Waifu thread

Waifu thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Well, a group of fans was making a Mother 4, but Nintendo said no, so they changed its name and took away anything that had to do with Mother, now the project is an independent project, but it still seems like a new Mother, it's called Oddity
Drink coffee.

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Lucina is Waifu

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I guess I can do that.

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Yes, it is not a very good idea to go out there sleepy

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I love this bad bitch

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Close tie between Showboat and Big E but this Senpai does love his bunny girls.

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claim, bitch

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I love this adorable gamer
Ah I have heard there were making another Mother game but I did not know they changed the name... how is the progress of the game doing it?
I kneel to Kaguya-sama

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Go out where?

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I vidya with Chiaki
what's up

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Very well, they already have the main characters, the gameplay is well established and the story from what is seen is going quite well, I hope the project continues.
I'm not saying going somewhere specific, but just being sleepy is not a good idea.

I for example, am a pretty smort person so Im gonna sleep, farewell everyone!

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Lilly goddamn satou you fucking sluts

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I am playing vidya while listening to weeb music
I really hope so, I really want to see something Mother related
Night night Relm!
She is the best girl by far, next to Hanako and Emi and of course Rin

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i missed what you said after i suggested having a drink

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There needs to be a romantic droma that makes the monster. Both sexy and miss understude. But with tentacels

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I need a new phone, accidentally dropped from a 3 story balcony. it survived but not unscathed: the speakers broke and I can't make calls now

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Obviously the best girl

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Lilly > Hanako > Emi > Shitzune > Rin

You have good taste for the most part.
Every waifu is valid

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i miss sachii

Posting because I don't know what to do and for another reason that I don't want to say...

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I asked which drink and I had a covfefe.

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Tell me, user

I was told difrenty about valid waifus but what ever

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Posting for the exact same reason

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Then you'd been told wrong.

best waifu is your own

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Its stupid... But I think my dreams sometimes are telling me to post here... Even when I don't want to... I don't know why...

Oh... Okay then...

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Damn that is really bad luck, for how long have you been using that phone?
Pretty basedesu
Why do you like Lily?

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Things like. Your waifo cant be a letter. Or no RPing as your husbu. Its like is that not the point?

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She was the mother figure i needed in my life to accept me wholeheartedly, when I couldn't accept myself at the time.

Eat your heart out, Freud.

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Don't be the one you long for, aspire to be the one /they/ long for.

Do it for /them/

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Sleeping Dreams. Or ambishons?
Sometimes i feel as if there is no "thay" and that i am the only one

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Then be the person that you aspire to be.

The only one holding you back is you.

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a year now, it's a cheap phone

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Sleeping dreams... I've never really looked into the meaning of some dreams I have, but I did recently and they lead me to believe that I'm supposed to post here or something... Then other dreams just... They don't make much sense to me...

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That explains it lol
That is so wholesome
How do I eat my heart?

Either way feeling sleepy so goodnight everyone, hope you all had a great day

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Then the person who is holding me back is trying to kill me
Thay never do. The logic part of your brain is tuned off when you are asleap. But not the meory part of your brain

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You lose it to someone you thought was worth it, before they leave you

then you eat until you fill the hole in your chest left by their absence

Are you gonna let them do it, or are you going to prove to them you're an existence worth seeing until the end?

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Is it?

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Eh... It doesn't matter anyway I guess... I'm probably going to lie down and watch stuff... I'm cold...

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what do you mean, it fell down 3 stories
I'd be surprised if it survived with any phone

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I don't know man.

You decide the value of my words, i'm just spouting my personal ideologies to an anonymous internet.

I'm also drunk, so don't take me at face value, ara ara~

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If i know you irl i wold hug you to keep you warm


mi liu

Drinking stoped working for me. "I want a new drug. One that wont make me sick"

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If you're looking to escape, dissasociatives
if you're looking to come to love who you are, psychedelics
if you just want to feel, talk to your mom sometime

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holy nvm the speakers decided to work again
it really did survive the fall unscathed lmfao

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Don't you have a P20 pro

Mom told me to stop feeling emosons and that i a burden on her. So ya i had a fucked up chield hood

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then go and get back on your anti-psychotics.

I miss feeling like a robot. emotions are overrated, happiness is fleeting, and sadness saturates daily life.

I wish I could go back to those days

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Yo dawg that's Kawaii

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Ok something weird just happen. I just chect the /b catalog and there was a thread using my first poist N image. Same file name. But it 404ed when i looked at it.

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you too.

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Nmage not image.

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I am sill on them. Never stoped takeing them sence i was 14

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Anime rappers are a rare gift

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Ha ha very funny

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What are you complaining about then?

You're already living in easy mode. Not to undermine your personal achievements, but c'mon user.

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i got a giggle out of it.

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Posting this for reasons


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Check the archives?
Y-You too

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I am complameing that thay are not filling that god sized hole that is in me

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hows it hanging?

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Did. only post whas the OP. Op sayed
And nothing more

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Am I understanding this right that you're expecting fulfillment to be handed to you?


Nothing worth having is easily obtained. Potato chips are cheap but they're not filling. the steak you spend 6 hours cooking in a sous vide before searing and topping with mushrooms and onions with a wine sauce is... where was I going with this again?

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I am saying that the things that used to give me fulfillment are no longer doing so

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