Just because Asian women are easy doesn't make them beautiful you Chink loving freaks...

Just because Asian women are easy doesn't make them beautiful you Chink loving freaks. White men who fuck Mongoloids are just as bad as white women who fuck niggers.

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you're the one who has to fuck Chinks cause you can't get real women

I hooked up with a girl from Thailand or some shit and that was all she talked about. Everything was "In Thailand..." and it annoyed the shit out of me. No one cares about Thailand.

Ghosted her.

There is something both physically and mentally unsettling about Asian women (and men). They act inhuman, somehow. Like their ability to create or exhibit emotion is alien. Also, the concept of "face", and "saving face" is fucking retarded. It's the human equivalent of the Koala bear population, completely counter-intuitive to survivability in the modern era.

no1curr lol

what do you mean lol

The one I met is actually interesting
But that's 1/1

Agreed OP
My brother married a pretty busted looking asian but he give me shot for having married an Irish girl.
Fast forward to present day
>Irish wife popped out twin and she’s still 109 lbs
>his Vietnamese wife no kids is now just fat and busted

I will continue to relentlessly ejaculaat my Aryan semen into my Chinese girlfriend and there isn’t a goddamn thing you can do about it.

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enjoy Corona virus

How does it feel to be this retarded? I’ve been with a Filipina I met at work 5 years now. Awesome girl. She does all the cooking and cleaning and wants sex more than I do. I blow my load down her throat almost every day. Stay cucked dumbass.

shaming us won't stop us from fuckin' hot ass pussy

enjoy your tiny dick child you fucking loser
just cause you can't attract a real woman

I'm latino, and I have really good luck with asian girls.

Women don’t care about dick size retard. They care about money, power and prestige

you think any of us want kids? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

that's like ignorant willful slavery for 18 years. Why the fuck would I want to live for someone else? I fuck tight puss and enjoy life you fucking breeding idiot.

oh so you're a fucking failure of evolution
no surprise their you genetic garbage
sure they don't baby dick
that's why you had to fuck the women with the lowest expectations for dick size cause no other woman would have you

You'll never find real happiness, pal.

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Back to pol

Noone cares about saving ur white race that's already 20% African DNA 5%mexican and fuckin 10% more Italian u digusting mutt

Ur not white

If you’re a light skin Latino chances are asian girls just think you’re Spanish or Portuguese until told so. Asians are bad at finding differences between Europeans

I'm whiter than you Anglo bitch
I'm German
you're an Anglo subhuman brown eyed nigger
you have to fuck women who are used to 4 inches cause yours is 5 inches

asian people are disgusting now

nobody wants to be with them because they eat bat shit and get coronavirus

Chang Goldberg is mad. We only mate not marry. You can have the leftovers.


t. White roastie

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chink lover

life isn't about evolution, life is about living your life to the fullest and pursuing what's important to you. The concept of evolution is irrelevant to my life, I don't care if you think I failed because I'm already winning

enjoy your tiny penis mass shooter son

yes it is you fucking retard
you lose because you have shitty genetics
why don't you learn to be a real man and you can reduce with a woman who won't give you a tiny penis Mongoloid for a son


Those tiny penis mongoloids are the most abundant race on the face of the planet you doofus

chinks aint that hot

> (OP)
>They act inhuman, somehow. Like their ability to create or exhibit emotion is alien. Also, the concept of "face", and "saving face" is fucking retarded. It's the human equivalent of the Koala bear population, completely counter-intuitive to survivability in the modern era.

Counter intuitive? At least they're not a bunch of feel good cucks comitting self genocide by flooding their countries with shit skins and braonwashing their youth with shit skin culture.

get out my country damn spic

In Asia there is different attitudes towards in groups and out groups. They have stronger bonds with their family and friends but don't really respect strangers. In the west, it's the opposite. We avoid our family and focus more on pleasing people we don't know.


which made him not an incel

impossible, faggot. neither luck nor latinos exist.

>pencil dicks arguing

my cock is 7 inches and I'm ripped, I fuck all types of women but NEVER want kids because they're shitty little burdens in life. I HATE kids and other people's kids. Life is simply about enjoying pleasures and relaxing as much as you can.

The difference between me and you is that you're going to live your entire life working for somone else and die at a miserable age, your wife and kids take you for granted and when they miss you. GUESS WHAT, you won't be alive to experience it. HHAHAHA

My life on the other hand, I retire early, I get to pursue my hobbies and interests. My brain is constantly stimulated by media, reading, and other creative outlets.

I work out everyday and fuck a new girl every week for 30 years (HA, maybe I'll fuck your wife when she cheats on your ass) until I'm too old to do so. I'll die with a smile on my face.

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if you got it so good why are you wasting time here boi

>Race mixing bad! Muh white genocide!

I like shitposting because I'm a mean person, deep down.

t. micropenis nigger slave
nobody believes you slaves actually have big dicks you subhuman monkey faggot

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for now

I'm not lightskinned, nor brown; something in the middle. What I mean is that it's obvious that I'm latino.

I went to Japan for a cultural program last year, and everybody knew where I was from because it said so in my name plate which I used in my shirt everyday. I got lucky MANY times.

I live in my third-world shithole, sweetie.

Keep seething, papi.

how many blue eyed blonde kids have you reproduced so far?

im glad im not a nigger

you have shit genetics and a tiny dick plus you're a manlet

all of that is false, it's not even funny. You're just saying words.

t. failure of evolution

>not fucking South Korean or Japanese women

Im sorry for your addiction to cock OP

you must be projecting some more never in my life have i had a small dick or been a obese nigger

sorry you can't fuck a real woman cause your dick's too small and you're autistic

Im sorry you can’t fuck any women. At least i’m not an angry incel with a cock addiction.

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I've fucked white women, black women and latinas
my child won't have a tiny cock like yours you corona virus infected dicklet

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The peado shit needs to stop

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filthy weeb

You realize you dont need to have a child to fuck, right? I think you might be retarded

I'm not a failure of evolution like you are you hedonistic subhuman