Trump supporter here

Trump supporter here.

I just want everyone to know I agree Trump is fucking up this Coronavirus response but I'm still voting for him in November. Eat my shit libtards.

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Too bad the Independents and moderates aren't. Go shill somewhere else fake Republican

That's because you're a shill, so you go right ahead and do that. There's not an independent or a moderate remaining who will vote for this guy. The entire country has lost faith in government and leadership.

toe sucking liberals, just want malice!

damage control

Good to know. Enjoy getting Ficked up the Ass.


Nah, it's just the truth.

Look at you all proud of being a buzzword spouting puppet moron.

So you admit you're a retarded sycophant?
>OP has to Google sycophant before responding

to be fair, most of us will google that.

googled it
still makes you a faggot

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I think he had to either choose between inciting panic or not. Anything he does will be seen as "wrong" by the media and democrats anyway.

Are you only voting for him because you hope it’ll upset people you don’t even know?

Like why have you dehumanised people to the point where their unhappiness brings you joy?

What sane individual would vote Biden instead though? Dems should have chosen someone who can still speak in coherent sentances that stay on topic.


>assigning motive
Fucking hell dude you'll need better straw than that.

check the dnc choice

america , like Yas Forums, was never good or great.

I'm pretty sure Biden would be handling this a lot better..

Trump is over 70 years old and doesn't wear glasses because he's got 2020

Attached: djtrump.jpg (525x350, 18.4K)

Jesus Christ. Proof the American educational system has failed.

You’re too young to remember the swine flu, weren’t you? Biden was a fucking disgrace.

>Uses Google
>Most kiked company on the face of the Earth
Who's the faggot again?

strawmanning harder, we see

Who am I strawmanning exactly? He said he googled it, I made fun of him for googling it? Nice try faggot. Do you even know what a strawman is? Let me guess. You watched undoomed and now you're a master of logical fallacies? Kys

Trump's just another tyrant like every other politician. Any of you retards believing in voting making a fucking ounce of difference deserve having your income stolen, your rights eroded, and your lives dedicated to serving a corrupt system that seeks nothing but to pit you left against right in order to maintain control when it accomplishes literally nothing but exploiting you for the benefit of bankers, corporate cronies, and the politicians.

The fact that y'all think Trump is uniquely bad because of the bullshit you've been gargling, fed to you by mainstream media is hilarious given that every controversy surrounding him as evaporated to nothing without a shred of evidence like with the "russia collusion" con job, and the mouthbreathing bootlickers on the right that think he somehow is less deleterious to the country as if he hasn't implemented more draconian policies that trample your rights than the previous administration need to suck on an exhaust pipe.

Clinton, Bush, Democrat, Republican. They're all tyrants that deserve the fucking rope and you ought to take a long hard look at history if you think there is any problem that isn't made worse by giving government any modicum of power whatsoever.

But you all are too lazy and complacent to actually take renponsibility for your own life and wellbeing because you have Netflix, Porn, and fast food.

If this is what the culmination of hundreds of thousands of years of humanity developing into the society we live in today, I really won't feel an ounce of sorrow when y'all starve, bleed out, commit suicide, or get trampled in a riot when the next bubble bursts and you have no ability to provide for yourselves or your loved ones.

tl;dr get armed, stockpile food and medical supplies, learn how to administer trauma care, grow food, and defend yourself you delusional fucks.

Oh, and the independents and moderates are going to vote for Joe 033030? Isn't he the guy running for the Senate this year? Or maybe they will vote for crazy uncle Bernie? The guy who gets his marching orders from the same people that brought you the Caronavirous?

You"re retarded, spastic, low educated, and a loser

Hopefully one of the people killed by this virus will be him.

Go back to Reddshit where someone cares about your tl;dr bullshit you fucking newfag.

By lying about the fact that CDC isn’t testing anyone right now, because his incompetent appointees decided to make their own test that turned out to not work.

All he has done is delay the panic which will now be much worse because of Trump’s failure to contain this early.

that's why his handwriting is always in 40 point Sharpie font right?

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Hopefully retards like you fucking die before the general election then, fuckwit.

He doesn’t wear glasses because he doesn’t read anything beyond three word sentences written for him in sharpie.

he is far sighted you dumb fuck thats the joke

>That'll show em!
Are you in the 8th grade? Or just retarded? Maybe both based upon what you think is an insult. Try harder

looks like all the autistic fucks get the same memes on here

And look at the words on that paper. It’s like he’s literally retarded.

