Other urls found in this thread:
I'm not giving free drawings to a message board of faggots anymore
Now who’s gay.
Requestin' this girl, entirely nude and hypnotized, coerced into getting fucked and eatenn alive by a large snake.
>She's riding the snake's dick cowgirl style, the snake cumming inside her
>The snake is coils up around her legs; its mouth open ready to swallow her head first
>Her head is inside the snake's mouth as the snake continues to swallow her
>The majority of her body is now inside the snake, only her feet are sticking out of his mouth
>The snake now has a bulging belly from where he swallowed her
>Same as last pic, except it's an x-ray view that shows her inside the stomach
>A 2-day later pic showing the snake with a slightly less bulging belly
>A week later pic showing the snake back to normal, no bulging belly, and with her remains shit out
Snek voore references: imgbox.com
I will tho
>h e h e h e h e
Requesting cleaner linework.
It's Portia Demwiddy.
Fuck off
Requesting this man undressing Luna.
requesting art of this oni boy
Ouch my spine
Hey Fernando do you still jerk off to Arthur OC Porn like a retarded shit skin? Or did you finally realize that you were being a retard?
Fucking pedo creep
Drow a girl transforming into a cute werewolf
I've come to make an announcement, Shadow the Hedgehog is a bitch ass motherfucker he pissed on my fucking wife. That's right, he took his hedgehog fucking quill-y dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife and he said his dick was THIS BIG and I said "That's disgusting." so I'm making a call-out post on my Twitter dot com. Shadow the Hedgehog you got a small dick, it's the size of this walnut except way smaller, and guess what? Here's what my dong looks like. That's right baby, all points, no quills, no pillows, look at that it looks like two balls and a bong! He fucked my wife, so guess what? I'm gonna fuck the Earth! That's right, this is what you get! My super laser piss! Except I'm not gonna piss on the Earth. I'm gonna go higher. I'm pissing on THE MOON! How do you like that Obama? I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT! You have 23 hours until the piss droplets hit the fucking Earth, now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too
Requesting sauce on whoever drew this.
only good thing in this thread
mfw no drawfags, i cri everytime
>mfw no drawfags
thank fuck
Requesting this PachiPuff's quality to be improved & colored. it is a fusion of JigglyPuff and Pachirisu. Draw a new one if you want.
Reference but the JigglyPuff body & ears are pink like a regular JigglyPuff & the cheeks are yellow.
i'm tired
my heart yearns for the one it loves, but does theirs yearn back?
i had a dream. i was laying upon a construction beam, looking towards the everlasting above. my body heavy, glued to the beam stuck to my back. the building is still a work in progress. why am i there? i don't seem to know, nor do i seem to mind.
my eyes close and i begin to hear the sounds of the past. nostalgic sounds. a time once forgotten, yet never to return. i ache for the days that once was. the people that are never to return. would i ever see them again? the beam pressed against my back grows cold. colder than my body heat could fight back. i feel wind against my face. i am going higher.
best cum ever?
would i be elsewhere, had i taken another path? would i regret it? i could never know. time cannot go back, after all.
my eyes are heavy. the wind press against the lids of my eyes, forcing them closed taut. i desire to open them oh so much, yet no matter how much i muster... they stay shut. am i afraid? do i fear what is to come? i still feel my body rising. i still cannot muster myself to move even an inch. if i were to move, what could change? what could be lost? i fear the worst, yet fear my own lack of inaction.
>the wind press against the lid of my cock
the beam begins to warp against the curves of my back. i begin to feel the beam envelop my body. my arms. my legs. were i not to move soon, would i never move again?
tapping begin to sounds beside my ear. tap... tap... tap tap.... tap...
the beam continues warping, creeping across my skin. i can feel every inch of my body begin to grow cold, yet, i do not shiver. i cannot help but imagine what lays beyond my shut eyes. the desire to open them growing stronger, stronger, and ever stronger. was i in the sky? would i see nothingness? had i really moved at all? perhaps it was all in my mind. perhaps if i chose to move, would i fall?
and everything stops.
no longer, do i feel the wind. no longer, do i hear the tapping. no longer, does the beam move. the pressure against my face, lifted. my eyes, free to move. yet, could i move them? could i really, truly, craft a path anew? my mind races. the many possibilities that could occur. failure... loss... yet, i could also gain.
once more, the wind gathers. it bellows besides me, yet moves different than it once did before.
i am falling.
What’s the point of drawthreads with no drawfrags?
Requesting a drawing of a middle aged man with very tired eyes.
Fuck off
I don't think about that I just request.
amidst the wind, i hear warping. as if someone is waving around sheets of plastic. slowly, yet constant. if i do not move now, would i ever? were this to be my final chance, would i regret it? would i accept it? could i accept it?
the beam below once again begins to move, yet at an ever slowing pace. i can feel myself falling ever faster, yet the sensation of the beam makes it feel like an eternity. what once was... cannot be achieved. what was once lost... cannot be brought back.
i need to move.
i need to look forward.
only i can continue, and i alone.
do i fear being along? do i fear those that bring loneliness?
i cannot know.
i could never know.
the sounds begin to grow and bellow.
i can no longer hear the wind, yet i am certain i am still moving.
it is time to move.
it is time for me to continue on.
i fear the unknown, yet i choose to continue.
i cannot turn back, for there is a metal beam against my back.
i open my eyes.
looking forward is all i can do.
i wake up.
It’s the kind of tired only death can satisfy
Thanks for the you dumbass
Based keep it up and you’ll get it done eventually
Fuck off
Good evening, hows everyone's night so far?
Fuck off
Fuck off
Good evening to you too. It's cool, I'm just chillin' and practicing the guitar.
No you fuck off
Fuck off
drow a girl transforming into a bee because of yuri sex
I already drew someone transforming into a bee the other night.
The more (You)s you give me the longer I stay idiot
Pretty good, got WiFi
Fuck off
Wait whaaaaaat. Was it a les-bee-an tho?
Here. Fuck this nigger:
Fuck off
Supposed to be a trans man. I myself am not trans, but I have a few friends that are.
Drow more
Requesting this emo purple boy Selenium.
Everyone with proper brain function, hands and eye are drawfags. Here we can draw Loli/Shota without being banned. Ic's moderation is cancerous as fuck, probably a woman.
Fuck off
Thank you, autism
Requesting her in your style
Love you Kellie
Hi, I'm a darkie that can draw fo' a cotton-pickin' minute.
Fuck off
I think he's drawn already...
Skeletor poster here again, but this time I want him to indulge upon Chinese fried rice, don’t question why just do it
Fuck off
>I think he's drawn already...
Wait really or was it a different character?
I just meant your request is very vague