Does anyone else here fucking HATE dogs? I am fucking vegan. I am fucking vegan and i want every dog dead...

Does anyone else here fucking HATE dogs? I am fucking vegan. I am fucking vegan and i want every dog dead. I am fucking vegan and every day i think about laying out poisoned food and killing every dog around me

>neighbors are dipshits
>every single neighbor is a hillbilly with loud dogs
>they ALL fucking neglect them 24/7
>every single fucking time literally 100% of the time literally every singe fucking time i go in my backyard
>dip shit dogs sit thee and stare at me and bark as loud as they can for literally hours straight
>have MORE neighbors with dogs
>they fucking bark right outside my window
>hear the SAME fucking barking pattern for hours
>go on a walk late at night
>literally hear a fucking dog every other house i walk by
>literaly heard 30 dogs on a short 20 minute walk
>walking in the dark
>every time i go by a house i hear a fucking pissed off angry dog i cant see
>walking down the road
>some fucking moron mutt just fucking walks up to me like thats ok charges at me
>dogs fucking trying to attack me trying to break their neck just because Im walking down the road nowhere near me
>in the fucking dark so i cant see them fucking angry menacing piles of shit
>my neighbors dogs used to bark at 6 am, 3 am, 12 am, 12 pm, all day, all night every single fucking hour every 15 minutes of the day and night
>fucking heart jumping out of my chest every 15 seconds becuase this fucking dip shit dog is sitting outside my window just fucking bark at the air


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You hate the one animal that co evolved with humans? They gave up their ability to hunt to look cute.

Reference needed

I love dogs. It's cats I can't fucking stand. Stupid fucking animals. ALL CATS ARE CUNTS!! Also, vegans are fucking stupid. Kill yourself, faggot.

i need to correct you: you are a massive faggot

Who shit in your coffee this moring?

Where do you live?

simple wikipedia search would tell you faggot

I agree. All dogs are is a massive fucking inconvenience to their owner and everyone around them. They CONSTANTLY make noise and beg for unwanted attention. Ive been thinking about buying xylotol online and poisoning our family dog due to the fact that hes become old, senile and incontinent. All it does is bark at everyone and shit all over the floor but family doesnt have the balls to put it out of its misery.

Only terrible people hate dogs. Dogs can tell you're a terrible person, that's why they pester you so much.

Writing style is that of the "woe is me God won't let me leave my small town because I'm on probation for being black" shit poster. Stop being a nigger and the redneck dogs will stop barking at you. Nig NigNigNigNig Niiiiiiiigerrrr is what they're all saying.

That's because you are a little bitch and have failed at life. No matter what dumb shit you respond with, go kys

Im just sick of the dog worship culture that america has. i dont hate all dogs to the point of death. I just think of them as inconveniences to their owner and others when kept as a pet.

Dogs are annoying they always bark at me when I am lurking around at night.
Their owners can't see me hiding up in the trees.
But the dogs can see me.
Sometimes I ponder if I should end them.
Their loud noises risk giving my presence away.
But instead I just mark their location and move on.

Hi Gav

Reference: MUH DOG. MUH PUP.

Dogs should not be allowed to live near people. Farms only. They should be forced to go through rigorous training to unlearn all bad behavior. Dogs are the LOUDEST noise pollution in any neighborhood. There is nothing louder than fucking dogs. It is literally like some fucking retard standing outside of your window with a mega phone every day. EVERY day.

They do not have brains. They just think OOH FOOD WOOF PET WOOF FOOD BARKARBKARBKARBKARKAKRABRKAR WOOF. They do not deserve to annoy people because they are too stupid. Any creature that causes a disturbance every single fucking day because they cant comprehend anything but staring at the sky and making a loud noise all day does not deserve life

>hate black people for being loud and uneducated

Women should not be allowed to own dogs because they are too week to stop them from attacking Children and other peoples Dogs and Cats. They also can't train them because females can't dominate shit. Also I agree I hear dogs outside in backyards barking all the fucking time. I shit you not I've been awake at one in the morning and I still hear those niggers barking to each other. For fucks sake at least take your dog inside at night so people don't have to hear that shit at night too.

Attached: 2 Dogs 1 Cat.webm (1080x520, 1.31M)

>Has ability to undergo rigorous training to learn things
>They do not have brains.

You really need to sort yourself out there bud. K?

