>worldwide pandemic certain >health care centers overload thus affecting people with other issues as well very likely >global economic recession very likely >global economic depression likely >disruption in supply chains and distribution of goods and services likely >mass riots and break down of civil order semi-likely >possible wars / invasions / civil wars small chance but possible
Are you ready? I'm not an alarmist. A week ago I was on the "it's nothing" train but I can see it's heading downhill fast. I'm worried about you bros. Please prepare your anuses.
>Oh no! Liberals aren't doing as well as we hoped before the erection for king! >We need a distraction! >Liberals used media hysteria >It's super effective!
Josiah Roberts
Just stick your fingers in your ears and sing lalalalalalalala that'll make it go away user trust me.
David Wood
so what the fuck you want Yas Forums to say or do about it. piss of and cry some more. better yet, kill yourself
I'm just trying to warn people to at least prepare themselves a little. I don't want to see my Yas Forums friens all die on day 1 :(
Joshua King
Don't worry You won't see them die You'll be first to go, fag
Lucas Parker
Much love stay safe n healthy boyos
Jordan Murphy
Not until i eat your ass like a hot meal.
Adrian Mitchell
Wash your hands repeatedly during the day and keep your freaking hands away from your face. Most people can't refrain from touching their faces, why I don't know.
Justin Roberts
good little sheep, stay calm. while the virus can spread though air with the host just breathing, infecting people in the same room, that washing hands will only help your bowls to hold your shit in
Landon Flores
Ah, fuck you
Gabriel Hill
ive been doing exactly this and I'm still alive faggot. i just keep telling myself its just the flu, its just the flu, its just the flu
Samuel Jones
fucking preparing for weeks still not fucking prepared lets have some laughs and memes thats what this place is for
Lucas Garcia
man Yas Forums is surely filled with some raging 16 year old faglords
Evan Foster
Yeah every one of these gay threads starts the same way “I was unworried like you bros but now I shit my pants because I watched the news again!”
Fuck off youre not even sick you big pussy
Xavier Brown
If you're young and relatively healthy you'll have nothing more than flu-like symptoms for a week or two. Why is everyone acting like if you get it you'll die? Really getting weird...
Parker Green
i agree with you up until riots. people are isolating themaelves currently due to fear, you think there going to go out is mass droves n unhygenically fuck everything up ?
no war/civil war will happen in any civilised country, dats just paranoia
Levi Myers
The death rate is low and only kills the old and weak. i.e. old bitches drawing pensions and costing tons in medicine. This virus could be a boost to the economy. All the unfunded pensions relived. Old fucks out of the way for youngins to get a job. Fewer old bitches draining the whole federal government for healthcare.
Joseph Brooks
Basically, the Boomer remover.
Matthew Fisher
The problem is that contrary to the common flu, very very few have developed innumity to this new virus. As a result, most people can expect symptoms and 3-5% to die. As so many people will get sick, it will overwhelm the healthcare system and cause a sharp uptick in death rate simply because of lack of facilities.
/You/ might be safe, but a lot of people will not. Cancer patients and other people on immunosuppressants are all playing with their lives at risk.
Limit spread, user. Do your best to ensure the bell curve is as wide as possible.
Brayden Cook
you idiots actually believin this crap the chinese government spreads about it only being dangerous to old people. lmao. all we know this could literally be hyperaids and we'd be oblivious. this shit has a 4 to 12 day incubation time while still being infectious. that means that you have the virus and still run around healthy for almost two weeks infecting everyone else before you get sick. most of us probably already have it. look at those mortality rates again when theres literally thousands of intensive care pneumonia cases and hospitals start shutting down because doctors and nurses catch it as well. also, theres no immunization. that means, once you've had it, you get it again. and again. a vaccine won't be around for years.
this shit is going to stick and we blew our fucking chance 3 weeks ago.
Charles Scott
All because of the shit chinese people
Luke Brooks
This could be God's command to His people that homosexuality is a wrongful sin. And if I can keep myself from lusting to a tight boy's body and acting out on my urge to fap like a power plant so can you.
Jose Gutierrez
you're shit and nobody died yet
Cameron Hernandez
Go cry in the corner about it then you big pussy. If you’re so scared it’s the end why are you here making faggot posts on the internet? Shouldn’t you be out enjoying your last days? Oh right you can’t because you’re a scared little bitch that lets fear dictate their life and it’s just another day in the basement for you. You’ll still be down there when this all blows over too like the little pussy you are.
Gabriel Murphy
This is really going to show us how stupid and suggestible humans really are. The idiotic things I've heard so far and it's just beginning...
William Martin
no immunization literally means it would have a 100% mortality rate, because it would continue to mulyiple in your lungs untill it killed you
the fuck are you getting this information from ?
