Hunger Games Thread

Hunger Games Thread
Cringe Chinese AIDS edition
First 24

Attached: C-001.png (828x842, 73.07K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Divine Cat

Attached: 129.jpg (576x768, 126.78K)

Richard Rawlings

Attached: RR2.png (1200x675, 759.41K)

Jo Swinson

Attached: 449_1000.jpg (1000x1000, 104.76K)

Dlanor A. Knox

Attached: 1102d7f26317ae6087391f71a04c5e9f.jpg (603x800, 395.74K)


Attached: 680.jpg (600x790, 66.02K)


Attached: Kos_g01.png (620x720, 506.64K)


Attached: 5858.jpg (341x400, 93.16K)


Attached: 1492843520992.jpg (300x460, 32.45K)


Attached: xane.jpg (596x811, 118.76K)


Attached: 15717902570043.png (483x381, 151.55K)

dragon cunt w/additional soup

Attached: DQwe9YsVQAAgWpc.jpg (590x673, 60.91K)


Attached: WowWow2.jpg (200x197, 14.85K)

Black Widow

Attached: IMG_20200228_100800.jpg (950x1343, 858.61K)


Attached: 63.png (313x571, 67.02K)

bee who you wanna bee

Jadzia Dax

Attached: c05483ebf6ddf53faca2ca87fc24291d.jpg (500x359, 21.98K)


Attached: 1579243246082.jpg (850x1201, 138.51K)

OP's mom

Attached: 1517975127044.jpg (429x405, 50.2K)

Hank Hill

Attached: download.jpg (257x196, 8.28K)

Courtyard Droll

Attached: DrollUnprototyped.png (242x418, 2.4K)

The Arbiter

Attached: engel.png (822x462, 832.29K)


Attached: 1578452859793.jpg (274x237, 24.2K)


Attached: FB_IMG_1582395541688.jpg (720x720, 71.39K)


Attached: DexmrAwW0AAUcJB.jpg (624x940, 52.46K)


Attached: Espeon.png (484x469, 48.47K)


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Attached: Avengers-Endgame-Thanos-deleted-scene-1233435.jpg (590x350, 39.79K)

swap me out for

He did so well in the last one. hehe


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Attached: wetuncertain.jpg (780x1029, 78.7K)


Are in
Pls wait for autocropper

Attached: Big Version.png (576x576, 11.44K)


Attached: 6d947dbd16ed8de647de40529c572b91.jpg (1032x1457, 258.86K)

pls let her in


didn't you post byleth


Attached: 14.png (545x747, 237.47K)


Attached: wetbad.jpg (616x964, 41.42K)

i didnt post edelgard only byleth

I think they didn't but oh well, we begin soon

Attached: Reaping.jpg (670x774, 331.1K)

Get in son! We're gonna win this one

Attached: Ken-Richard-in-Kens-1952-Ford-Pick-Up-1-1-1024x680.jpg (1024x680, 89.21K)

I'm ready

Attached: an average wetfat minding his wet business.jpg (895x1007, 55.34K)


Attached: 2.png (800x600, 656.77K)


ready, lets do this

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Go on Be!

Took ya long enough, piece a shit autocropper

Attached: 02.jpg (670x2223, 820.08K)

I read it...


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There's an arrow in my eye...

Attached: 4186cd3ffb06c13f2f6c71e2fa790305.jpg (472x472, 85.88K)

is this a desktop mode moment bros

Attached: 03.jpg (670x1392, 530.14K)

I blowed up, I need help too.

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I guess the Minecraft bee did become Trans in the end...

Attached: 04.jpg (670x1374, 516.49K)

It is fairly easy to get lost when you only have one good eye.

Attached: fd780dfc82aefa55ecd5fa501c8acafc.jpg (1000x1000, 123.58K)

Syringes help me get wet inside

Attached: VSAWEFAWATFEGATGAGGAATG.jpg (1043x1061, 89.85K)

OP's mom living up to her title

That was just like that South Park episode Drills!