>30 years old
>mom is animal crazy
>cant complain since it's her house and she's lending me money while I don't work to focus on studying
>sister got a dog years ago to be cool on the internet. She never bought it ONE GRAM of food of cleaned his shit once
>retarded dog is old and pees all over the house all the time
>retarded old dog always hitting stuff cuz he cant see
>stupid aunt left house (neighbour right aside my house) years ago and makes sure to rent her house to dog owners all the time
>over 10 years, 3 owners with VERY annoying dogs have lived there
>one more annoying than the other
>current owner's dogs bark all the time, except when she's home (only 21:00-07:00)
>I could wake up anytime I want since i only study, but I'm forced to wake up before 7 am because fucking dogs barking right aside my room EVERYDAY
>loud af truck shop aside my house
>loud af church in front of my house
>TODAY neighbour's son came to me and told me he's gonna put his dogs in his mom's too
>his dogs are much louder than her mom's and bark ANYTIME even in deep night
>these dogs literally make the walls shake with their bark from hell
>cant kill them because I poisoned two of the previous people who were there, making them move. Now I'm highly suspicious
>studying for police, if they report me I'll never get accepted
>son's dogs aren't there yet, I expect HELL when they are. probably will be there tomorrow already
>already argued once with them because of this shit after waking up at 5 am on sunday. MY MOM LATER APOLOGIZED CRYING TO HER

I HATE DOGS. It's incredibly easy to educate them to stop being annoying but owners choose not to do so on purpose

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You should kill yourself

>I am fucking vegan
You're a faggot.

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>he actually killed them

You actually did it. You crazy son of a bitch you actually did it.

I tried killing my neighbors dogs i put aspirin inside some peanut butter and threw it over there but they didnt die

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I aggree, fuck dogs, but fuck the weak ass soy consuming owners who can't control their fucking mini satans, when your dog can drag you because you are such a fucking weak psuedo human, go hit the gym first and grow a spine fucking dog fuckers


>I am fucking vegan
That's how I knew this was a shit post

These hillbillies are just massive fucking morons. Oh LOOK at that gosh dang good ol dog over there ahyuk ahyuk

Alright I’m bored of it I’m just gonna chain it up outside for 20 years straight now

Sounds like you live in the south. just move.

i feel your pain, OP. Why don't dog owners teach their dogs to not bark? Why don't they have the common decency to get a shock-collar if they're too lazy to discipline their dogs themselves? You have a right to enjoy your house and property without a dog barking at you. You may have legal recourse, and you should calmly and politely discuss this situation with your local Animal Control officer.

A dog, evidently

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Everyone LARPs on this shitty website but I swear I am not. I'm not proud of what I did, dude. But I got 0 shame. Never told one single person about this irl. Since I never told anyone about this irl and don't recall ever talking about it on the internet, perhaps you faggots will enjoy this or get mad to the point of want to stalk me
I think I need to put this out, so fuck it.

>2 years ago
>very loud neighbours
>couple with 3 kids
>kids playing and screaming all the time
>when they used to do so right aside my window, i put porn on tv real loud with window open
>they decided to get a fucking dog. the typical very cute pup even people who hate dogs would find cute
>I decided to be patient and don't complain about it to nobody and pretend it's not bothering me
>Hopefully it will stop
>It doesn't. I'm awaken deep in the night (2am, 3am) as a norm then.
>Heart racing all the time due to shitty sleep
>Bought poison
>one night it woke me up
>don't know what to do
>3 am, completely clueless, planless but with rat poison
>house is in the same terrain as mine
>easy to jump over, I do so
>got dog, it's fucking cute. I'm hesitant, but decided this has to stop
>I try to kill it by strangling. It cries as soon as I start it
>this will not end well, I'll go to prison or something. Perhaps even get killed since I'm in their territory...

Well I've written a lot. Let me know if anyone is interested so I can keep going. Not a larp, but I guess there's no way to prove it

Dogs can sense evil.

It's you isn't it, you fucking nigger cursed by God stuck in your small town mother fucker

Medium quality bait

You’re no better if you’re too dumb to understand that the blame lies with the rednecks not the dogs. Killing the dogs isn’t going to do shit. Rednecks will just get new dogs and treat them the same way. Nothing will have changed except you becoming a huge piece of shit too.

Kill the neighbours, not the dogs. It's their fault that the dogs are like that. If you treat dogs properly the don't do this.

