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ug, k

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post comfy leslybeans.

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I don't have a folder for it, but lesbians make me sad anyway :(

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But why tho

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Because I'll never be one :(

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Did this thing ever actually have any content? For years and years I've only seen the same fucking shit, but I know people paid money for luvbites or whatever it's called.




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finding pics with two females AND footbeans?...

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That's okay, life just be that way
I've got beans, but lots of lesbians

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animal fucker furries, dogfucking FREAKS

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just be a male lesbian like me.

what's a male lesbian?
• likes girls
• prefers cuddling over sex
• enjoys shopping with/for girls
• watches cheesy romance movies
• drives a subaru outback
• has two cats or a small yappy dog

i am the ideal lesbian girlfriend.
i even have built-in strapon.

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Life fucking sucks, women in the US are so lucky

I don't want a dick because they're gross, and want to be a cute girl with other cute girls

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dicks are the perfect penetrator.
sex without penetration is just boring friction.

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man, finding a FF pic with beans is just not happinin.

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I'd rather just be a herm or actually look like a girl with a dick, but that will never happen because life is suffering :(

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That's called being straight
They've got their ups and downs in life too. I wish I were a girl too though, mostly because I'd like my sex to be more spontaneous

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you would think that was straight.
but no.
straight guys are sex crazed maniacs who just want to pump and dumb every snatch on earth.
it's kinda obvious, once you pull your head out of your ass, you goofy boy.

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Lemme see some pussy

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Well the average female definitely has it far, far easier than the average male because they can get pretty much anything they want, and are more attractive overall. I hate my face, body, especially my dick. It would be so much better if I were a woman.

That isn't even remotely true, and I'd go so far as to say that's the exact opposite, and how men perceive women. The majority of men want love and a stable relationship while it seems like women just want dick, attention and money. Even most guys think the ones that go around fucking women all the time are vapid and uninteresting.

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No that's just called being straight buddy. I'm gay and don't even use my dick, but I'm not calling myself a lesbian. It has nothing to do with your personality just your orientation.
Partially true but misguided judgement. There are plenty of unattractive women you just don't really pay mind to them. "They can get anything they want." Yeah, maybe if they're very attractive or have a rich family. Other than that they just get pitty points more easily

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But I think the real problem is miscommunication and misunderstanding of the opposite sex because of the media and entertainment industry making generalizations of what is perceived is right and proper when in reality the vast majority of people aren't even close to the standards of perfection we have as a society. Stereotypes are a plague to the human psyche because it paints a broad picture with little nuance and understanding of who we really are as humans, how we differ from on another and how entertainment is one of the biggest problems modern society faces when none of it actually shows us how to be human when that takes decades to truly understand.

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God isnt real

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I do pay mind to them. Many of them plaster their faces in makeup to hide behind like a mask as if men want to see that when we'd rather see the beautiful face underneath, and actually know who they are. Women are different than men in the regard that they're generally more self conscious of their appearance. In fact, I think average and unattractive women are some of the most interesting because they tend to have real personalities. Even a bit of makeup and vanity can get a woman very far in life, evident by the internet like instagram, and even Twitch streamers who just need to put on lipstick and eyeliner and stuff to rake in cash from lonely men, but that doesn't represent their personality.
Young men on the other hand, would like for a girl to be perfect but in their mind they know it isn't true, and want women to be more real and honest but because it's so easy to fall into that trap of hoping a woman will give up that pursuit of perfection, the men feed it and make it worse. I think both are toxic to the mental health of my generation as it's a cycle of dishonesty when in reality, all of us just want love and happiness.

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that isn't what straight men say they want.

"majority" no, you mean "minority". straight men who say shit like that are just cuck wannabes.

just because it's your opinion, doesn't make it fact.

you can be a lesbian whether you're male or female.
you can be gay if you're female or male.

stop complicating things with artificial constructs such as "orientation".

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>By the gods...

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Sounds like you are gay, FAGGOT. Enjoy a sexy wolfess

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What we say is rarely what we really think. You're only perpetuating stereotypes when I know a lot of men who truly want love, far more than just sex. The ones that do want sex are only feeding their desires of contact in a roundabout way that doesn't involve the emotional aspects of a relationship that people have to work on. Don't be a dick as if you understand men because you clearly know very little about personal relations and psychology if you think men just want to fuck all the time because, believe me, we'd rather fuck and make love to a single woman we love and trust than just fuck all the time. It's the fact that most men don't trust women that some men would rather have one night stands which, again, you greatly misunderstand the underlying emotions. So many men choose celibacy because of that, because some women just want perfect man, and because some men want perfect women. It's one small facet of personality that you obviously don't understand overall. And I'd also like to say that men wanting to fuck all the time is the exact same as a woman who is ovulating and need dick, but it's every day instead of one week out of the month. It's hormones that men simply cannot control.

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That's just how language works though, gay and homosexual are for both m/m and f/f, lesbian is strictly for f/f. You cannot be male and lesbian. Quit yanking my chain buddy. This isn't about your personality, it's about your sexuality. You can be a straight and soft guy, there's nothing wrong with that

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stereotypes exist for a reason.
language changes.

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hungry...but i don't want to eat anything.

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Stereotypes exist because of media and entertainment, idiot. Because people perpetuate myths that often aren't even indicative of reality. By that logic, the vast majority of men and women in movies and TV are tall, extremely attractive and wealthy with huge houses and fancy sports and luxury cars, and the best at sports and everything they do because it's what you see the most of. Those are "stereotypes" you're talking about which aren't even real. You speak like someone who wants to fuck but can't find anyone because you're stupid and ignorant and don't understand people at all.

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That's just insulting to straight people who don't fit your stereotype you numbnut. Not only that but it doesn't even really make sense. What would a dominant woman be considered in your labeling? Straight = rough and sex crazed, gay = ???? And lesbian = soft? Language can change but this is definitely not a thing that's going to catch on

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A rare sight! Post more bird!

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I just don't understand why people don't attempt to realize the fact that everyone is different which is a good thing, and that perfection doesn't exist. We're so much more complex than media and entertainment makes us out to be. If people were more conscious and aware of themselves, others and everything around them, and could understand that being honest and real is more important than acting a certain way to hide who we are or have a certain image, we'd quickly find out that we typically have a lot of common interests which can form relationships. The information era has completely warped everyone's expectations of reality and who we truly are as people, and sometimes I really feel alone because I never read about people addressing these issues we all face when I'm just trying to do the right thing and show people the truth many don't want to face about ourselves as flawed creatures.

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