Bentley Nguyen
i'm actually sitting on a packed fridge and everything i need for months and i can go hunting, fishing and eat what my land provides if it all runs out. you on the other hand call strangers bitches on the internet because you are afraid that i am right. go on then, go out and live your life, prove to the world that you are smarter than everyone else. maybe in these days of fear and peril some poor creature will actually part her thighs for your cute little member so you as well may enjoy the fruits of lust before you finally succumb to the sickness. you fuckin genius, you.
Jacob Scott
jesus thats so charged with infuriating madness its going to fuel me for years.
im not even the guy you replied to, fuck he must be set for life.
Jonathan Powell
>how does bodily functions work >what is white blood cells >what is fever >what is antibodies
there are some distinct differences between the physical reactions of your body to being sick and the process of your immune system memorizing information about viruses to make immunization possible
corona is going to be like the flu. there will be a corona season, and all this shit will happen again every year from now on, just like when the regular cold got replaced by influenza.
we done fucked up, the tiger is out of its cage. look at HIV, we havent managed to produce a vaccine in over 40 years, why should we suddenly be able to make one for a virus that just fucking appeared? only difference is that you dont need to fuck a gay nigger, you just need to breathe the wrong air
Nathaniel Allen
you daft cunts actually think i'm mad while im sitting on my stash laughing while the world burns.
>you idiots actually believin this crap the chinese government spreads >UN is the chinese government
Im so glad americans dont have healthcare. hope it kills as many of you as humanly possible
Isaiah Lopez
>what is white blood cells nothing without anti-bodies >what is fever nothing to a virus >what is antibodies nothing to a virus
Nicholas Lee
hope you're ready for no Vaseline OP
Blake Gray
spotted the shill bot
Nolan Butler
if your immune system cant break down the virus to develop an immune response then there is no physical way it can fight it.
the only real option is external medication which wouldnt have been received by the majority or people, leading to a higher deathrate.
the only reason HIV is such aids to fight is because it literally destroya your immine system. HIV doesn't kill you, but literally anything else will if you have it.
Mason Jones
spotted the retard whose education stopped at high school.
Cooper Murphy
dont need to think yo, your showing us your mad by how you type and how charged it is.
i mean tbe only other reason is if your a super angry person normally.
in eather scenario, you mad
Hudson Reyes
riots.. civil war and invasions? lol youre starting to sound like backarse youtube channels pandering to sub 85 iq conspirtards
>says america is devolving into a police state. >openly calls for the assasination of a senator.
totally not hypocritical at all.
Cooper Evans
fuck off samefagging trumpshit
Wyatt Nguyen
never ??
the fuck you on about nigga, you tag the wrong post?
Joshua Lee
We can totally treat even critical cases of the novel corona virus. We have vent and ecmo assistance to get someone through the insult.
The problem is that it will be a huge influx of people getting sick all at once. Millions over the course of months will end up contracting it, and we don't have the manpower or the trained nurses/doctors/perfusionist to operate and care for the mass amount of ill people.
Yas Forums, I think we're in for a rough ride.
>thoughts from a critical care nurse
Hudson Scott
DemocRAT's and Repugnantcan's are both doing that. Why do you give a shit about the coin party? The only people worth voting a damn for are constitutionalist independents and a few LoLbertarians.
holy fuck! did sherlock holmes and siegmund freud have a baby? how the fuck do i "charge" my writing? i haven't even activated my almonds yet!
Aiden Perry
doesnt destroy just clogs.
Liam Mitchell
ah ok
Adrian Foster
We have ocillator ventilators that can deliver enough positive pressure to allow oxygen exchange to occur. We can diurese the edema in the lungs from cardiogenic shock. We can use Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation to assist the heart while it recovers from shock.
We can't do this to over a million people though.
Jace Barnes
>doesnt understand his writing is charged with anger/hostility >tries to claim hes not mad
your intelligence is fucking amazing thrre friend. im glad youve stuck to your isolated existance.
Justin Wood
we have occilator ventilators that can help deliver enough positive pressure to facilitate gas exchange.
ECMO is extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, where you take the blood out of the body and run it through a machine that oxygenates it, than it delivers it back into the body.
We can do this to help people get through severe cases, but we can't help the huge amounts of people.
Sebastian Price
yea majority of people are going to stuck on second rate breathing equipment.
everyones fighting over TP, i wonder how those oxygen tanks are going.
people really are fucking retarded.
Eli Lewis
>durr i haz a fridge i haz a gun to shoot things >fuck u liberals haha ize rite Not that user but you have been charged with Grand LARPeny
Juan Hill
>t. democRAT or Repugnantcan Neocon scum It takes a mere few minutes to look at alternative candidates on Ballotpedia.
I'd hardly call a bunch of corporate sellouts who endorse censorship laws and more foreign wars that would make Bush and Chaney blush ''''liberals''''. A few still have the right to the title but not must.
I want to see that kind of art again that can only be produced by the destruction and deep scarring an entire generation of people who have been subjected to the worst experiences humanity has to offer and the horrors of conflict.