Thought you'd be interested in this but nobody is. Maybe it's a sign I should keep this shit private even on the internet. I'll be leaving to try to study in a few minutes and don't think I'll be in the mood to tell this story

No man i commend you on killing dogs more than you will ever know. I actually want to write a guide on killing dogs so more people go out and kill dogs. The less the better.

>have this fat senile old lady move in next door
>every fucking day she lets this angry fucking mut cock sucker out at 6 am
>wakes me up an hour early for school EVERY DAY
>already have insomnia so i cant sleep at night
>there is a hole in the fence
>literally EVERY FUCKING DAY at 6 am this fucking retarded mut sticks its ugly brain dead snout through that hole in the fence and just viciously fucking bark all day long
>tried studying for a final
>every single fucking time that dog barks
>she marries some redneck next door
>they move in together
>build a fence right next to the road
>get more and more loud barking dogs
>every time i walk by fucking dog walks up and charges at me
>they give up altogether
>literally leave it outside all day all night
>literally barks every 15 minutes every hour every day
>THEY ACTAULLY get pissed and offended that someone reported them
>they finally shut up
>literally every time i go in my own backyard they just sit there and bark
>the one time i go outside and they are not there
>I just hear fucking chains rattling and some redneck idiot
>hes tying up the dogs
>they just sit there and bark at me for hours
>go on a bike ride
>fucking dog chases me
>go for a walk
>dogs fucking charge at me and bark

Does anyone else here fucking HATE incels? I am fucking vegan. I am fucking vegan and i want every incel dead. I am fucking vegan and every day i think about laying out poisoned food and killing every incel around me

>neighbors are dipshits
>every single neighbor is a hillbilly with loud incels
>they ALL fucking neglect them 24/7
>every single fucking time literally 100% of the time literally every singe fucking time i go in my backyard
>dip shit incels sit thee and stare at me and REEEEE as loud as they can for literally hours straight
>have MORE neighbors with incels
>they fucking REEEEE right outside my window
>hear the SAME fucking REEEEing pattern for hours
>go on a walk late at night
>literally hear a fucking incel every other house i walk by
>literaly heard 30 incels on a short 20 minute walk
>walking in the dark
>every time i go by a house i hear a fucking pissed off angry incel i cant see
>walking down the road
>some fucking moron incel just fucking walks up to me like thats ok charges at me
>incel fucking trying to attack me trying to break their neck just because Im walking down the road nowhere near me
>in the fucking dark so i cant see them fucking angry menacing piles of shit
>my neighbors incels used to REEEE at 6 am, 3 am, 12 am, 12 pm, all day, all night every single fucking hour every 15 minutes of the day and night
>fucking heart jumping out of my chest every 15 seconds becuase this fucking dip shit incel is sitting outside my window just fucking REEEE at the air


kill all dogs

I'd rather every single vegan on earth die of dysentery than one dog.


similar experience i fucking hate dogs

You misspelled retard as v e g a n.

Eat some meat, you pussy.

Well you guys are all a bunch of fags for not giving a shit about my history but I'll finish it anyway

>Shove rat poison down dog's mouth
>Now there's no going back
>Instead of running the fuck out, I stand there like an idiot waiting
>Dog starts pooping
>Don't know what to do
>Luckly had the best idea ever, decided to throw it away in a factory aside the house
>fucking LOUD sound when it hits the ground even tho it's a small pup. wasn't expecting that
>clean shit out of floor with my shirt and get the fuck out of there in seconds with my legs shaking
>next day, neighbours ask me if I know what happened because they think their dog got stolen
>I was sure it'd be bad for me, but luckly ABSOLUTELY nothing happened they just assumed it got stolen and even found "traces of the thief in the house" top kek
>Killed it as well. Won't tell how because nobody was interested on me here. I'll only tell this time I didn't hide the body and they moved the same week.

Which good method do you have? Rat poison is not a good method. I don't wanna be caught. This guy is sort retarded and I'm afraid he might do something such as keying my car or some shit like that. That if they don't sue me or report to police either.
I'm thinking of mercury. This should slowly kill them and undetected. I want a detectless method that would make it as close to natural death as possible. After I join police and leave my mom's house I'll poison EVERY fucking dog that annoys me. Fuck them and their owners. Too bad homicide is actually presecuted here in my shitty country, unlike animal killing cuz i'd much rather kill the owners than the dogs.

You guys are both fucked in the head AND one of you is trying to become a cop? That's a shitty story. Buy some earplugs you big fucking pussies. I'd suggest talking to your neighbors but clearly you are not man enough to do that or else you already would have.

