why are people religious? never understood it? for me its like people telling me 2+2=7 but there has to be some reason enlighten me?
Why are people religious? never understood it...
I've met many Gods through Ketamine. Just because you haven't seen any doesn't mean they're not about.
religion is necessary
Them and round earthers. I mean wtf?
Religion is an expression of culture that originates at the genetic level.
The tribal cohesion that results from this expression increases the tribes success.
This is why Christianity and Islam is overwhelmingly successfull when compared to atheism
And here you are.
Every person has their own unique experiences that form their belief system and perception of the world. I think every human has their own interpretation of the nature of existence and that’s just one way some people choose to look at it in.
Fear of death. It's also a stay-out-of-hell card and eternal life membership. So they say...
Autism and lack of education.
Indoctrination from an early age.
it's just human nature, the same reason culture exists. we're just coping with our mortality
>for me its like people telling me 2+2=7
how exactly do religious doctrines remind you of bad math?
not him but im guessing a billion contradicting suppositions backed up with zero proof; in fact all proof points towards the opposite
People telling you how things really are is bad math now?
Careful with this religion stuff. Everyone needs to be real careful with it.
both is illogical
Religion is the human solution to lack of objective purpose.
If you accept religion as true then you're also accepting that your life has purpose bigger than whatever goal you want to achieve, therefor you're less likely to feel void if no personal goal fills you.
Basically, religion makes people feel better about life.
I also think religion is a evolutionary tool that humans have unlocked is completely biological, driven by our biological need to worship a god (any god).
Sometimes coincidental, sometimes on purpose, humans created religions that helped them survive for hundreds of thousands of years as a conglomeration of tribal rules.
IMO unfortunately (but also luckily) religion is a very useful and powerful tool to maintaining a healthy society, specially for the lower classes, and the weak minded, the people suffering more often, etc.
2+2 is 5 moron
A lot of people can't deal with their own mortality and/or find themselves emotionally attached to a religion. I don't really "get it" either, it's pretty obviously all bullshit.
Oh the science vs religion debate.
I almost miss that one.
I test everything at all times and I still believe.
You're full of shit. If it was a biological need, then there wouldn't be such a thing as atheists.
Religion is for weak willed simpletons who are too cowardly to accept that life has no ultimate purpose; there is no God, there is no lord and savior, there is no life eternal.
Let alone the fact that belief in such things creates a tribalism so vituperous that God has been the number one cause of Death for the entire history of humanity. Billions of dead mother fuckers, all dead because they didn't bow down to the same invisible friend that the other guy did.
Fuck you and fuck religion. One day we will be free of Gods, and all the better for it.
Problem of evil?????????????????????????
Others have covered this.
Whats my excuse for God letting things be? Hes more like us than he cares to admit.
What do you care? Why does it bother you so much? If it gives someone comfort, why the fuck does it bother you so much? How about you mind your own business, and quit being such a bitch boy?
Instead of being angry all the time, next time read carefully what you're replying too. They actually touched upon a few things you mentioned in.
Gods a scientist too? Never would've thought.
You're most probably afraid to not believe. What is with the four minute captchas?
It's a handy population control tool.
Exploit people's fears and insecurities for money and power.
Twat. Quit being such a pussy.
some people are extremely desperate for relief from their suffering and religion is a last ditch effort for a good life for them
You niggers have never seen an innocent man set on fire and burned to death because he didn't kowtow to an invisible man in the sky.
I have.
Whether its a meme that protects me from unfortunate states or whether my belief in higher powers is something desired by said higher powers, it doesn't really matter.
Anthropologically speaking, there's many reasons.
A. The first civilizations were built around places of worship. Religion served as an ideal way to unify small agrarian family groups in the late Mesolithic period.
B. It served as an early prototype of metaphysics laying the groundwork for natural philosophy and eventually science.
C. It currently works as a weighted blanked for non-existentialist cucks who cant sleep at night knowing that nothing awaits them in the afterlife.
