This is all your fault you fucking chinks...

This is all your fault you fucking chinks. You have destroyed us all because you think it's cool to eat weird shit like monkey testicle and bat brain soup. You fucked up your country and you continue to fuck up the whole world. You pollute more than any other nation which spreads across the atmosphere, oceans and every other god damn way.

Now you spread your fucking chink sickness that you dumb fucks created. I hope the world unites to nuke 90% of you off the planet so you will stop ruining it.

I'd tell you to go eat dog shit but you'd probably just call it another delacy.

Fuck you

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>I'd tell you to go eat dog shit but you'd probably just call it another delacy.

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90%? Why not just all? We can let the Japs take over their land like they wanted to in WWII for all I give a shit.

fucking relax bruh. You know how many Americans have died from the flu this season so far? 18,000. Last year it was 80,000 and no one cared. Stop buying into the mass hysteria you lemming.

Chink detected

Make Asia Radioactive Again

The flu didn't cause an economic crisis and force everybody to shut down just to contain it you fucking idiot.


did you get your scary box yet?

Attached: scarybox.jpg (533x960, 70.74K)

Chinese government: Guilty for suppressing information during the most critical first few days of outbreak. Arresting doctors and whistleblowers. Their actions resulted in the severity of infections in China.

Chinese people: Guilty for trying to bypass travel bans and not self isolating.

They're all to blame.

no the media did, and all the retards that buy into it. I work in healthcare and I've caught it already. It's just a bad flu.

Plot twist: amerifags might have brought COVID-19 to Wuhan

see So do I bro and you are too dumb to work in health care if you don't acknowledge that China is the reason this happened, not the media.

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Fuckin Ivan

Be a little fair OP, it's CCP Chinks to be specific, Hong Konger's, Macau's, and Taiwanese Chinks are innocent and played no part in this pandemic.
That said fuck the CCP and their incompetence, shitty infrastructure, and shitty exports. I hope their 'totally not a bio weapon they accidentally released' doesn't infect Based Korea or completely destroy Vietnam and Mongolia.
Stupid dirty commie chinks.

Pic not related

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Are you australian? You sound it.

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You sir, have my respect. If the virus did any good, It called the world's attention to china's bullshit.

Hey, retard. I never said it was not Ching Chong Land's fault. I just implied it does not matter. If this bug kills you it means you a bitch.

Every Trumptard seems to ignore this simple fact. Then again, that’s Trumptardian thinking for you.

Would that be so bad? Chinese are literally the most undesirable Asian demographic.

Jesus Christ shut up.

You're not even upset about the disease or the current response to it.

I doubt you even wash your hands.

You just wanna be racist and receive sympathy for it online since you're too scared to be racist in real life.

How in the fuck does he sound Australian?

He didn't jump in with "Gehday mates! Fair sucka the say. Struth! Me and me mate Bazza were drivin in the ute when some flamin galah cut us off in some dodgy holden commo. we got out and had a bit of a blue or a bit of a dist up if you will but talked it out over a slab of tinnies we picked up at a bottlo nearby. we're goin to bonnydoon next week. Reckon it'll go off like a frog in a sock."

What you failed to mention is that 20 million people had the flu last year.

The most relevant number is the case fatality rate, which is around .1% for the flu and 1-3.4% for the coronavirus. That means the coronavirus is AT LEAST 10 times deadlier than the flu.

Ya. the world shuts down and now I can't wipe my ass because of panic buying but because of your opinion on the flu, the rest of the world is going to be ok. Fuck off you teenage mutant ninja phaggot. the way the population resonds to the pandemic IS PART OF THE CRISIS. The world is shutting down around you, the least you could do is shut your dumbass mouth.

nope is the media and Democrats screaming the sky is falling, panic aaaaahhh panic

.02% to 1% says sad a CDC official on TV yesterday the number are being inflated due to china not reporting the real numbers

dis nibba ordered beans

atleast you got to call someone a lemming before having your autistic opinion torn to shreds. Have fun newfaging newfag.

the chinese have persevered for over 5 thousand years. in a 100 more, your race will be modified at best, extinct at worse, we will still be here.

oh noes. 400,000 of the world's weakest people will die. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>a CDC official
You mean Donald Trump?

You're full of shit. Cite one article.

it's a shame they are the most powerful, too. do something about it, pussy. you can't.

The only real crisis is your swamp ass

The niggers still got you beat. So thanks for proving that the oldest races are the worst races.

And here is what we‘ve got to oppose them.
My God, once we were your own country

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The problem with these people that only says the virus has lower mortality rate than X. It spreads fast, can go stealth mode (asymptomatic), and if you narrow the age group to the range of the elderly, that small percentage mortality rate increases ten-fold. Of course if you include all the age range, the rate will decrease obviously.

Look at what is happening to Italy, 200+ deaths in the last 24hrs. Innocent people dying left and right. There's even a secondary chance of infection to those recovered.

And yeah, if only they listened and cancelled their festivities last year, there wouldn't be any global pandemic at the moment. All because of national pride. For fucks sake.

What if those young people who survived carrying the virus has some sort of viral mutation which will trigger years from now? Heh. Goodluck.

Lol don't worry. We'll modify your kind with BBC. Enjoy having those lil smokys outsourced by real penis.

stay the fuck away from me

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if this virus wipes me out, then it's been a blast.

Jesus Christ Trump Tarde shut the fuck up Jesus Christ turn Trump Tarde shut the fuck up Jesus Christ Trump Tarde shut the fuck up Jesus Christ Trump Tarde shut the fuck up Jesus Christ Trump Tarde Jesus Christ captured Jesus Christ Trump Tarde Jesus Christ Trump Tarde




I've lived through enough media circuses not to care anymore. Also I never vote, and I don't give a shit who gets to be the president. They're all terrible.

in entire year sure spread out but this shit is already 4k that we know about only beginning of the year


>>Implying some portions of some animals were created by nature to be food for us and others not.
>> Implying USA per person does not create the most amount of polution.
Just fuck off faggot, keep on fapping to your moms pictures

This happened yesterday, mot today. Me (M38) and my wife (F86) were having sexy time. Now, it's important to know that I've been working to develop a cure for the Corona virus. I just so happened to have a test tube filled with this virus that was 69 (nice) inches long lying around. So, I shoved it in my wife's asshole. She's only 4"3 so it came right out of her mouth. She screamed like her mother (F95). I could make out the words, "more, more," so I continued. She was grinning from ear to ear. Then all of a sudden, the fucking test tube popped! With her weakened immune system, she was instantly killed. Doctors are doing an autopsy to figure out if she was killed by the glass impaling her insides or if the virus killed her.

epidemics rise and fall in a bell curve. The faster they grow, the faster the vanish. This shit will be gone before summer.

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I hope the coronavirus evolves into something fucking crazy, like a rabies 2.0.

Theres far too many retards on this planet anyways and natural selection hasn't been doing it's job.

Dem screeming huh, what a good joke. I have to lower the TV volume every time I pass the FOX News. FOX NEWS ALERT!

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This we are going to die.

based god right here lmao

To be fair, many times your vote never counts anyhow. Wierd and stupid system we got.

China just revolutionized population control. Don't be mad at China for trying to rid the world of the human pest.

>>Inocent people die.
You that's how nature works right? There is no inocence or justice in nature.

fuck china? more like fuck the world

Ok user but I don't remember asking

Everybody will be either sick or dieing in 3 months