Wow I’m op and that makes me sad. The puppy dying :’(. These ones are loud ass vicious big as fuck monsters.

Probably the best idea would be was up a big ball of peanut butter and fill it up with poison and then attach it to something you can throw and just throw it as far as you can far away like a baseball across their fence

Dogs will instantly eat peanut butter and it’s so easy

I use earplugs EVERY night asshole. Their bark is so loud and constant it wakes me up anyway You're lucky you don't have a fucking dog disturbing a LIVING NEED for you. That if you're not a stupid dog owner yourself. I'm the one who killed the dog and will be a policeman soon.

Oh it’s my job to walk over in the cold and say hey dude your loud dog that you neglect next to 20 peoples houses is loud as fuck

I cant even use ear plugs I have this thing in my ear that hurts like fuck when I do and I can’t sleep with them in all I hear is my brain and ears ringing

>>neighbors are dipshits

I mean, what you hate is actually your neighbors

Maybe if you ate some actual whole protein animal sources, and not half assed bits of protein from vegetable sources, then your brain would get the nutrition required to understand that, vegan poc

OP you are just around the low IQ population who are terrible at taking care of animals. If you ever manage to escape your shitty life and move up economically you will encounter people who are great pet owners. Get working on your life scrub

Yeah I know it’s fucking miserable. I couldn’t believe it when i went for a walk and there was literally 30 fucking dogs in a .5 mile walk all chained up at night barking.

Every direction I walk in there’s dogs.

Like I said, I'm not proud of it but it had to be fucking done!! I'm not ashamed!!
I killed another dog of theirs a few months later, too. They moved but a new neighbour with stupid dogs moved in too. And now the neighbour's sons dogs are going to be there too, because he said his wife will give birth. So she can't be bothered with THEIR dogs so I have to. I think I'll have to kill again because son's dogs are much louder and bark even deep in the night. Hopefully I'm not wrong and it doesn't turn out to be such a nightmare. I'll know soon.

Your idea didn't helped dude. That's the easy method. I can do that easily. I want a way that they could die slowly as if they got some disease. I wish the chinese could invent coronadog fucking virus. I'm thinking of embedding mercury into meat and throwing it to them, since this would give a slow death over the course of weeks or even months.

My neighbor behind me is like this. Fucking mitt outside 24/7, does nothing but bark all day and night.

OP, get a paintball gun. Search Google for pepper spray balls and "skunk" balls. Blast neighbors dog with them

Earplugs hurt me too but I got used to it. Still hurts and the next day my jaw hurts all day. But hey at least fucking doggo owners of Yas Forums are happy!

Maybe try moving out of the suburbs

Sounds like you don't hate the dogs but you hate the dipshits who own them, which is normal.

Yeah we are literally cursed by dogs. Have you tried calling animal control? My animal control guy said he would drive out right now when i called and talk to them and got their address. Didn’t ask my name didnt ask my address didnt ask who I was just went straight to the house.

There’s also those silent dog barking things where you just hang it up somewhere and every time a dog barks it activates and it makes a high pitched noise no one hears and then the dog learns to stop barking

What YOURE looking for is the parvo disease. I have no fucking clue where you get it but it doesnt affect humans and it fucking kills ALL dogs within a short distance. No questions asked. Fucking kills them. I watched this redneck out here try to breed dogs and he contracted that nasty parvo shit. No matter WHAT HE DID every single fucking dog that went near that house fucking died. I was sitting there one day smoking weed and then his dog randomly fell over and just shit a giant pile of blood and died right in front of us.

Every single time he brought a dog into that house it died again. It immediately caught the disease and died right after. They literally went through the house and cleaned every single square inch with bleach and a mop. still every dog that got brought near that house died right after and caught that disease.

If you could infect their house with parvo you would never hear a fucking dog again. As soon as they bring a new dog into the house it dies. If they get another dog is died. If they clean the house and get more dogs. It will die again. No matter what they do they will never be allowed to own a dog again.

No i kinda hate dogs too cause its like how can you be so stupid that literally the only thing you do is look up at the sky with a totally blank brain and just sit there and bark. Every single time someone walks by minding their business you fucking bark and freak the fuck out. I could understand maybe the first ONE HUNDRED TIMES someone walks by. But maybe after 800 people walk by your house and none of them ever bother you, or come near your house, or pay attention to you, or even look in your direction its safe to say you dont have to fucking bark like a fucking moron.