Liberals: if you try to take advantage of the coronavirus situation to murder or hurt conservatives...

Liberals: if you try to take advantage of the coronavirus situation to murder or hurt conservatives, we’re going to find you and make you wish you were never fucking born.

Remember that

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This is now a facebook thread.

Posting cringe, yikes bro

master cringe...

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You are such a little fag. Stop talking now! You little cringe boy. Your mother says to stay off the internet. Listen to her. And do your fucking homework! Queerbait!

Cringey as fuck.
pls go back to playing with your legos young man.

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Bring it on, you pussy faggot. You're a fucking coward.

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>make you wish you were never fucking born.
They already wish that, that's why they're pro-choice.

This screams of reverse psychology

Quads for bravery

go back zuckerbergs website you faggot

You’re a fucking bitch. I’m talking to the real communists out there who actually have the balls to start some shit and finish it

>be liberal
>make thread on Yas Forums to make conservatives look bad

>be conservative
>make thread to make liberals look bad

Same shit every day...

Retard confirmed.

I'm going to stab your eyes out and skull fuck you! Get off the internet!

I've got plenty of food and water (and TP, tho I'm not sure why that's a big deal) so I'm good to go. My nephew just got out of the Navy a couple of weeks ago, and he's staying with us, and he's a heavily armed gun nut. So we've got that going for us.

Hell, I hope the next step is that Trump orders all public places of assembly (restaurants) closed so I can have a little vacation. Me, my nephew, and an Xbox. Fuck yeah.


>ITT: Desperate incel Bernie Bro larps as militia right winger in delusional belief it'll somehow save Comrade Sanders failed campaign

Nice try, basement dweller.


Yeah, OPs trying way too hard. Def a cringey obese eternal virgin Sanders supporter.

Brush your teeth!

>and finish it
That we will, but only because we know you-types would target schoolchildren and other civilians for disagreeing with you. You have never used the 2A for its intended purposes, and in a crisis, you'd rather turn it on the very people you claim to be 'liberating' instead of the ones doing the actual oppression.

Attached: 2nd Amendment.jpg (750x926, 77.04K)

Hahahahah. Whatever. The right will eat itself when This is all over.

Damn bro thats fucking cringey

Hi op. Samefagging your own thread after getting laughed at isn't helping Bernie's DOA campaign, user. Biden won. Deal with it.

Poz agitprop.

Op is a fag.

but i thought conservatives were suppose to be the "tough guy"2nd ammendment supporters

i guess deep down inside,your just as weak and fragile as your president

If you're going to pretend to be right wing gun nut, lurk /k/ & Yas Forums a bit more, op. Bernie supporters aren't convincing when you try to role play.

>normiebook friend shared a post made by some "alternative medicine" page saying cancer is worse, sars is worse, flu is worse, famine is worse, dehydration is worse & it's all giant overreaction
>meanwhile italy has a 40% death rate

Still not convincing anyone, OP. Do like this user said an lurk the right wing boards a bit more if you wanna make your larp more believable.

Yoooooooo hahahahahhahahahaha

>Reddit spacing
Yea OPs a Sanders loving reddit tard.
Ikr? Op makes it too obvious.

cope, the next democrat that gets in is going to take away your guns and theres nothing you racist incel scum will do about it

you all talk a big game but youre fucking pussies when push comes to shove

for too long have you allowed your obsession with big black guns to control the political landscape, but enough is enough, the government is about to get a whole lot bigger and theres nothing you can do about it

now bend over and get ready to take the BBC (Big Biden Cock) this november

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cite the source of your made up bullshit

I might have it and I've already planned on going around coughing on old people to reduce the republican voters, fight me faggot lol

Hi op. You know the posters count doesn't increase & the thread doesn't bump when you respond to yourself, right? Biden losing has you this unhinged? Sad.

>more reddit spacing
Still way too obvious, bruh.

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Lol just get a job and pay health insurance companies to fix you bro'. Why you scared.

Hard gay

Every added description makes it seem less accurate and more like you're just telling us about your fetish

shut the fuck up faggot

>if you try to take advantage of the coronavirus situation to murder or hurt conservatives
Wowee... that's some mighty powerful paranoia you've got there. Is it painful, living in fear?

What a cuck

Holy crap. You're right.

Liberals don't have to do a thing! Trump already doomed you, by his rallies, CPAC, no testing, and horrible anti-public health policies. Trump has been exposed multiple times now, so he and Pence will probably die. You are going to have to live with President Pelosi's health policies saving your ass.

I found the fat scared white fuckboi.
Wtf do you think their going to do?
Not call the wuflu a hoax?

Its not like anyone can wear clothes. As we all know, you have to go under strenuous background checks before you can buy a trump shirt or maga hat. What a lazy picture.

you are literally mentally ill
get help

Queerbait what is this 1997

>liberals and conservatives both suck
Not OP but stop pretending you're not one or the other. I am a proud liberal and I don't hide it.

Bring it.. Bitch..

Jesus get over yourself, you're seeing liberal boogymen behind literally everything that scares you/angers you/confuses you/makes you try

If I get sick, I'm going to willfully and maliciously infect every boomer, Republican, and right wing nut bag that I can. Wew, edgy

They've already taken advantage of it. It's a 5/10 problem they insist is a 15/10 so Trump will lose.

rub your dick all over their wrinkled anus

Italy's death rate is more like 0.15% of people infected. This is a glorified flu, whole thing is pathetic.

Is this from the virgins rally?

Where is he wrong? On her first day in office, Elizabeth Warren will order guns to be illegal by Executive Order.

>Biden losing
where? Utah? VT?

What does this even mean
>take advantage of the situation

You do know anyone can get sick right

you shut up as soon as I lose some weight I'm going to have a steady gf and we will fuck more than you've ever had sex in your whole life


Dude. I'm a conservative. What the fuck are you talking about?
Also, trump2020 bitches

That's some fine looking tards with guns there.

>when boomers larp