What is the worst T.V. show you remember?

What is the worst T.V. show you remember?

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samurai pizza cats

Tough call. "Manimal" or "Cop Rock". They're both winners and by winners I mean losers.

That show sounds dope AF

There were probably quite a few insipid comedies that I'm forgetting. One in particular, though, had one of the characters nude in a desperate attempt to get ratings for the pilot. The rest of the episode was terrible, it was the worst example of pandering I've seen and it didn't last

Easy, Letterkenny. Makes you more stupid by watching it.

That show wasn't that bad. Now this faggotry...

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is that bitch with the afro the same one who plays the dumb sister in the lottery winnings episode of good times damm that bitch was dumb we kuda bin kangssss

I remember being a kid not getting this show at all and also the animation was really crappy

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>Cop Rock

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I used to yank it to the little sister
Middle school jungle fever

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The Brothers Grunt. The lesser known creation of the same guy that made Ed Edd & Eddy.

Holy shit kek. Haven't thought of that show in years.

big bang theory

Allen Gregory

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agreed ..total shit

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Fuck this show was cringe. My ex used to watch it and it just perplexed me how she could laugh at it. Absolute retard level show.
>Also that Geico caveman show they tried to do was fucking bad


it is.

I wanted to like this show but damn was it bad.

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here's a better version

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Do you remember the cavemen from the Geico commercials? The ones that got offended by the "Even a caveman can do it" crap?

They got their own show on ABC. The show was accused of being racist (not to mention a retarded ass idea in the first place) on the very first episode and only 7 of 13 episodes were ever aired.

I remember seeing part of one episode for some reason. Fucking dumbest thing I've ever seen on a TV.

whoops forgot link

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Didn't see your comment before I posted. Sorry.

I just don't see any of you beating that one. This wasn't aimed at kids mind you: ABC scheduled that shit prime fucking time.

Imagine doing a TV series based totally on the two dipshits from the Sonic commercials. That's what it was like.

Why did I watch this shit back in the day? I blame my older brothers. It's 90s edgy gross out humor at it's most stupid. Absolute trash, and somehow this dude made a career and celebrity out of it.

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great intro theme tho


It was extremely funny at the time. Didn't age well, though. Watched some clips many years later and wondered why I ever thought it was hilarious.

Those Sonic guys make me want to throw my TV off the roof

I admit I did too

Yeah it's weird. I used to laugh at it back in the day but man is it shit now. I can't even imagine what older people at the time thought of it. It's like anti-nostolgia.

Well if it wasn’t from him, Jackass would’ve never existed
Some of his shit are actually funny
Guy was a huge troll before it was even a thing so yeah, no
Tom Green gets the pass imo, he’s legendary

I like youtube Poops and stupid retarded shit like that from time to time but there’s way worse than him

Nick Swardson's Pretend Time or Jeff Dunham's show.
Pretty much 90% of the shit Comedy Central throws to see what sticks.

Fuck that was a bad one alright

There's a whole genre of music like this shit.

This show was such fucking garbage. We all watched it at some point for some reason though...

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This show is just fucking boring

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I remember when they kept trying to force Nick into the spotlight.

I saw his standup special and thought "wow, this is ass." Then he had a show greenlit for him.

What about supertrain

The marijuana episode is pretty amusing. Also, the fact that the guy who played the father is a sexual predator makes the whole thing nicely farcical.

It's unintentionally hilarious, I'll give you that

But every other episode is bland

the cleveland show


Every soap opera that exists made staying home from school miserable if you didn't have cable

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He had his moments in Reno 9/11. But yeah. Trash.

Tbh I never actually watched Dawson's Creek. I don't even know what it's about. I just know it meant that cartoon time was done

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That shit was my jam, haters back off.

came in here to mention this

My mom got me to watching three different soaps over my college years. Then one Friday, all three of them wrapped up their main story lines at the same time. I took it as a sign from God, and turned them off forever. About a year ago I was sitting in a place eating lunch and they had one of them on...and I recognized at least half the cast, all thirty years older. I couldn't believe they were still running out the same dipshits. How many stories can you tell about the same people? How many times can Marlena be kidnapped/raped? How many times can the bad guy die, then be resurrected? Jesus.

katie holmes was hot as fuck tho

Fuckin kek

too soon

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Medieval Crime Fighting Monk inspired by Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose and played by Derek Jacobi.
As bad as it sounds. Medieval. Crime. Fighting. Monk.

Bored the shit out of me every Sunday night on ITV2

Shit keeps happening over and over again because they keep getting amnesia and forget the shit already happened.

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The little one, Ruthie, became a fucking hottie

Probably Seinfeld

This is Us. Watched 5 minutes once and almost threw up

Bait much?

Racism, blatant fucking racism, at its finest.

Create a show called Dear Black People and watch how fast it gets pulled.

You never know. Some faggot millennials think it was offensive.

No one cares about your tiny cracker dick bro

Don't say that around under 25 crowd
Seinfeld is considered hate speech by woke kids
On par with any of Hitlers speechs