COVID-19 aka Coronavirus is bio terrorism
COVID-19 aka Coronavirus is bio terrorism
>Bio-Terror Attack
What if there is no terrorist involved?
60 million americans got H1N1 in 2010. Coronavirus is bullshit.
With such a low mortality rate it is a pretty shitty attempt at bio terrorism.
yo momma so big coronavirus would simply get lost
only 12 died though faggot
5000 people dead.
300,000 people born per day.
Fun fact: If you google Corona Virus, it tells you that Corona Virus = common cold.
Now, with your OP in mind; it probably is a genetically modified cold virus. be it for weapons use or medical study that probably got out of the lab
22,000 died from H1N1
sure thing bud
it came from a bat retard, do some research
Doesn't matter where it came from. It's literally the common cold.
common colds don't kill elderly people quickly, and spare young kids
we were talking about america dumbfuck
China is the terrorist.
yyyyyeah. they usually do. Most kids are 24/7 infected by some cold virus or another. Dripping snot on everything spreading their delightful viral loads.
When was the last time you heard a kid dying of the cold?
Old people? A stiff breeze will take down a good number of them.
Doesn't change the fact that it is literally the common cold.
A particularly nasty strain of it quite similar to the SARS variety of the common cold.
But at the end of the day, it's still the common cold.
For which the technical term for is: Coronavirus.
Much like the flu is the influenza virus.
22,000 people in AMERICA in 2010 died from H1N1 you total MORON. Please find a gun and shoot yourself
I see you were hit in the first attack
Then why would they release it in their own country?
nobody seems to be able to answer this no matter where I post it, if I'm 33 and a smoker, how fucked am i? I've been smoking for the last decade.
Why not just wait? COVID-19 is more likely to kill.
Because ching chong ding dong.
Do you currently have a respiratory problem? The fact that you smoke says nothing.
I have a little bit of phlegm every morning but that's about it, just the few morning spits, I don't cough and I can run up and down 4-5 flights of stairs.
Coronavirus is a type of virus. they referred to COVID-19 as that because they didn't have a name for it yet. moron. COVID-19 is NOT the common cold. lol
He's just referring to the virus having am oddly low attack rate on kids.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that swine flu infected nearly 61 million people in the United States and caused 12,469 deaths.
But it's that type of virus. So it's the common cold.
Common thing to see because of smoking. That can even come about because of diet. You'll be fine.
And by fine, I mean you'll likely NOT die once you get COVID-19. For all I know, it'll hit you like a ton of bricks, but you'll live.
coronavirus is the virus. COVID-19 is the disease you get by the virus (but is NOT the virus). a little research goes a long way. thenkssss
>But it's that type of virus. So it's the common cold.
"I've had chicken pox, so that means I have genital herpes, hurr."
Thank you, I hope I'll live, there's a baby depending on me man I am freaking the fuck out and I should have quit but she hasn't delivered yet and dealing with the pregnancy has caused me to smoke outside and smoke less but the stress/nicotine attachment is strong.
Anyway, thank you for the post, I love you and wish you the best as well.
The coronavirus outbreak is more severe than the 2009 outbreak of H1N1, or swine flu. That illness infected between 700 million and 1.4 billion people worldwide but only had a mortality rate of 0.02%.
Which is why cow/chicken pox was used to vaccinate against small pox.
And I guarantee if you had chicken pox you had them on your dick too.
1) to see if it works.
2) to deflect suspicion.
3) to control the population.
4) because China is globally connected, and every major company has a headquarters there.
Stalin would’ve done it, Pol Pot would’ve done it, Mao would’ve done it.
Or to eliminate the old.
Aka a tax burden that doesn't produce anything.
>implying governments actually care about their people.
they didnt mean to.
perhaps it was the walkin' dude...
Did the Illuminati do it?
I pumped that in with number 3, but you are absolutely correct. Young people aren’t dying, healthy people aren’t dying. This is a boomer cleanser.
i think they released the bio weapon thinking they would be able to control it. boy were they wrong.
Oh yes..
They’re going to kill us with the common cold.
And it’s not even ultra contagious.
If you’re not a disgusting slob, you won’t even catch it
Have you read the Resident Evil idea? It could be an Umbrella Corporation conspiracy.
I noticed. But the tax burden angle needed to be added so figured it deserved it's own thing.
OP is retard
It’s on every major continent. That’s pretty contagious.
That’s a Jap you fucking idiot. Note the katakana pleb
just wait until the police start knocking on our doors taking temperatures and if you have a fever you get taken away against your will. its already happening in other countries. wake up people
Last week I had a cold, a few days ago I got over it, not it feels like I have a chest cold. Coughing the last couple days and aches all over my body. Other than that... nothing else. Live near Seattle... How fucked am I?
Literally the same thing, like how Spaniards are beaners just like Mexicans and Africans are niggers just like niggers.
2/10. Obviously not an American.
So technically wales and tigers are the same animal because they both fall under the same phylum class chordata?
>And I guarantee if you had chicken pox you had them on your dick too.
Mine was rather benign and I had it on my face only. I had a friend that had it in her throat.
it could happen here in a month or two if this is still going on. think about the state of the virus only a month ago.
> Last week I had a cold
Aww poor baby, are you feeling okay now?
Fucking faggot
your talking about a country that allows only 2 children with government approval and up until recently was throwing babys off cliffs if it was female
Wait... really? They share a common ancestor?
Neat. Wonder if we can mix tiger and whale DNA and get a.... sperm tiger!
And if they are of the same genetic origin, we usually call them cousins. With various modifiers of distance to original branching.
To make this even more amusing. Think whites blacks and east asians. We're all human. You going to say that these three distinct subspecies aren't the same?
And IN? like... inside? Because that would suck ass....
>bio terrorism
This virus is unusual in that it doesn't seem to impact young children too heavily.
Will the virus get so bad that I don’t have to work and I can get some inheritance? Just wanna get /comfy/ and ride this out.