Drawthread: Every Day is the Same Edition

Drawthread: Every Day is the Same Edition

Attached: 20191210_150828.png (395x384, 103.81K)

Other urls found in this thread:


If you dont reply to this post your request is shit

Attached: 1556193437926.jpg (520x1024, 77.17K)

Requesting rule 63 Wendy be changed into futa Wendy (female).

Attached: 540807C8-50E1-4CF9-A976-7888962542C7.png (1522x1986, 1.38M)


Attached: D093B662-A7E8-4929-8851-72082C901C30.png (1440x810, 1.46M)

Attached: FREE.jpg (243x77, 6.98K)

Attached: La-Nina-3.png (2068x2068, 193.79K)

/r/ my oc in the glitch techs style

Attached: CFD153DB-54EB-461E-80C0-3AD1CDABF5DF.jpg (2224x869, 1.08M)

/r/ing a clowngirl with big hooters giving a tittyfuck

Dude Rule 34 that shit, its already been done

I miss this drawfag did she ever come back?

Requesting these 3 women from The Fairly Odd Parents with cookies inside their pussies.

Attached: 1566388252795.jpg (1587x1306, 421.16K)

i've scoured the assholes of the internet for clown girl tittyfucks, i require additional content

Requesting added colors and sharper details

if the lineart has any error, please fix it

References: thebarchive.com/data/b/image/1577/30/1577306832610.jpg


Attached: H n A psx.png (1944x2460, 294.4K)

If you’re not satisfied, I’m sorry if your request is meet


Requesting Re-draw (much better made and drawn) of this image of Flo (from the Atchoo!) where the internal female reproductive system is explained.




Attached: 1580582931047.png (658x776, 74.45K)

requesting art of her

Attached: 97F7A401-A43F-4600-9FAC-5E049755FA8F.jpg (400x400, 55.54K)

Requesting this smoll baby at your window in the rain with a smug look on her face

Attached: 1583031831869.jpg (1000x899, 229.85K)

Need some non lewds of Hitloli

Attached: HitlerGirl02.png (1000x1200, 119.54K)

Requesting Ronal and Alibert from the danish animated movie "Ronal the Barbarian" wearing those loincloths/ jockstraps/ g-strings like the ones in the movie (the ones that show off a bulge in the front and expose the butt a little in the back). Keep it safe, and no trolling please.

Attached: Ronal the Barbarian Request.png (1371x893, 1.8M)

She does twitter requests instead but does come on here

any non cancer requests?

Attached: nyegh.png (482x491, 26.74K)

Fuck off

Draw snek vore

Requesting a panty shot Tigerlily Roberts (Girl of The Mighty B! Cartoon Is a background character)



Attached: 1583824683624.jpg (279x755, 111.39K)

wow what a shit thread

Koshka downing a bottle of vodka.

Attached: Koshka.png (1280x720, 1.17M)

can anyone do lineart of this old drawing i did pretty much this dude was pushed onto the ground then bolted himself back up

Attached: A9160052-A05C-4EF5-A7D3-D7BFBDD3AA4C.jpg (640x853, 90.16K)

taking gore requests, but only directed towards myself !!! i really want to die, please fulfill my dreams and beat the shit out of me !!! give descriptions of whatever torture you want ^^ !!!!

honestly, these threads have really gone downhill from what they used to be!!!

Attached: file.png (399x560, 88.17K)


Fuck off


Attached: NewCanvas3.png (645x989, 165.51K)

Fuck off

Attached: Untitled-1.png (800x800, 132.67K)

Fuck off



hard pass

harder pass

hey again! still requesting art of any of these girls, and offering a tip too! paypal, cashapp, venmo. whatever.

if you’ve seen me before, heya, hope you’ve been having a good day.

Attached: B72E2D4B-3CA0-47E8-9FC4-F77A8145742B.jpg (3464x3464, 1.47M)

Nigga fart

Evento: Selene delgado (también conocida como teresa fidalgo).

Selene delgado es un patrón de rostros artificiales, los rostros son construidos artificialmente y simulan ser caras para generar emociones deseando generar estimulos supernormales.

Un estímulo supernormal es la preferencia durante la comunicación por las señales que exageran las normas, aunque raramente o nunca existan en la naturaleza, sin embargo, de forma opuesta , los rostros falsos que siguen estos patrones pueden generar un efecto del valle inquietante, que es cuando las réplicas antropomórficas se acercan en exceso a la apariencia y comportamiento del ser humano real, y causan una respuesta de rechazo y miedo,Esto se debe a su parecido enorme con los cuerpos de cadáveres.

