Trump will imprison hundreds if not thousands who oppose him in his 2nd Term

Trump will imprison hundreds if not thousands who oppose him in his 2nd Term. .

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Bumping for the Main Page. You will be Required to say the Pledge of Allegiance in place of God. One Nation. Under Trump.
That's what you get for trying to take him down with your witch hunts.

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All hail the God Emperor

You're going face first into the woodchipper, Q tard.

Good dream. Biden guarantees control of congress and maybe the senate, though Trump may still win re-election.

I doubt that, but he’ll probably leave the next president with a nice new war to clean up.

Hail the god emperor trump

ok both of you shut up
this is exactly the kind of comment that could get you in trouble during Trump's 2nd Term.

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>silencing people who disagree with you.
that's more a liberal thing...

Well in your case it's because you probably said something stupid.

>anyone who disagrees with me is stupid
yeah definitely a liberal thing...

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>1. Say stupid shit in a private space despite rules
>2. The private owner/moderators punish you for saying stupid shit
>3. ???????
>4. Liberals infringed on muh speech

Rinse and repeat for maximum retardation.

you literally believe wind is a mystery because trump said it was.

4 more years. Stay mad.

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You probably think taxes are "theft" too
and that Trump is simply protecting our borders by building a wall

4 more years
Is that how long it's gonna take for you to move out of your moms

moar like Golf Emperor

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So when your parents got after you for being stupid they were being liberals?

Fake news, and that's SAD! He's absolutely NOT going to lock up every degenerate libtard in the world and throw away the key then burn all libtard literature so as to not give future generations the chance to corrupt themselves... but he should! MAGA!

Seethe, libtard.

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That "moron" beat her, what's that say about you guys?

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I died without ever knowing how stupid everyone else thought I was. it was the best life ever.

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>2nd Term

Motherfucker is being terminated with extreme prejudice and thrown into prison.

FUCK TRUMP. He's the enemy of this country and deserves to be dealt with as such. Not less than 20 years per offense. GET THAT PILE OF LYING SHIT OUT OF OUR WHITE HOUSE.

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Authoritarianism is a distinctly right wing trait, you fuckwitted dropout.

In prison or dead by February.

This is what liberals actually believe. Sorry, Charlie. Your witchhunt FAILED.

Shut up, libtard.

Sure libtard.

Any day now, right?

desperate as fuck Russkie samefag.

Stay mad, libtard.

The hole coronavirus scare is just to give him a reason to shut down the elections, and stay president as long as he wants.

The second he even breathes towards trying that, we are ENDING him and escorting his straight to prison.

You are assuming he will survive his virus that he caught from the Brazilian attache.

But signs are evident that Biden is going to romp home, this is from a non-liberal and non-american.

You'll be too weakened by the virus to do anything.

Get a grip, libtard.

Any day now, right, libtard?

Shut up, libtard.

trump will die from being a fat dumb faggot in short order
>fortunately he passed his fat dumb faggotry to his simp kids

Concrete evidence of treason leads to the justified use of violence against the administration.

Sure libtard.

Any day now, right, libtard?

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4 moar! I can't wait for the second round of compilations of insane, assmad commies crying and screaming to beat my meat to!

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It's the only chance he has to maintain power and he knows it. Fascists like him don't leave office peacefully.

Whatever fantasies help you nut, bro.

Lol, saved. #Trump2020, myniggas.

Take your meds, libtard.


Go to bed

If he went full Hortler, I'd support him.

I can do this all day, libtard.

I'm you're worst motherfucking nightmare
a far leftist with resources, bot-fly

>it's day in Russia
checks out cum dranker

So mad you didn't read anything, I said I am non-liberal and non-American.

Get rekt saltyboi. Enjoy my criticism about your country that you can do nothing about.

weak and predictable.

don't reply to the triggered russkie

Is that you, AOC?

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>metadata hashtagging shit on Yas Forums
Kill yourself

just like your mom,dumb libtard.

>Trump supporters

You have to select one, user.

Why shooed they trust you?

You wanted him now you must die with him

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Sure libtard.

Stay mad, libtard.

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Still mad she lost, libtard?

Shut up, libtard.

Stay mad, libtard.

4 channel

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stay vlad, rustard

Seethe, libtard.

It's a natural extension of all those death camps he's been running for 4 years to kill off all the gays and lesbians

Still mad she lost, libtard?

hillary fucked your dad in his willing mouth and all he got was oral butt-herpes

Shut up, libtard.

Nice photo of yourself,libtard.

Still mad she lost, libtard?

Go to bed

Seethe libtard


Trump will be lucky if he survives until the election. Dude has covid for sure.

You are quite possibly the stupidest person on the planet

I can do this all day, libtard.

Does you're wife's boyfriend allow you to use the computer, libtard

Go to bed

I mean you keep replying so it's kind of fun to point out your long gay heritage as a turd

Shut up, libtard.

Stay mad, libtard.

You are quite possibly the stupidest person on the universe

Still mad she lost, libtard?

Sure libtard.


I'm a conservative, idiot. I also have eyes.


and i will do every time as i want.

I've been visiting the other boards on Yas Forums this week and just came to say you all are fucking idiots.
Go to literally any other board and then come back here, you morons are like junior high toddlers arguing about whose mom makes the better sloppy handjob sandwich.

Do your panties get into a bunch when someone misgenders you, you little faggot?

cyka blyat

Sure libtard.

You are quite possibly the stupidest person in all the TV universes.