Someone with 20/20 isn’t far sighted dumbass.

You do realize he doesn't control every branch of the government right? The president is not a dictator. Also, citations needed faggot.

>Been here since 08
>Tl;dr is somehow a reddit thing
>Never use reddit

Ok newfriend

google it you stupid nigger you can be 20/20 while being far sighted. Stupid fucking tweeb

you honestly believe thats real? you simple minded dumb cuck

Makes your joke hilarious then I guess.

Spot on.

"Well, I think the 3.4 percent is really a false number. Now, and this is just my
hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do
this. Because a lot people will have this and it's very mild. They'll get better
very rapidly. They don't even see a doctor. They don't even call a doctor,"
Trump said.

"You never hear about those people. So you can't put them down in the
category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu and — or virus. So
you just can't do that," he continued. "So if, you know, we have thousands or
hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting
around and even going to work — some of them go to work but they get better."

It really is a reddit thing.
So stop acting and just learn from your mistake.

you're living a smart way, doing something just to agitate the other side simply because they support another side.

This shit isn't a football game, you dumb retard.

>Been here since 08
Obligatory newfag statement
>Tldr isn't a Reddit only thing
Sure, but it's still a faggy thing to do. If you have to tl;Dr something just don't write it in the first place no one will read it
>Never used Reddit
Being a Redditor is just like being gay. Just because you've never sucked a dick doesn't mean you're not a faggot at heart
>Hello new friend
Didn't accuse me of being a newfag, which means you're the newfag, newfag.

When he doesnt know republicans and democrats are both liberals.

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Literally someone with down syndrome could have run the country over the last 4 years with the same, or better results as Trump produced. And I'm not saying that sarcastically to be funny or clever. It's an objective fact.

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That’s your go to for everything this clown fucks up. He sure as shit should be managing the CDC during a global pandemic.

you honestly believe it's not you brainlet?

Probably better because someone with downs isn't hateful and malicious on top of being retarded.

Of course it’s real you clown. Wipe the drool off your chin and look it up.

>this retarded

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That'll show em!

You never went to post-secondary and it shows by just a few of your stupid fucking replies. That is actually impressive to show you are mentally retarded with such little substance

explain this post without using memes

>hey guys I'm fucking retarded
>lol I troll u and u can't stop me from being a retard!!!1!

I will never understand the average trump voter mentality and I'm done trying to do so. Have fun while the country is in the toilet.

Nothing to manage if you defund all government agencies.

"It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away," Trump said after a meeting on Capitol Hill with Republican lawmakers.
"We want to protect our shipping industry, our cruise industry, cruise ships. We want to protect our airlines industry."

Yale epidemiologist Nicholas Christakis is using big data to develop tools that would forecast the course of the epidemic in real time.

In his estimation, 35,000 Americans will die from the coronavirus this year, which would place an enormous additional burden on hospitals already overtaxed by the flu season.
And his estimate is at the low end for predictions among the people in his field.

Way to provide those citations jackass. He can't just go in and take control of places because he wants to you moron, are you fucking retarded? I bet your dumb ass voted for Bernie.

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Doesn’t alter the fact that he stood in front of the press holding that very real piece of paper with those words written in sharpie for him by someone hoping to prevent him indicting himself.

explain one thing that has gotten worse under the Trump administration

Ok cuck

There are no moderates

the stock market

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Democrats progress

link one source of your stupid fucking picture that is from a reliable news source faggot

Obama’s economy...remember telling us that for 4 years?

Why? Trump can't.

>been here since 08
>>Obligatory newfag statement
Cope however you need to

>>Sure, but it's still a faggy thing to do. If you have to tl;Dr something just don't write it in the first place no one will read it
tl;dr has always served a purpose. Just because you're a faggot doesn't really change that

>>Didn't accuse me of being a newfag
That's what a newfriend is, newfriend. Obviously you haven't been around this shithole very long

It literally spread from Yas Forums, but you keep pretending you know what you're talking about

Why the fuck should I cite things that any half wit can Google.

A President is elected to lead. That’s especially true in a time of crisis. Instead of leading this guy has played down the risk with a variety of made up stats and bullshit theories. He isn’t smart or diligent enough to involve himself in any meaningful way. He’s still responsible though.

