Why did she attack him?

Why did she attack him?

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Because she's a woman and she thought she'd just get away with it.

Off by one. I see it as priveleged vs previlage. Lol. Look at simp escorting her after her attempted hit.

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The top right looks like Vronnikadarko. She fine

Woke lesbian cuntries

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Put bitches in their place

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I'd still smash

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Rude bitches

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More rude bitches

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World's biggest sammich bitch

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She's trans and he said "excuse me miss"

All the countries below are literally shit holes tho?

Stupid dyke thinks she can hit guys and then hide behind the fact that she is oppressed. Jokes on that fat lil dyke though.

1. Blacks rank higher on the victim hierarchy

2. Black dudes DGAF about swinging on a hoe

3. In a fight between a dyke and a bigger, the nigger always wins.

His chimp brain is incapable of turning back once it is triggered. He would have swung on his own mother if she had hit him too.

Lesson, grow your hair out and lose some weight you stupid dyke cunt.

Trips are fake news. Found the shitskin liberal....cucked by Jamal. Look at Europe now.

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I wish to wake up in a wold some day where equality means being allowed to hit a woman back when she hits you first without being called an abusive asshole

Those hardhats ain't gonna do shit when they're just balanced on top of your head.

And the ones on top aren't?

Rude bitch, would love to out in check

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This how to treat bitches. Pull a Trump on them

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Dis how you smack a bitch

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This is one of the first times I actually admired a nigger's actions.

Wymons want equal rights, take equal lefts.

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Free pucci

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Or just do this

Attached: tits rex.webm (576x640, 712.02K)

I like this one.

what from?

Trump before Melania

Stiff leg.kex

Imagine being a woman

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he stole her virginity

men a are clearly superior some of us would rather fuck a dude dressed as a women because of how stupid women can be w there nonsense

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Imagine being such an incel shut-in that you thin only women do shit like this

Only women do this.

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nigga got a good pimp hand

based women are just fucking retards

Ugly roasties getting mad over a beautiful woman

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part 2

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Salty women holy fuck

I don't think I've ever seen dudes do this, they might but I have never seen guys do it.

That bitch did the same lil dance thing in every video.

And we watched 'em all

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I feel so sorry for that cat.

and it was great

Check it out in here gg/dU5J7f2

Imagine being a "woman"

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her stupid powerwalk away makes me laugh every time

Imagine being a woman

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This bitch think she a man and then get hit like one LMAO

imagine being whatever the fuck this is

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women have tiny little walnut brains.

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Imagine being this autistic

based and true.

It's funny because she can't possibly think of a situation where a grown man might need a backpack. You know, like riding a bike. I wonder why?

the trips dont lie

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He’s laying those open handed ones. Props for the restraint.

Most women don't think. They don't have an inner monologue to think and reflect so they only act on impulse.

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girl on the right is way hotter lol

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You don't know niggers though most niggers are afraid of they mommas

First off, all women are cunts.
"What is a cunt?" You may ask user?


Now let's give these women equal treatment, just like their ancestors fought for. If she hits you, lay her out and then rape her unconscious body, just like you would with your fellow man.

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women + free time

what a fucking mistake.