Spinel thread

Spinel thread.

Had a shitty day. Spinel, my darling, take me away into your loving arms.

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Other urls found in this thread:



"Where are we going user?"

"I have something I want to show you"

I drive to my favorite park, in a part of town away from light pollution. The jagged geological features of the park and the surrounding area contrast starkly against the starry sky, creating pattern of natural disorder that is so beautiful you'd wonder if somebody hadn't painted it. The park is supposed to be closed after dark, but I want her to see this gorgeous scenery not many people experience.

I park the car and we walk by the moonlight to a spot overlooking the park and it's natural rock features.

She lets out a gasp.

"user, it's beautiful"



"I love you"

We stare into each other eyes for a moment before I brush an errant strand of hair from her face, bringing my hand to rest on her cheek. We both move in slowly for a kiss.

We kiss softly, and passionetly under the sea of stars. Chilly outside, our bodies holding each other keep us warm. As our lips separate, I nuzzle my nose against hers.

I look up to the stars for a moment, and her gaze follows mine into the sky. I point my finger up into the dark abyss, meaning to make some kind of joke about constellations, but at that precise moment a shooting star graces us right where I was pointing, and where we were both gazing.


She looks at me, stunned

"How did you do that!?"

"My love for you" it was actually sheer luck, but when is this ever going to happen in real life again? "Make a wish"

She closes her eyes tightly

"Okayyyyyy.... I wish for...."

"No no no no no! Spinel, don't tell me! If you say what your wish is then it won't come true!"

She grins, slyly at me for a moment, then plants a firm kiss on my cheek.

I am enamoured.

We hold hand walking back to the car. We don't speak, but the silence is comfortable.

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We get back into the car, and without a word she reaches across from the passenger seat, and with one hand on my chest and another holding my head she begins kissing and licking my neck and my ear. I have to admit the ear liking is kind of weird, but her wet tounge felt so good on my neck that I let it happen. And it turns out it's driving me crazy.

I am the one moaning this time.


"user" she whispers into my ear between licks, her breath in my ear. Already erect, I feel as if I could come right that instant.

Loosing control my hand goes straight for her thigh, and up her shorts. Her soft skin under my hand pushes me further into ecstacy, and closer to the edge. A damp spot in my shorts at the tip of my penis lets me know that I've already pre came as my fingers start to push her panties to the side.

Her vagina is already soaking wet, and she lets out more soft breaths gasping quietly into my ear as I slide my fingers into her and she takes her hand off my head reaching for my penis.

Twisting around in her seat, she pulls her shoes and shorts off, climbs over the center console, and onto me in my seat.

I reach down, reclining the seat, and sliding it back as she straddles me, kissing me aggressively.

I pull my shorts down, and she starts to pull up my shirt. I lean forward so she can take it all the way off. She tosses it into the backseat, and hers follows shortly, leaving her bare thighs and pussy straddling me in just her sports bra as she grabs my head again and continues kissing me with intense passion.

I run my hands up and down her back, the windows foggy.

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>what did the dick say to the penis?
something like that
and I used to tell this crap left and right like it was the funniest shit ever.

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What is this creature?

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>My diamonds


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Perry the Platypus

Are we doing crossovers now?

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How was your day?

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Dubs checked

>You'll loveagain
>You just need to find someone
>Someone who treats you better
>Someone who wants you around
>You're gonna feel found

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>Dammit Charlotte you know the rules

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Therapy was hard.
New guy here who knew one of my friends from the military, brought up a lot of old stuff.
Had to think about my ex in another therapy session.
Not allowed to leave rehab on the weekend anymore as a Coronavirus precautionary measure.

How was your day user?

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Oh great it's this faggot again. The thread where you tried to use LSD to make your waifu real wasn't enough?

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oh it must be hard i have never been to therapy
But is it a good thing i think?
It is good to talk, but I understand that it is difficult to remember things from the past
thank god, in my city there is no corona, just corona, do you understand? jajaja
my day was as always, calm and depressed, also remembering horrible things, it is difficult to forget a woman

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"Choke me user"

oh yes

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so EFF user seems to have been spinellover on /sug/and if that's true he's ded

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this was his last post there have you guys heard from eff user since last night

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Which version of Spinel would you take to the bone zone?

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Fuuuuuck. Last I heard from him yesterday he said he would be gone for a week.

I hope he comes back.

This is Yas Forums, people are gonna be niggers. It's part of Yas Forums.

I hope he comes back


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Nah, that wasn't me. But I know who you're talking about. He's taking a break from all this for a while.

Remembering love gone away.
Remembering friends lost.
Shit I repressed for years.