Fuckin mouth breather

it doesnt work like that schlomo. if trump gets to take credit for the gains he gets to take credit for the losses

the stock market is a global issue you stupid cuck

thank god


ah right so when the stock market goes up its all trump and when it goes down its a global issue

lol dude that pic is real tho

Name a news source that is, in your opinion, reliable.

Yeah, remember when everyone panicked and the stock market tanked in 2009? Wait, that never happened. Keep eating dumpy's logs shill.

go ahead,old people are the ones dieing from have fun when all of the people who voted for trump are dead,idiot

>anything that hurts daddy dump isn't real
Shit eating tards like this are why we're doomed

Anything labeled a news source is inherently unreliable. Only in aggregate with independently confirmed facts can journalism be deemed credible these days. The media is literally just the fourth branch of the government. Both left and right.

But the Dow is still higher than when Obama left

Speaking of how to manage the CDC.

A total of 117 institutions in South Korea have equipment to conduct tests for the coronavirus, according to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC).
The numbers fluctuate daily, but an average of 12,000 is possible, and maximum capacity is 20,000 tests a day.

After testing more than 222,000 people, South Korea has reported 67 deaths out of nearly 8,000 confirmed cases.

You never gave him credit for the gains

Do a Google image search for “Trump
I want nothing paper” and take your pick from multiple sources of it taken from various angles.

When Trump took office the S&P 500 Index was at an all time high until the coronavirus started. Google it if you want to educate yourself you fucking basement dwelling neet probably don't even understand what I'm telling you

any news source that isn't some random online blogging bullshit where you got that picture from

link a source faggot

link a source you autistic fuck

Stop huffing the jenkum, its fucked your brain

yeah because attributing the stock market to the president is fucking retarded, but if trump is gonna tie his entire first term to it and constantly tout it then hes gotta take the gains and the losses

>How does stock market works?
The world may never know. Keep on keeping on, idiot.

youre a fucking bootlicking moron, when i see you in the street begging ill leave you a nickle for my time

Trump supporter here as well

I just want everyone to know I like the feeling of a full diaper and watch waaaaaaaaay too much cuck porn

Still wasn’t underperforming my any means. So user claimin g the stock market is worse is just Blanca the head bias

Meanwhile Dolan's CDC has tested 11000 US people total in a month. By design, because he doesn't want people to know how fucked they are.

google images is your source? dumb fucking nigger. I could post a picture of me fucking your mom and say its Trump and your dumbass will believe its legit because its on "google images" holy fuck why are there so many unsuccessful pseudo intellectual cucks on this board?

Attached: 4.jpg (184x184, 8.53K)

Yeah fat fingers....

nice counter argument, crying like a little uneducated cuck

Link a source that you eat shit? I think its pretty evident from your posts. And your breath.

He made the right call not to worry about it. It doesn't matter. Its just a bad flu. People are fucking stupid for panicking

>How does stock market works?
How's russia slavbot?

You understand how Google images works right? It finds images from lots and lots of sources. You can read the names of the sources underneath the pictures. Multiple respected news outlets. Multiple angles of the same piece of paper.

If that doesn’t convince you then you belong in the dark.

Nice, so no citations. Anything presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Maybe listen to CNN less?

Oh, you want Trump to declare martial law so he can impose these polices? Are you for that? Go ahead, tell me that you are. Or fuck off you faggoty little bern out.

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he's right tho..

Trump supporter here.
Because Biden is senile and Sanders is a fuckin' loon.


Your s&p point doesn't matter when his bad response caused us to lose 4 years of progress.

You can't be this moronic.

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independent here.. voted Johnson in 16,voting Trump in 2020.. you mad?

>smoking this much meth

I highly doubt you’ve ever fucked anyone. Anyone who wanted it anyway.

It's cause of Russia going to oil war with Saudis

Everyone knows he could fuck your wives and finish on your children's faces and you'd polish off the mess with your tongue and then vote for him.

The only cuck here is you.

People are overreacting sure, but that doesn’t mean we should also throw all caution out the window and spread sickness to everyone. Like you’re probably not going to die from the flu either, but that doesn’t mean you should be like FUCK IT I NO GET FLU SHOT IT FINE!

He's sucking dolan's right nut maybe.

lol fag

Like I said. Look it up.

You don’t seem to understand how government works. A president doesn’t need martial law implemented to manage a crisis in his own country.

Oil isnt on the stock market dumb nigger. Its a commodity.

Kek that’s if you survive until then. Enjoy coughing yourself to death faggot