..to drug addiction.

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This is the most interesting picture I’ve seen all night. I wonder how old it is? Almost none of them have tattoos.

That’s just a lame excuse for idiotic behavior and it doesn’t hold any water since you’re clearly fully aware of it. You clearly don’t actually know what love is. You’re just a passive bitch with no self preservation getting led around by you dick.

I haven't been physical with this woman in two years. It's not the dick bro. I won't brag but If I want to get laid.. I go to the bar and have a solid 7/10 success rate.

I know love when I feel it. Even in times when I don't want to feel it. Trust me. I've tried not to be hung up on this bitch.

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Interesting observation. I am noticing more and more women have at least one. Odd.

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From a mechanistic standpoint, it is drug addiction plain and simple. The same neurochemicals increase with opiates and some other controlled substances.
From a humanistic standpoint, a person should be able to exercise some self-control over their own brain.

...and doesn't stick around for the long haul. The nature of the relationship will have to change. If it's a chemical hit you're after, that's only temporary with either the sub or the 2x prior, or anyone else for that matter.

>That's science, bitch.

My only comeback is...11 years doesn't seem that temporary.

you fuckin cocksucker YOU are the love of your life you will not find happiness in a cunt

>>That's science, bitch.
I appreciate the breaking bad reference though.

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>numb the guilt
na you just sound like a fucking retard lol

Wow... accurate. And if this doesn't work out this is the direction I'm heading, I'll admit I don't love myself as much as I should. To much guilt and I'm pretty fucked from the sandbox. Idk

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