All the dollar stores, Kroger’s, Walmart’s, are out of toilet paper. Who wants to trade...

All the dollar stores, Kroger’s, Walmart’s, are out of toilet paper. Who wants to trade? I bought the last bag of rice wallyworld had.

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>months worth of food

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Get quarantined with a shit eating faggot, he'll lick your asshole clean after you shit

You fucking retard

Sheep don’t know they are sheep.

wow, you're part of the problem.

Congrats on having a mediocre pantry.

Thanks user. Don’t you think I would have put the food away into my cupboards and drawers and big pantry?

It’s laying out on my table because all that shit is already full nigga

Why water? I really don't think things will get so bad the city water shuts off.

If they shut off the water won’t the pipes burst.

I'm cool I'll just wait three days until they get more from the warehouse or steal some from Starbucks.

Uhhhh what process exactly do you think would make that happen

Op here. I live in the county sort of. It’s quite rural. Anyway I have a well. Only way my water stops is if the power grid goes down.

>he doesn't have a slave girlfriend who licks his ass clean after taking a shit
incels truly don't know what life is supposed to be

you need at least 3 times the amount of water user

Why are people buying mass amounts of toilet paper? God damn y'all are fucking stupid.


Water comes out of the faucet




>white rice
not gonna make it

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rice'n beans

you have a nice table user, faggot is just jealous
order food online, it should still be available
get whole organic rice and legumes this time though
and sproutable seeds

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airborne suspicion. Plug your drains.
city tap water is recycled shit. Literally.

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whole organic ones yes

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God i love watching idiots full on panic over a fucking cough.
People at my work are wearing surgical gloves and using hand sanitizer every 35 seconds and worrying themselves half to death.
I couldn't give a shit myself. Everyone's going to get it, might as well get it over and done with early.

Sure people will die but on average 2 people die every single second so in the grand scheme of things who cares?

Any .22LR? I have cases of chef boyardee ravioli.

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If you are worried about Corona why buy rice? Isnt rice imported from China?

Actually I tried to stock up on ammo and my fucking Walmart is out of 223 and 9mm

zoomers are fucking retarded enjoy your nothingburger market levrage flu

Selling Angel Soft, $10 a roll

I heard Walmart has stopped carrying Ammo.



Coronavirus best tactic for Marshall law
>scare all vegans, protestfags and boomers into hiding in their internet dungeons
>Hurr Marshall law is declared: kill and round up the rejects and disobedient
>unite all nations with "scientists" to help each other
>durr we survived lets become a ONE WORLD NATION


I have 180 tomato plant seedlings going.
Plus a whole bunch of other plants for this years garden.

shits going to get real


That might be why. They had lots of .22 and lots of shot gun ammo.

Different person but if it's cold enough to freeze, I could see it posing a problem, but it's nowhere near that cold

Want a laugh, go on Craigslist and search For Sale for toilet paper.

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And, this

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Dumb fuck. The flu is a respiratory virus not intestinal. You won’t be shitting your pants uncontrollably, you’ll hack your lungs out and then die from 2 tablespoons of fluid in your lungs. That’s it. Fucking low IQ faggot loser

the toilet paper is so you dont have to leave the house for any reason when everyone is sick. how do people not understand staying indoors for a month,.

Good call!

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The fucktards are buying up all the toilet paper. So, if you're like me, and just keep a few rolls around and buy a couple individuals at a time... you're fucked. I saw this coming and bought 2 giant packages last week while it was still available. There's none to be found in western NY. Not because there's a shortage, but because of fucktards.

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>I saw this coming and bought 2 giant packages last week

Congrats, you're one of the fucktards

>a washcloth and some bleach
Crisis contained.

why not just spray water on your asshole?

>Be me, stocked up on weed
>But not food
>Have 8gs of green crack, 4g of AK-47, 7g of berry white, and an ounce of blue dream.
>Got some seeds on the way
>Take over weed trade in the wake of human extintion.

I don't know why people hoard toilet paper? Why didn't you buy in bulk? You save so much more money that way. Are y'all just planning on shitting, like, constantly? What's up?

I was actually out. And I'm not some altruistic moron. And, I grabbed one for my parents. Plan ahead, user, and don't wait until the last minute. At the time, the shelves were full and no one believed there would be a run on fucking toilet paper

Because then you're going to wipe wet shit on a towel.

>stocked up on weed
> >2oz
i wouldnt even take the time to rob your ass

>hey guys what's a bidet

The French are all in on the bidet concept
The french stink
The french are cowards
The french are horrible people.
I don't know if all that is a corollary to using a bidet, but I'm gonna pass on those ass blasting water things