Religion provides a system of ethics for communities. When people need an answer to an impossible question (why do we exist, what is my purpose, what happens when we die, etc), they can turn to religion. Religion comforts people. It helps make life bearable. Overly religious people and organized religion are what ruin religion.
Maybe they have experienced something you haven't.
That worked really well for the Soviets right?
Banning religion in the USSR only meant they now bow down to their government and to Stalin.
There is an obvious biological need to worship a god, people have being doing that since humans exists, even before the concept of civilization, humans tried to create gods to worship.
Some people can live knowing there is no way to determine if there is or there isn't an objective purpose, but the majority clearly do not, that drives them to find purpose in religion and other ritualistic modern trends.
And this will probably never change, and if it does, it will take a fucking eternity.
Is much better to reform religion to make it more ethical and healthy, instead of rejecting it because the majority are never going to chose that path.
Yea and fuck you too, brainlet.
Your inability to be pragmatical is why we have religion in the first place, immature people, irresponsible people like you, will always exist.
Waking up in the morning and facing another day of this debate is proof that I'm already in hell.
I'm not saying they're wrong, I'm saying that person (or possibly you if you're that person) were too angry to write a proper response. The rant looks like impotent rage.
Great post! Wubba lubba dub dub!
"How things really are"
Are you fucking retarded?
This .
I think everyone as a reason to believe in god.
some people need the religion to excuse their awful act. Some are desperately escape the sad reality that the universe is chaotic, we have no reason to be here and some people are sad about it, religion is a way for them to carry on.
religion also is the best manipulation tool of the world, if you don't do what I tell you to you'll suffer in hell for eternity.pretty effective right?
Anyway I recommend you to read about the anthropic principal, it is pretty cool.
anyway I want to believe that we have a purpose here but I struggle with it.
* eng bad I'm French
That is not an apt comparison, because the soviets sought to install their own leader as a god-like figure. Also see North Korea.
There has never been a truly, fully atheist nation in the world to draw a comparison from.
your English is fine
>French Canadian
Why ?
Give it time.. Religions worst nightmare is education.
Imagine all your life you were told 2+2=7 and if you said it over and over again you would eventually be rewarded for all of time.
Oh, and some people say 2+2=8, others 2+2=6, some even claim there’s no evidence 2+2 has an answer. These people are to be hated because they are not like you and therefore go against everything you stand for.
>Hallucinates on a dissociative
>Interprets then as gods
>Ok Boomer
t the most fundamental level, reality is pure mathematics. universe can be considered any mathematical space that supports overlapping fields, with each field supporting excitation and labeling of excitation (en.wikipedia.org
God (the universe) is all that exists, and we are merely extensions of Him. He is 8 dimensional and self-creating, as represented mathematically by the self-symmetrizing exceptional simple Lie group E8 (en.wikipedia.org
Light (photon) is the fundamental means through which information is conveyed. This is represented at the smallest scale (singularity) as a bit (1 or 0) or in simpler terms: either a particular degree of freedom is in a state of excitation, or it's not. The "Big Bang" is the infinitesimal state of the universe, or of God. Initially, only one bit of excitation, then two, then three, and so on. Bits of information can mimic or reflect neighboring bits in the same mathematical space, this presents itself in physics as quantum entanglement (en.wikipedia.org
Over time, the universe grew more and more complex (more information) which we define as entropy. Information naturally clustered together based on apparent "correctness" of neighboring information (gravity). This clustering allows for abstraction and language. If a bunch of excitation clusters together into a particular pattern that is recognizable (as simple as an atom or as complex as a planet), then you can use a new word to label this pattern such that it's easier to convey the information about that pattern. Instead of describing every single piece of excitation that constitutes a planet, I can just say the word: "planet." Then, you perform the abstraction in your mind. This allows us to communicate and to evolve in intelligence; intelligence being your ability to think in abstractions.