La curva del valle inquietante sigue un patrón exponencial, los patrones exponenciales pueden ser analizados con el enfoque de la cinética fisica.

El patrón selene delgado se ajustará cinéticamente a rostros no humanos usando la constante de cambio físico Tau.
(Metodología o análisis genético utilizando el modelado matemático de dos componentes.)

Los rostros que mejor se adaptaron al patrón cinético son de personas que no existen.

Selene delgado existe.

La existencia

La existencia es eterna

llamenme cuck pero si trae comida a la casa que haga lo que quiera

Estaba viendo cienpies y termine mirando un milpies >:c

stop doing your fucking cum zone with me.


deja de hacer tu fucking cum zone conmigo.


In this apparently "classic" video game we see another occurrence of dishonest game design, right in the first level.
The game starts and presents you with an unwinnable scenario unless you read the game designers mind.
You don't get told what buttons do what, and there's like 8 buttons on the controller. I am an adult and I don't have the time to press those buttons myself, I wish the video game would respect my time and simply tell me what I should do.
After a couple of hours of crying in frustration I called my boyfriend and he told me I should try jumping. So I jumped up and down in front of my tv but the enemy (who looks racist, btw) simply doesn't let me progress. I broke up with my boyfriend.

Dale turns into his true vampiric form: Vector

To be fair, this video made me want to go make myself a grilled cheese sandwich.

Dale having a breakdown while playing Runescape...hitting too close to home c'mon

I don’t know if I can support a video that calls a “pear” a “green apple”

Hey Fernando do you still jerk off to Arthur OC Porn like a retarded shit skin? Or did you finally realize that you were being a retard?

Amigos ya no aguanto más, tengo que admitirlo, Lolito me pone la pija durísima como diamante, todo el tiempo me la pasó pensado en su vergota y cuánta ganas tengo de ahogarme con ella, o en sus chichotas de hombre y como me dejaría fracturar mi cadera con sus sentontes mientras me ve con cara de miados, todos los días me mato a pajas hasta quedarme sequisimo mientras veo sus fan arts, ya me suspendieron de la escuela porque no aguante y me hice una paja en una de mis exposiciones, no sé qué hacer, hoy llevo 46 pajas seguidas y no logro detenerme, ya tengo la pinga morada, me siento mareado, veo borroso, no siento la mano, las piernas y creo que la última vez eyacule sangre, por favor, díganme cómo superar a Lolito




朣楢琴执执 瑩浻牡楧硰执执獧浻牡楧敬瑦 瀰 絸朣杢执獧扻捡杫潲湵 潣潬昣昸昸慢正 牧畯摮椭 慭敧敷止瑩札慲楤湥楬敮牡氬晥4潴敬 瑦戠瑯潴牦浯潴 捥捥捥戻捡杫潲湵浩条眭 扥楫bn 楬敮牡 札慲楤湥潴昣昸昸攣散散戻捡杫潲 湵浩条洭穯氭湩慥牧 摡敩瑮琨灯捥捥捥 慢正牧畯摮椭慭敧 獭氭湩慥牧摡敩瑮琨灯 捥捥捥慢正牧畯摮椭慭敧楬敮牡 札散散汩整 牰杯摩慭敧牔湡晳牯楍牣 獯景牧摡敩瑮猨慴 瑲潃潬卲牴昣昸昸摮潃潬卲牴攣散散 潢摲牥 硰猠汯摩搻獩汰祡戺潬正潭潢 摲牥爭摡畩 瀲漭戭牯敤慲楤獵硰敷止瑩戭牯敤慲楤獵 硰戻牯敤慲楤獵硰执獧搴摻獩汰祡戺潬 正瀻 獯瑩潩敲 慬楴敶执獧搴筮楤灳慬湩楬敮戭潬 正漻敶晲潬朣楢琴执 执瑩浻牡楧硰执执獧 浻 牡楧敬瑦瀰絸朣杢执獧扻捡杫潲湵潣潬昣 昸昸慢正牧畯 摮椭慭敧敷止瑩札慲楤湥楬敮 牡氬晥 4潴敬瑦戠瑯潴牦浯潴捥捥捥戻捡杫 潲猠汯摩搻獩汰祡 戺潬正潭潢摲牥爭摡畩 瀲漭戭牯敤慲 楤獵硰

I've come to make an announcement: Shadow the Hedgehog's a bitchass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking wife. That’s right, he took his hedgehog fucking quilly dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife, and he said his dick was THIS BIG. And I said “that’s disgusting!” So I’m making a callout post on my twitter dot com. Shadow the Hedgehog, you got a small dick, it’s the size of this walnut except WAY smaller. And guess what, here’s what my dong looks like: (blowing up noises) That’s right baby. All points, no quills, no pillows, look at that it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my wife so guess what, I’m gonna FUCK THE EARTH. THATS RIGHT THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, MY SUPER LAZER PISS! Except I’m not gonna piss on the Earth, I’m gonna go higher. I’m pissing oN THE MOOOOOON!!! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, OBAMA?! I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU IDIOT!!!