I hope they can save your eye, you would look scary with an eyepatch

Son! Uhm, that explosion wasn't at Daddy's work was it?

Attached: RRNY.jpg (725x672, 91.66K)

At least it aint pirate code with two eyepatches

Attached: 05.jpg (670x1507, 559.1K)

Fuck. Triple kill?!

Girls, what are you doing with those syringes? is Xane even a girl?

Attached: 06.jpg (670x1126, 430.4K)

I know being a demigoddess can be a drag Rory, but get it together!

Two Drills? Which one is which?

Attached: 44.jpg (1280x720, 90.6K)

Did your car show asplode?

Attached: wetwoah.jpg (635x835, 51.23K)

Yes, being completely blind would be worse.

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why just a tie? make a three-piece suit while your at it
also, ow

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Attached: 07.jpg (670x1206, 433.37K)

If a car does I at lest get insurance out of it.

I kinda went skinny on the building insurance though....

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Hey! Who set me up the bomb?

Attached: RawlingsWat2.jpg (763x807, 163.26K)

Classic dad

Attached: wetcheerful.jpg (838x1018, 60.89K)

This line better start moving...

Attached: Dla_b22b_majime2.png (725x483, 262.42K)

Time to donate, lads

SHHH, You'll spoiler the end of the movie!

Attached: 08.jpg (670x1124, 393.53K)

I didn't mean to get it dirty. Your mom is mean.

Attached: wetangelow.jpg (1050x1004, 100.59K)

who names a girl xane

The death sentence for the two who ruined my shirt.

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Xane apologists.

Wait, you mean I'm supposed to donate *my* blood?

Bummer about you getting killed by some dude's mom son. Thats why I try to avoid MILFs

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Speaking of lines...

Who names a girl edgelord?

Attached: 09.jpg (670x1090, 364.08K)

This seems to have been a very special shirt!

Attached: kindadead.jpg (1141x1165, 71.9K)

is xane even a real girl

I think it's MILVES.

Attached: lil wetshrug.jpg (498x578, 34.61K)

Are you even a real faggot?


Looks like someone's alcoholism really got bad...

Attached: 10.jpg (670x524, 189.19K)

Are you a real life?
Is this just fantasy?

no but u are lol

Wow, I thought hospital food jokes were soooooo 1970s.

Ohwell, come on son, lets have some pizza

Attached: RawlingsPizza.jpg (675x900, 179.35K)

Caught in a translide

pizza time!?

Attached: ghij.jpg (800x600, 38.01K)

Looks like Xane got the hint real quick

Attached: 11.jpg (670x674, 234.42K)

Lots of waiting to be done in a hospital, huh?

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damn sorry to hear about your mom

Pizza time son, our game is over.

Attached: RRPizza2.jpg (776x960, 92.11K)

It is the time
>Xane (????)

Attached: Koopa Rigs.png (660x690, 153.64K)

You've got this Drills!

Attached: LetErRip.jpg (236x236, 12.01K)

xane's got this

voting on tornado/drill hair

Attached: 3KI2nks6_400x400.jpg (400x400, 33.1K)

I will vote for Dlanor! Win Dlanor!

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Me, please.

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Are you tiny or is it big?

Don't worry, the Morgue works real quick here

You can get sweetheart of the game

Attached: 12.jpg (670x292, 107.35K)

yay xane won!
thanks for hosting


Beeg Peza

Attached: 111.png (884x404, 193.88K)

Congrats xane person.

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Attached: 14.jpg (670x803, 356.22K)

So close.
Thanks for hosting, Rigs.

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This game was so much fun!!!!

Attached: a wet romance.jpg (308x245, 10.5K)

Play more of them!

laughing gas makes you have insane gains I guess
thanks for hosting rigs, congrats to xane

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Host more of them!!!!

Thanks for hosting

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Thanks for hosting

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Attached: RRnicemeal.jpg (776x960, 170.78K)