pic requirements

1.must be well lit/ decent quality
2. must be in two piece bikini
3. preferably facing forward / no weird angles
4. Nothing in front of the tits or vagina area this will fuck up the process (some hair is fine)

These take a couple minutes so be patient pls

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Pick up the pace op

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working on these

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Fuck yes

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Nice work, what can you do with her?

Attached: 20200312_021515.jpg (724x967, 459.22K)

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i could've sworn i did this pic yesterday no ?

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I passed out before I saw the post! It was late for me, I'm sorry.

all good, it came out great as you can see


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You da real MVP. Thank you!

honestly man I tried this one and the tattoo kind of fucks up the tits, i couldnt get it to look natural

Can you do this one please? Idc how bad it comes out

Attached: Screenshot_20200313-015154_Firefox.jpg (2220x1080, 553.17K)

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Im doing a lot of these bros please be patient, I strive for quality

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We believe in you, deepbro.

take your time king, we believe in you

this doable?

Attached: 68261422_653029078518030_695636615774601216_n.jpg (960x890, 54.42K)

While we wait for King to return, who here is happy with the results they got?

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They say, give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day, teach man how to fish and he will never go hungry again. So, wise friend, will you please share how to make these? What software, where to get it, how u started, what expertise.. please, I'm genuinely interested. Thank you fren.

god thank you so much man youre the best.

if this one as well is possible you would make my week

Attached: deepnude.jpg (720x960, 68.64K)

Upload a picture. Click run. Experiment with different crops and settings until you get results you like.


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not sure about the quality

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Will this work op?

there migh be too much hair on the right, do you have any other pics of her? still willing to helpyou out

Any chance?

Attached: dn1.jpg (466x592, 116.55K)

working on it

Real gf and all requirements filled help me out x

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Attached: 1584064958354-RUN1-1584065299176-dreamtime.jpg (1242x1506, 698.18K)

Please and thank you

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