You have 23 hours before the piss drrrrroplllllets hit the fucking Earth. Now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too.

Anoche lo hice por primera vez, sangre un poco pero me gustó después tomé con mi dedo esa sangre y se la puse a mi pene para que Luna Bella y la Mars lo lamieran.
Fue hermoso.
Pero luego desperté en un hospital sin piernas.

stop spamming.
What the fuck do you want me to do to stop you from bothering me?

deja de hacer spam.
¿que mierda quieres que haga yo para que me dejes de molestar?

You are literally the worst player in this whole tournament OH MY GOSH it is unbelievable how dog you are at this game it's so sad knowing that there is a person on this planet that is as untalented at video games as you are. It is honestly VERY SAD.

We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it
And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Me llamo Yoshikage Kira. Tengo 33 años. Mi casa está al noroeste de Morioh, donde están las casas grandes y no estoy casado. Trabajo como empleado en el supermercado Kame Yu y llego a casa todos los días a más tardar a las 8:00 pm. No fumo y solo bebo en ocasiones. Duermo a las 11:00 pm y siempre procuro dormir ocho horas. Después de beber un vaso de leche tibia y hacer unos 20 minutos de calistenia antes de ir a la cama, suelo dormir hasta la mañana. Despierto sin fatiga ni estrés, como un bebé. En mi último chequeo, me dijeron que estoy sano.

What the fuck do you want from me?

Why are you only spamming me?

What the fuck do I need to stop?

¿que mierda quieres de mi?

porque solo me haces spam a mì?

¿que mierda necesito para detenerte?

QUEEEEEE!!??? De Verdad Me Acabas De Preguntar Si Me Gusta BAD BUNNY:scream::heart_eyes:? Obvio Que Me Gusta :unamused: No Sé Si Eres Pendejo:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: O Tienes Mierdaa En La Cabesa :poop::joy: Pero Debes Saver Que BAD BUNNY:kissing_heart: Inventó El REGUETÓN Y Sus Cansiones Son Muy Buenas:fire::gun::moneybag: Pero Que Se Puede Esperar :confused: De Un Posser Como Tu :punch: Q No Sabe De Buena Música :musical_score: Prefieres Escuchar Esa Mierda De Los Metálicos, Rokeros Mugrosos y Los 22 Pilotos DAN ASCO:mask::joy: Cuando Te Bañes, Vienes Y Críticas Alos Reyes :crown: Del REGUETÓN BAD BUNNY :dancer: quings :crown::crown::crown: DIENEI :smirk::smirk::smirk: Ella e callaita:money_with_wings: :ear:�

If I had a chubby pet bird that spat biggie’s bars, I’d never need another social interaction.

Eat a turd

"konsium zuh cum shaliss"


stop fucking your cum zone with me and stop bastard motherfucker

ya deja de hacer tu fucking cum zone conmigo ya detente bastardo hijo de puta

Moi, EvaX, soumet humblement, un toast à Nicolas Alexander pour avoir piraté avec succès : Warcraft 3 pour qu'il joue à Defense of the Ancients. Félicitations, Nick. Amusez-vous bien avec votre copie de DotA. *consomme le sperme tel qu'un goûteur de vin* *expire*

There we go, this is the embarrassingly autistic garbage we've been waiting for! Brainless coomers trying to get someone to draw trash-tier porn ideas for them so they can nut into socks like the living garbage they are!

cuando el wey con foto de doge quiere argumentar sobre el feminismo

requesting him a bit older and cooler looking or just him blowing bubbles

Attached: A4EC42AD-7A21-4D58-B602-E0B1375C18FD.jpg (828x955, 150.57K)

You smell poopoo peepee

thanks Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador; Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico for keeping the USA so far away from us

The 34 year old SPEENER.
-Plays babby video games
-corrupts video games for fun
-plays weird as hell games on Sundays
-literally never does anything actually bad

you and your fucking spam just ruin the thread for everyone else

please stop

tu y tu fucking spam solo arruinan el hilo para todos los demas

ya por favor detente