American vs Europe: which one and why?

American vs Europe: which one and why?

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That 25 year old American has rich parents and never worked a day in his life. I know this because of his truck and house.

I cant speak for the euro fags but no American 25 has all of this. They are too busy watching the office and playing fortnite.

Europe is much cooler . Especially west and north .
Merica is cool . Its just ... its too loud .
I would never want to live in US .

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Not out in rural America. It's actually pretty nice

This. Americans muddied the work "successful" to mean being an enormous faggot who buys a pick up truck but refuses to use it for work.

Im 20, european and i drive an M5 F90. Not in dept, no political connections.

That's more leftist Vs. conservative. Could be in US or EU/UK.

>too loud
Pic related.

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Can't decide, europe is fucked but the chances you could get killed in america with the killer getting away with it is really high

America cause I can't get arrested for calling a trap 'he' and I don't have to suck a daily quota of nigger refugee dicks.

European Public: stockpile toilet paper and get on with life
American Public: stockpile toilet paper and OH SHIT WE ALL GONNA DIE ITS THE END OF WORLD

There is almost no chance of getting killed in the US, unless you are getting into dark shit with sketchy people.

Janitor applications are now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied!

Welcome to fantasy land.

>ford truck

Dude that should be a stang

Thats a Ram pick up. Fuckn ford faggott

>America cause I can't get arrested for calling a trap 'he'
ehhm yes you can

kinda except the white males who couldn't live up to their culture's own suddenly unrealistic expectations weren't forgiven by their culture and in turn won't forgive you. doesn't matter if a retard fires the bullet, you'll die all the same. meanwhile, other Americans will celebrate the revolution that your death represents and the violence will hermetically multiply.

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Murder rate is high in America especially unsolved ones.

hhhhhhhhhahahha nigger funniest picture ive seen today

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Where? There’s no federal mandate so unless it’s something at a more local level you absolutely can.

> Parents had money

Divorce rates are high then ever. Anyone who gets married for anything other then legal reasons is just a faggot and stupid for letting your partner waste so much money so she can feel like a princess for a day. If you don't drive off-road but still have 4x4 you need to get over your self as no one thinks you're fucking king of the road. These both look like your typical white man but the euro guy probably has a hotter wife because who has ever prefered a American women unless your a shit akin? Unless your lucky to have a inheritance you will never have a house like that wich the bank doesn't own for most of your life that will just complicate things when that high chance of divorce happens because you realize you like traps she finds out.

This isn't a fucking movie so stop pretending the American way of living in this pick is realistic in 2020.

Sadly there’s some truth to this, unless they’re the next big Silicon Valley tech star or something similar. I’m damn near 40 and just now getting to this status (grew up poorer than a poorfag).

> jealous eurofag

someone sounds jealous hehe

we've had a democracy that's encouraged people to be financially successful and prosperous for nearly 250 years. If your family hasn't yet made itself part of the group you losers like calling "the elite" or "the 1%" then they've proven themselves to be losers. Being a loser is now in your genes. We've pretended to be nice to poors for way way way too long. It's time we cut the apron strings. Sink or swim.

I can definitely say, living on the border between Canada and the U.S., that this image certainly does not apply here. Then again, quite a number of things don't apply here as they would otherwise elsewhere :3c

What do you do for a living?

I work HR for a marketing firm

Spics and niggers, user. You get involved with their bullshit, at your peril. Ignore them and they are no threat. Do stay away from people's wives/GFs though, that could summon a bullet too.

Such cute smiling stars on the flag.

>"Being a loser is now in your genes."
>works for a shell company

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Cuck thread/

So much wrong, have you even been to europe? Lol

I can’t wait to kill you and your family and eat your flesh

That's not USA vs Europe. That's a rich-ass vs a student (anywhere in the world).

>jealous faggot euros
>secondary ciitizens to muslims

hey, you know who can end up paying to your government, and thus mattering more than you, it terms of taxes? anyone else! they can be charged more, will pay more and will produce more payees as they actually mate and have children unlike whites

england is over, france is over, germany is over and horny about it. america is all that remains, all of white culture belongs to america now and whatever you already basically dead euro-whites say no longer counts for fucking anything. nobody markets to you, nobody wants you, your opinions are capitalistically irrelevant and thus you cease to fucking exist.

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at best youve got a shitty little gun collection and a mental illnes. at worst i have a safe-house in NZ to hangout at till this blows over and you all kill each other.

metaphorically speaking, the thing i'm using as an airbag is nicer than the entirety of your car.

You mean college vs. trade school, right?

A Ram, McMansion and a wife is a "rich-ass"... Seriously? I have all three and I fix furnaces.

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You have literally never been to Europe.

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Become an engineer and you can do this by 25. 9/10

you've never been to america

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Become a technician and want to strangle an engineer by 22. 10/10 1/n


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And he's also like 37


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EUROPOORS are like the most jealous third worlders on earth

AYYYYY. all the Americans who look and have what ameribro in pic has may cast the first dubs.

Fuck yeah! Our Succubi are top tier! Grab a Bartle Skeet and get possessed!

Europe literally has fucking treasure and swords and shit that you can just find randomly and get rich because of it. The US doesn't have anything except civil war gold that the FBI doesn't steal at all because it wasn't even there but thanks for finding it for us.

america has all these cool games, music, and movies i watch :D thanks america

Shut the fuck up dumb nigger Literally only niggers and nigger areas, when you take out the nig murders from statistics then America suddenly has one of the lowest violent crime rates of any country.
Weird huh

put them in either a trailer or an overexpensive box and swell both the bride and groom up about 3x and its more accurate. Also, sunglasses on the picture of the dude. he wants to look cool, but he's too chickenshit to actually look people in the eye as he suspects they'll see through his blustering bullshit.

You really like American stereotypes

>the game
>the movie
Read second meme arrow again.

25 year old Americans can not afford that house and truck

Better question:
Poor America vs poor Europe

This isn't Zork bro it's real life. If u look hard enuf here I guess u could find swords and wizards! lol Fuck it go magnet fishing in a popular lake ..theres ur sword.

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Lol your not wrong. Techs get fucked by companies. Definitely underpaid. Hence the resentment towards Engineers.

Lmao bro that’s almost entirely niggers and browns shooting each other in chicago, nyc, LA, DC, memphis....see where I’m going with this? i am chillin in rural tennessee and i could leave my front door open all night and no one would do shit because we’re all armed to the teeth.

Yeah that's a lotta old money in that.

Imagine trying to sound superior to everyone by saying "being a loser is in your genes" and then working a job that was literally created solely for women who have no marketable skills

You’re not rich either you dumb cunt

>rural Tennessee
Lot of inbreds around there

>Get high paying job where you do nothing all day except reap rewards
>Somehow this counts as being a loser

It's not pay, it's the constant, "WTF were they thinking?" when we have to do the shit you come up with IRL. We need to periodically either meet or swap roles, to help technology advance, imo, good sir.

I don’t live in the mountains, those inbred hillbillies can get nuked for all I care

and imagine having enough money to just quit any time i want and not worry about any expenses, scheduled or unexpected for years. Literally years. Your 101% is me at idle.

American pictures look OK except for that ridiculously useless truck. It's a penis-substitute. If you don't rate, overcompensate. It looks like a kids toy truck.

Sorry this sounds like a major cope

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I live on the edge of a bigger city. drive 20 min one way its skyscrapers. 20 min the other way and its just farms and shit to the horizon.
these dudes, as I described them, are fucking frequent.