Keked at "just Corona"

Thanks user

I hope that wasn't h but did eff user post this stuff?
if so it's the same person
he posted like 3 of these in the thread a while ago and I loved it so i saved it

Hold me" she whispers into my ear as I slowly start to embrace her
She never acted this way before, we've always been close but lately we're connecting in a way I never thought I could
"user, do you love me?" She coos, the words echo like a scream of painful adulation in my mind at the fear of having to tell her
"Spinel, I.. I love you"
She appears shocked at first, like she couldn't believe that I had said it, but I could see in her eyes as the tears welled up that it's what shes been so desperately wanting to hear
As she begins to cry, through the tears I hear her mumble
"I... I love you too user"
I just hope he's okay they were so mean I just hope he's okay

chesee gone?

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Yeah, I really liked most of his stuff. I was always excited to read new content.

I hope he comes back

Afaik taking a week break.

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I did too thwy were so mean to him though that he said something about nevwr hurting again and saying that he was gonna go home and the thread told him to do it and he posted what I screenshotted and disappeared
nobody did anything it just so bad I wanted to help but I couldn't

I hope he went to get help instead of what I fear I rlly liked him
this is one of the only save so got from him and I'm gonna spam it everywhere in his memory until he comes back

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After she fucks me with fiery passion sitting in my lap in the driver's seat with her slim, sexy legs straddling me, she tests her head on my chest, my heavy breathing making it rise and fall. A mixture of her wetness and my come slowly drips from her around me, still inside her, and onto my leather seats. I don't mind. I run my fingers through her hair.

"Take me to bed darling"

I reach to the backseat for our clothes. As I slide out of her the rest of her wetness and my come falls out of her and onto me and my seat. Handing her back her shorts, she rubs the crotch in my face. I take a deep breath in, commiting every detail of the scent to my memory. We get dressed and drive home.

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And here I thought Yas Forums was dead and didn't worth visiting. Thank you for existing.
This nigga did what? Scratch that, did it work for him?


That's just what Yas Forums does.

I really hope he's okay.

I am saving the image and will post in future Spinel threads hoping to see him back.

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You're welcome user

I hope he is too user, I hope he is too

Also, he asked for advice on drugs to trip to meet her. After much discussion, and advice, he settled on DXM and

He said he saw space elves, and they made Spinel for her. He said he still loves her, but it changed his perspective on her. He said he had some trouble watching clips of her, and was a little scared of her.

I apologize if I'm not doing the whole thing justice in my short explaination.

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And here i thought that fanfic universe where Steven is the son of Doomslayer snd Charlie with Star as his sister was peak autism

Rrrrrr jealousy

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someday we will find our spinel jaja

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Fuck, I just re-read this and it's clearer.

I fuckin really hope he didn't. When was this?

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Cartoon Network Brasil jajaja

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yesterday evening. it was wrd, I really hope it was someone troling and not really him, you said he was gonna leave for a week? if so ig we got a week to find out, hopefully he comes back and says it was a big fat larp by another lonely user

I'm afraid my last love might have been my Spinel

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nooooooooooooooooooooo ameeegoooo

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Yeah, in the Yas Forums Spinel thread last night. Probably around 10 or so. No explaination, just said he was going to be gone for a week and took us he wished us the best.

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That's why you keep saying "jajajaja"

I dated a girl from Brazil a long time ago. I would like to go someday.

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I haven't dated in 3 years.
I haven't wanted to in 2 years.

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In Brazil the laugh is: kkkkkkk
in the rest of Latin America it is: jajaja
I'm not from Brazil, but I would still like to travel there
There are beautiful women and lots of fruit, and I want to go see Christ
I am from the North of Mexico

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I understand you friend
Because she took everything from me and filled me with rage and pain

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Just passing through and saw all of this shit, what the fuck is happening? Someone said I fucking killed myself?
Yes, I'm EFF user and SpinelLover and no I never fucking said that.
I'm not dead, that wasn't me.
Sorry for the worry lol? Someone's going around posing as me and he actually convinced some people in /sug/ that I'm dead
I'm just gonna stay TF away from /sug/ I guess.
I'm just really busy, if whoever started this stupid shit is reading this please stop it's getting ridiculous you're literally posting this everywhere and it's making me look bad.

Yes! Glad you're okay!

Connie on her knees is kind of spicy.

Steven should stay with Connie, Spinel is mine.

Thank you user. Ik it's fucked up and was a lie but it warms my heart to know you cared.
Like I said, someone has been trolling HARD because I literally posted that Douglas McArthur thing. then went to bed, woke up, went about my day then came back to Yas Forums to find someone spamming a dude blowing his brains out with my handle(s) attached, started digging and found that someone was posing as me for a solid couple hours in /sug/ then posted what's in that screencap.
Very fucking annoying man. Very annoying. And petty. They hate me there, but I didn't know they'd go THIS far.

yes a little, but lately he has left steven very abandoned and that's horrible

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