Consciousness is just awareness of information, and in that way, even seemingly inanimate objects are conscious in a rudimentary way (simple boolean algebra, true false awareness). In a more complex entanglement, you get single celled organisms, multi celled organisms, simple forms of life, and ultimately primates and humans.
God the universe exists in a state of totality (as God the infinite) and a state of individuality (as God the infinitesimal) simultaneously in superposition. Evolution of information is God quite literally "building Himself."
A human being is an extraordinarily complex entangled set of excitation along many degrees of freedom (fields). You can think of your being as a well coordinated "dance" of information. You are consciously aware of neighboring information just as fundamental particles are, but on a much more grand scale of abstraction.
Free will is the natural "marching" forward of evolution and the branching of decisions made at each step of the march.
>ignorant atheists
what was once a contradiction in terms has become the new cancer
>wHy ShOUlD i bE tOlERanT of ReliGIOn???
we just spent hundreds upon hundreds of years convincing religious people to tolerate us and each other and you pull up with this shit like a dumb kid. meanwhile the only intolerant atheists in history were commies planning for worship of the state to replace religious thought and create insular, nationalist thinking that benefits them as a dictator and nothing else. that didn't fucking help our image, either.
read a book nigger
We as conscious beings in the universe (analogous to "fingers of God poking around figuring themselves out") have free will in the sense that we must decide which patterns of excitation to love or to fear and in this sense we align with those patterns. Patterns of behavior that ultimately lead towards God (and subsequent self-creation) are good. Patterns of behavior that ultimately lead towards non-God or Satan (and subsequent non-creation) are evil.
Aggregations of consciousness will form cultures and these cultures develop belief systems (political, religious) that contribute to morality. Morality is perceived "correctness" and drives the decisions you make through the march of evolution (currently through the dimension of time).
The universe forms many different overlapping (and conflicting) definitions of the true path forward (towards self-creation). You only ever have a certain level of confidence that a particular decision is correct, and that confidence is influenced by how many neighboring entities (conscious beings) agree with your decision. It's relative.
This ever-evolving pursuit of self-understanding and subsequent self-creation is what the universe is, and always will be (God).
Many of these ideas are present across all religions.
Sin As Novelty
Since different sub-beings of God (humans) can evolve at different speeds which manifests itself as intelligence, it's important that novelty is consumed with consideration.
If the only thing that mattered was the evolution itself (change) or the pursuit of novel information and experience, then we would sail away from our past too quickly, and we would leave our elders behind.
If the only thing that mattered was preservation of the past (no change), then we would never evolve in intelligence or consciousness, and therefore would never become God and would never subsequently self-create.
Therefore, you must have both evolution (change) and preservation (tradition). This is the construct of sin. It's to be wary of newness because to accept newness with complete disregard of what already exists (the present) is to disregard the past. We must continue to grow and evolve while maintaining respect and love for where we came from -- our ancestors.
In this way, both the will to exist and the fear of non-existence are necessary (1 state, 0 state). Just like you cannot define a wave without both a crest and a trough, a hill and a valley.
Thinking of calculus, examine the underpinning concept of the limit. That is, you can treat an infinite series as a finite mathematical object through approximation. An example: the limit as x approaches infinity of the equation 1/x can be treated as 0. You start with 1/1, then 1/2, then 1/3, getting smaller and smaller, but obviously you never reach infinity. You can "summarize" this neverending decrease in size as being ultimately equivalent to zero.
Similarly, the limit as time approaches infinity is that both novelty and intelligence would also approach infinity. To treat the result as a single mathematical object would be something of infinite intelligence and infinite understanding. And with infinite understanding, you can create anything, even yourself.
Thus, God is the never-reachable infinite state of evolution while simultaneously, in superposition being the individual finite constituents and building blocks of that state.
Experientially, the individual (the Self) never becomes God (the group/collective). But over an infinite evolution, can be considered to have become one (God).
This is completely compatible with modern physics and most religions. It has overlapping philosophy with Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, etc.
You are the universe building itself. You're God.